Wrotham Close,

Westerham Avenue,

off Liverpool Road,


5th August, 2003

Meeting commenced: 7.00 p.m.

" ended: 9.10 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Slater - in the Chair

Councillors Beaumont and McIntyre

J. Wood } New Barracks TMC

J. Dale }

L. Thomas }

E. Sands }

E. Dale - Ordsall Café Project

A. Cruddos } S.C.S.G.

J. Tither }

J. Shepherd - Salford Community Transport

A. Cranna - Advertiser

J. Williams - Salford Community Network

R. Slack - Age Concern Salford

K. Richardson – Salford PCT

Sgt. A. Brown - Greater Manchester Police

S. Latham - SALI

B. Wright - LHARA/Resident

J. Fitzpatrick } Resident

P. Sotiriou }

L. Willis }

M. Scantlebury }


M. Sykes - Area Co-ordinator

R. Spanner - Neighbourhood Co-ordinator

N. Lowther } Development Services Directorate

E. Dixon }

C. Edwards - Corporate Services Directorate

C:\My Documents\Ordsall-Langworthy Community Committee\07.10.03\olcm050803.doc

Ordsall and Langworthy Community Committee - 5th August, 2003


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Dobbs, Leaston and Salmon, Jim Doyle, Michelle Hilton, Mo Lamb, Sara Noonan and Tony Walsh.


RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the Community Committee meeting held on 3rd June, 2003, be approved as a correct record.


(a) Minute 5(a) - Graffiti Removal Machine

The Neighbourhood Co-ordinator informed Community Committee Members that (i) the graffiti that had been present at the walkway between St. Clement’s Drive and St. Clement’s Primary School had now been removed, and (ii) the possibility of an anti-graffiti coating being used on brickwork in the future was currently being investigated by the Environmental Services Directorate.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.

(b) Minute 5(b) - Primary School Review

The Area Co-ordinator reported that (i) a report regarding the options for the Langworthy area was to be available in September, and (ii) the proposal to build a new school in Ordsall had been approved in principle, and funding opportunities were currently being investigated.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.

(c) Minute 7 - Confirmation of Closure of Ordsall Post Office

The Area Co-ordinator confirmed that a letter had been sent to Post Office Ltd., informing them of the Community Committee’s grave concerns regarding their decision to permanently close Ordsall Branch Post Office on 14th June, 2003.

Sergeant Brown reported that police records indicated that, during the last 12 months there had been four incidents of burglary at the premises, together with four reports of damage having been caused to the building.

(d) Minute 15 - Salford’s Local Strategic Partnership Community Plan

and Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy

Mike Scantlebury (i) reported that, following the last meeting of the Community Committee, Marie Lindars had provided him with information regarding the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, and (ii) indicated that he required further information in relation to the matter.

RESOLVED: THAT Mike Scantlebury advise the Chair of the information required, following which the Chair would discuss the matter with Marie Lindars.


Jamie Shepherd (a) reported that the purpose of the above scheme, which had been funded by Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive, and was to be run by Salford Community Transport, was to offer a demand responsive transport scheme to enable the local residents of Salford the chance to access local employment opportunities, and (b) indicated that it was hoped that the scheme would:-

·  overcome problems that currently exist regarding access to work;

·  help local Salford residents to travel to work outside ‘normal’ public transport times;

·  deliver a demand-responsive transport solution and take people from their front door to their place of work when they lack their own transport;

·  benefit businesses in the area by providing a wealth of employable people with direct access to their place of work;

·  provide links for Salford people to access health centres and childcare facilities.

It was noted that Salford Community Transport also offered the following services - (i) furniture recycling, (ii) MIDAS training, (iii) minibus hire, (iv) group transport and (v) house removals.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT Jamie Shepherd be thanked for his informative presentation, the content of which was noted.

(2) THAT anybody requiring further information with regard to the above scheme contact Jamie Shepherd on telephone number 0161-736-8852.


Nick Lowther (a) informed Community Committee Members that the City of Salford’s adopted Unitary Development Plan (1995) policies H6 and H11 sought to secure new open space, or open space improvements, as part of new housing developments, (b) circulated Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) which had been prepared to supplement the above policies and clarify how the policies would operate in practice, (c) reported that the approach advocated in policy H6 placed the responsibility for recreational open space provision with the developer, (d) indicated that the SPG sought to ensure that recreational needs were not seen as peripheral to the functioning of the development, and (e) outlined the key provisions guiding the implementation of the above policy.

It was noted that (i) a public consultation exercise, lasting six weeks, had commenced on 7th July, 2003, (ii) the document ‘Supplementary Planning Guidance for the Provision of Open Space and Recreation Space Associated with New Residential Development’ had been posted on the Council’s website - www.salford.gov.uk/planning/spg9.shtm or, alternatively, copies could be obtained by telephoning the Development Planning Section at Salford Civic Centre, on telephone number 0161-793-3659.

Reference as made to the proposals from Urban Splash regarding the Langworthy area and it was noted that the above policies would not apply to the development as it would involve properties being converted rather than new build.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT Nick Lowther be thanked for an informative presentation, the content of which was noted.

(2) THAT it be noted that the Community Committee requested that consideration be given to the possibility of property conversions, being included in the above policies.


