Time Management Guidelines

Always put your schedule in writing. Do not expect yourself to remember every detail of your schedule during a normal, hectic day.

When scheduling activities, never forget to keep your focus on the objectives you are trying to accomplish.

Keep your daily schedule of activities in front of you at all times. Continually reviewing objectives, priorities and scheduled actions will keep you on tack.

When scheduling, try to group related items and actions.

Don’t hesitate to take larger blocks of time for important tasks. Make yourself unavailable for some period of time during the day to work on homework, Hall Council/ House cabinet responsibilities and other important tasks.

Be sure to allow yourself a realistic amount of time to complete a task.

Build in flexibility for the unexpected events. You cannot anticipate or control everything.

Include some planning time for yourself every day.

Make travel and waiting time productive!

Try to schedule your work load around times in the day that you are at your best.

Be S.M.A.R.T. about setting goals:

Specific- pin-point your area of interest

Measurable- able to track progress towards your goal

Attainable-make sure that you are able to reach your goal

Realistic- set goals that you have the resources to reach

Timed- set a date or time for achievement of goals

What is Time Management?

Time Management is making the best use of your time.

Time Management is:

 Having a System for helping you meet your goals.

Knowing practical tips for using your time effectively.

Knowing how to succeed when facing stumbling blocks or procrastination.

Knowing yourself! Know your habits, goals, and times during the day when you are most productive.

Overall Time Management is Managing Yourself! It is a way to be happier, more effective, and more successful.

How to deal with Procrastination

Procrastination is a serious problem that effects time management and is one of the worst enemies of success.

Here are some ways to overcome it:

Acknowledge the problem.

Admit that you are stuck and that you need to get moving!

Break up the task.

Divide the work into smaller tasks.

Just Do It!

Start with the easiest part of the job and work on it for 15 to 30 minutes. At the end of the 30 minutes you can stop and move to another part of the job or keep going.

Motivate yourself!

  • Tell yourself how great you will feel once the job has been completed.
  • Promise yourself a Reward:

Go out and celebrate…do something nice for yourself!

Make time for friends/partners after the work is complete

Time Management Tips!

Learn to Schedule

Scheduling allows you to pick the best times to work and play. It puts you in charge of your time. Successful people know this…and take time to plan!

How to Schedule:

Use a planning guide- Purchase a weekly guide to schedule key events, projects, and deadlines.

Divide and conquer- Make your work manageable. Divide large tasks into several smaller parts and complete one part at a time.

Focus on goals- Don’t lose sight of your larger goals! Know the big picture.

Why is Managing Time So Important?

Managing Time is important because time management is a tool you need to succeed-in work, school and beyond.

Time Management enables you to:

Achieve More

Have More Free Time

Lead a Balanced Life

Meet Deadlines

Know Your Peak Times

You probably enjoy certain parts of the day when you’re at your best. Which are yours?

High-Energy TimesLow-Energy Times

The time of day: I The time of day: I

-have the most energy-fade quickly

-feel the most productive-have the least energy

-think most clearly-feel least alert

That time of Day is ______That time of Day is______

Control Interruptions

Interruptions can eat up massive chunks of time. Drop-in visitors, noise, telephone calls, text messages and other interruptions you create for the sake of distraction.

They can all be controlled if you:

  • Have you own study place
  • Learn to say “NO”
  • Schedule social time
  • Control Distractions.

Make your Time work for you!

Don’t procrastinate!

Set your priorities.

Take personal time.

Use lists and make yourself notes.

Keep a personal diary or calendar of things you have to do.

If you don’t want to do something, don’t do it! Don’t overcommit!

Use wait and travel time.

Don’t cram.

Tackle difficult subjects first.

Avoid perfectionism when not called for.

Know your plan.

Know your instructions.

Remember that you are #1! Take care of yourself!

Learn, practice and use as needed these important phrases:


I cant tonight, but maybe some other time.

Let me check my schedule and get back to you?

I would love to help you, but I am not able to take on that responsibility right now.

Could you help me out with this project?