LCDC Sub-CommitteeEmployment and Enterprise.

26th February 2014

Update Progress Report


To produce a report with recommendations will be formulated and submitted to the LCDC by the end of June 2014.The Sub-Committee will seeking to put forward the 10 Best recommendations in each Employment and Enterprise to be identified. The report should be no longer than 20 Pages with appendix if necessary.

The report should include the following:

  • A summary of good practice and initiatives/innovation already in place.
  • Weakness in the system at present.
  • The opportunities that exist
  • The issues and strategies that this Dublin City Local Community Development Committee should pursue.

Sub Committee Members:

*Greg Swift, DCEB and Chair LCDC Sub Com / *Patrick King, DCOC
*Cllr Gerry Breen, DCC Councillor / *Ciaran Moore, DCTV
*David Brennan, DCBA / *Ciaran Ried, CEO, Ballymun Partnership
*Bernie Doherty, LCDC, Chief Officer, DCC / Robert Finnan, Larkin Center
*Cllr Mannix Flynn, DCC Councillor / John Kearns, Partas #
Jim Hargis, LES / Billy Hicks, DSP
Evanne Kilmurray, CEO. ICE

*LCDC Committee Members

#John Kearns is contracted to record the meetings and a produce a report at the end of the meetings.


So far the Sub-Committee have met twice so far. The committee is currently looking at two tasksEmployment, Mapping services that exist; New services coming; Organisations and agencies providing services and Enterprise, Mapping services that exist; New services coming; Organisations and agencies providing services. Both areas are very diverse and it is difficult to get focus but some progress is being made. Department of Social Protection presented to the group at the last meeting. This is a huge area with a lot of activities going throughout Dublin City. The Sub-Committee will have decide what the main issues are and what it wishes to highlight as they see them within the time constraints.

Issues that have been raised:

-The definition that the LCDC would like the group to work on needs to be defined. The current definition is: ‘Enterprise that relates to the social economy and social enterprise.’

-A request to look at the DCC’s current activities in relation to how it engages with Enterprises and propose changes.

Meetings & Timing / Mar-26 / Apr-30 / May-28 / Jun-25
Meetings take place last Wednesday of each Month from 8.30 am until 11.30 in DCC offices

Greg Swift, Sub Committee Chair