Jane Wood provided information regarding a local campaign to relocate the above sculpture currently located near the Visitors Centre at Salford Quays, to a more prominent site in the area.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT anybody interested in becoming involved in the above campaign inform the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator.

(2) THAT an update be provided regarding this matter at the next meeting of the Community Committee.


(a) Grant Applications Considered by the Budget Sub-Group at Meeting Held on 11th July, 2003

A discussion took place regarding the application that had been submitted by Greater Manchester Police, for the sum of £501.00, to purchase a pedal cycle for use by local police officers to pursue riders of motorbikes and quad bikes causing problems in the area. There was broad agreement that, although the Committee needed to be vigilant in ensuring that funding was not granted for activities or equipment that should be supported by mainstream funding, addressing the problems caused by motorbikes and quad bikes was a priority for the community and, therefore, it was appropriate for funding to be granted for this purpose.

The Neighbourhood Co-ordinator (a) referred to the grant application that had been submitted by Ordsall Bowling Club, for the sum of £3,051.00, and (b) reported that Greater Manchester Police had since agreed to fund this project.

RESOLVED: THAT the recommendations of the Budget Sub-Group in relation to the applications for funding from the Community Committee with regard to (i) Vision Arts, (ii) Playday, (iii) GMP Cycle, (iv) GMP Homewatch Conference, (v) Heart Care Support Group, (vi) Advent Church and (vii) SALI, be endorsed.

(b) Consideration of Grant Application submitted by Ordsall Community Arts

A lengthy discussion took place regarding the grant application submitted by Ordsall Community Arts, which the Budget Sub-Group had referred to the Community Committee for consideration.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the application from Ordsall Community Arts, for the sum of £7,700, be approved, subject to (a) the funding being used to support the community activities involved in the Lighting the Legend event, rather than to purchase fireworks, (b) Ordsall Community Arts being advised of the need for work to be undertaken regarding sustainability, as the Community Committee would be unable to fund future events to such an extent, and (c) there being a clear undertaking from Ordsall Community Arts to promote the event in the Langworthy area.

(2) THAT the decision regarding the proportion of funding to be allocated from the Ordsall and Langworthy budgets be referred to the Budget Sub-Group.

(c) Appointment of Additional Members to the Budget Sub-Group for 2003/04

RESOLVED: (1) THAT in addition to those Members appointed at the previous meeting of the Community Committee (Councillors Beaumont and McIntyre, Jane Wood and Bernie Wright), Joyce Fitzpatrick, Jane Tither and Barry Roberts be appointed as Members of the Budget Sub-Group for 2003/04.

(2) THAT any community representative from the Ordsall area interested in becoming a Member of the Budget Sub-Group inform the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator.


A report was circulated outlining the main issues that were raised by visitors to the above event, which had taken place on 30th June, 2003.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted.

(2) THAT the SWOT Analysis, that had been produced following the above event, be circulated with the minutes of this meeting (please refer to Appendix A).


The draft copy of the revised Community Action Plan for Ordsall and Langworthy had been circulated to Members of the Community Committee prior to the meeting.

Community Committee Members divided into small groups and compiled lists of what they considered to be the priorities for the area.

Discussion took place regarding the role of the Task Groups that had been formed under the SRB 5 initiative in relation to the production of the Community Action Plan.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information provided by Community Committee Members with regard to their priorities for the area be incorporated into the final draft of the Community Action Plan, which would be available for comment at various locations in the area.

(2) THAT discussion take place between the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Community Committee and officers from the SRB 5 Team in order to clarify the role of the Task Groups in relation to the production of the Community Action Plan.


Karen Richardson (a) informed Community Committee Members that seven break-ins had occurred at Ordsall Health Centre during the past seven weeks, as a result of which it had been necessary for some services to be transferred to Lance Burn Health Centre, (b) reported that a number of short-term measures had been taken to improve security at the building, and (c) indicated that Salford PCT were working with the local police and the media in order to try to address the situation.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT a meeting of the Community Sector Team Core Group (to include local Councillors, Salford PCT, the local police and the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator) be held in order for discussion to take place regarding the above matter.

(2) THAT the Community Committee’s thanks and appreciation to the staff at the Ordsall Health Centre, for continuing to provide their services under increasingly difficult circumstances, be recorded.


Information was provided with regard to the following:-

·  Funding of £6,000 had been received from The Scarmen Trust to set up a Community Centre in South Clarendon.

·  The next quarterly meeting of the Community Network was to be held in the Ordsall area on 23rd October, 2003.

·  Radio Regen would be broadcasting from Salford Lads Club on 17th, 18th and 19th October, 2003.

·  The LHARA Group had received funding of £6,000 to help representatives with their personal development.

·  The triathlon event that had recently taken place at Salford Quays had been very successful.

·  Details of LEA Governor vacancies in the area were circulated.

·  Litter enforcement - information circulated.

·  Summer with SAYO - programme of events circulated.

·  “Quay to Health” - information circulated regarding activities that would be taking place on 13th August, 2003, from 11.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m., at The Watersports Centre.

·  Salford Children’s Fund - details of summer activities were circulated.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.

(2) THAT any community group interested in being involved in the Radio Regen broadcast, inform the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator.

(3) THAT the Community Committee’s thanks be recorded to all those who had been involved in the organisation of the recent triathlon event.


RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 7th October, 2003, commencing at 7.00 p.m.

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