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01273 541177

No. 495 January 2016

A Happy New Year to all our readers! May we all prosper and keep the deluge from our doors!

Toads Hole Valley(THV)

It was in 2012 that Brighton & Hove City Council issued the Draft City Plan, Part 1, which included its intention to develop the 91 acres of THV. We vigorously opposed the aim to build a mixed-use development of more than 700 homes, a business park, a new secondary school, shops and cafes, a community facility and a minimal food growing space, as we considered that the local infrastructure could not support such an undertaking.

Since then, the Council has reduced the specified building quality standards, had second thoughts on provision of the school, sought to increase the number of homes, indicated the shelving of George VI Avenue revamp, and confirmed that THV is the Council’s main plank to deliver the Government’s new housing target for Brighton and Hove.

A number of GVRA members have asked to be updated on THV. The current situation is that we await the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) from the Council which will detail the type, scope and quality of the proposed buildings and put ‘flesh on the bones’ as it were. This document gets down to the “nitty gritty” and it is used by the Council to give detailed guidance to planning applicants and landowners on its policies and standards.

The first stage in the production of the SPD includes the production of an “Issues and Options Paper” to inform public opinion in advance of a public consultation, which ensures everyone has a chance to comment on the Council’s guidance. The Council needs permission (which was expected this month) from Brighton & Hove’s Economic Development and Culture Committee for permission to go to consultation but this has been deferred to March 2016.



We are told that the reasons for deferment include the present budget restrictions on consultation spending in this financial year and the need to focus staff resources on supporting the Development Management team to reduce the current backlog of planning applications.

The public consultation exercise is a particularly important step in the production of the SPD. If you have an opinion on THV, please watch out for details of the public meetings.

Have you heard of the Hove Stroke Club?

Go along to Bishop Hannington Church, Nevill Avenue, on Fridays between 2 pm - 4 pm, to discuss problems and get advice from people who are similarly affected. Tea, cakes, chat, laughter and raffles, all ages welcome. Transport can be arranged within three miles of the church for a small charge. For information contact Anne 01273 731636, Freda 01273 326400 or Daail 07763 206091.

Stammering Support Group

Would you like to meet adults who stammer and who provide a support group for adult stammerers? The meetings are an opportunity to give everyone a comfortable and confidential space to talk about their stammer and receive support from other group members They meet on the first Tuesday of every month, from 7 pm - 9 pm at St. Richard’s Church and Community Centre in Egmont Road, Hove (junction with Bellingham Crescent). Sorry, no phone number but information is at

Crime figures

At the last Committee meeting, Graham Older, our Community Support Officer, advised us of a worrying increase in burglaries, vehicle crime and fraud during the last few months of 2105. The burglaries had happened mainly overnight, via rear windows or patio doors. Vehicles had been left insecure or with valuables left in plain sight, resulting in smashed windows to gain access.

The fraud cases have all involved scams by email or letter.

Residents should take precautions by ensuring that premises are well lit. Vehicles should always be left secure with valuables taken indoors or locked away. Any correspondence, or contact, seeking money as an administration charge for supposed lottery wins, or other prizes, should be ignored. Advise the police by text at or on the non-urgent phone number 101.

I still have a few copies of the police publication, “The Little Book of Big Scams”, which gives invaluable information on scam recognition and what to do if you are targeted (see later GVRA Contacts for contact details).

An alternative view

Following an article in the November news sheet,a number of residents have contacted me to support the feeding of wildlife in their own gardens. They consider this to be of benefit to wildlife and it gives a lot of enjoyment to a lot of people. They ask everyone who enjoys feeding wildlife togive consideration to when, and where, food is put out. Equally, they ask that people who are uncomfortable with this should recognise that others get enjoyment from it.

Are you eligible?

The shingles vaccine is available free on the NHS to certain age groups once they reach the age date mentioned. The vaccine is currently being
offered to those people who were aged 70.71,72,78 or 79 on 1 Sept 2105. Further information at

Urgent plea for blood donors– the NHS has revealed that 204,000 new volunteers are needed to keep national stocks at safe levels. People are urged to give blood to boost current low supplies, especially after the festive break A small pin-prick is all you feel! All blood groups are required from donors aged 17 to 70. To donate call free-phone 0300 123 2323 or visit



Tele: 01273 541177

Friends of Hove Park

The next meeting of Friends of Hove Park will be held on Wednesday 20th January 2016 at 7.00pm at the Cafe in the park in order to plan for the year ahead

GVRA Contacts

Chairman Thomas Fallon 506656

(email: )

Secretary Richard Forrest 503820

Treasurer Kevin Wilsher 553725

News Sheet Editor Arthur Green 506068

(email: )

What’s on?

Teenagers’ Climbing, indoor climbing forages 12+. Mondays during school term time (except bank holidays), 6:30 pm-8 pm at Stanley Deason Leisure Centre.. Suitable for newcomers or those wishing to hone their skills. Small groups of 12 have exclusive use of the climbing wall. Subsidised rates for those on low incomes, free spaces for children in care and additional support available for those with additional needs. Contact 01273 681058 for details.

Model World 2016, 19-21 Feb, Brighton Centre, 10 am-5 pm. Performances twice daily from 8 ft tall “Titan the Robot”. Hands-on activities for children of all ages. Model railway layouts, Daleks, tanks, planes, boats, trucks, indoor pool, an arena, car racing and steam train rides.

Family £26 (2 adults, 2 children), Adult £9.50, Senior £7.50, Child £5.50. Info at 01273 292695

Brighton & Hove HalfMarathon, 28 Feb, start time 9 am. The race covers 13.1 miles of seafront and city centre, starting andfinishingat Madeira Drive.The Youth Races, over one mile, for 7-17 year olds, start at 9.15am.

Please note: Whilst every reasonable attempt has been made to ensure accuracy in this publication, the GVRA, its officers and members cannot accept responsibility for errors and omissions or any consequences arising therefrom

67/69, Queen Victoria Avenue, Hove

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