American Studies English Name:______

Dr. Struzziero

Essay #2: The Crucible Characterization and Conflict Essay

Prompt: Analyze Arthur Miller’s use of characterization and conflict to develop a theme or themes about what is means to be an American. Please focus your discussion of the play’s themes on the topics of freedom and/ or the struggle between the individual and society.


·  4 paragraphs

·  2 DDs per paragraph

·  2 DQs in the essay


Intro: Grab attention, provide background info, CI, 1 or 2 MIs, 2 DIs

DP#1: TS (include MIs and 1st DI), 2 DDs, Analysis of DDs

DP#2: TS (include MIs and 2nd DI), 2 DDs, Analysis of DDs

Conclusion: Restate Thesis, Summarize DIs, RFS

To understand how you will be graded on this assignment, please consult the rubric on the following page.


An A paper is excellent and reflects developing mastery of subject, awareness of task, and fluency in writing persuasive critical analysis.

·  The background is concise.

·  The thesis includes CI, clear MI, and at least 2 specific DI’s.

·  Developmental paragraphs include effective topic and concluding sentences.

·  DD’s effectively support MI, and the analysis of DD’s is relevant and persuasive.

·  The conclusion restates the thesis, summarizes the DIs, and adds a thought-provoking and original RFS.

·  The writing is coherent on account of effective organization, and sound mechanics.

·  There are minor errors in any of the following areas: introduction, topic sentences, analysis of details, RFS, grammar and mechanics.

A B paper is very good and reflects above average ability in comprehension of the text, awareness of task, and writing persuasive, critical analysis papers.

·  The introduction is appropriate.

·  The MI and DI’s are specific and organized.

·  The analysis of developmental details is inconsistent, and it reflects small misunderstandings in comprehension and awareness of task.

·  The organization of the paper is good.

·  There are errors in several areas: first, the topic sentences must relate directly to the MI. The conclusion may be incomplete, and the paper must be proofread to avoid some careless errors in grammar and mechanics.

A C Paper: The essay reflects an average understanding of the text, awareness of task, and ability to write a critical analysis paper.

·  The MI is present, but it is vague. DI’s are present, but they are also vague.

·  The topic sentences inconsistently relate to the MI.

·  The analysis of the developmental details consistently lapses into summary, and it moves away from supporting the main idea: the analysis of DD’s reflects significant misunderstandings with the subject and the awareness of the task.

·  The conclusion may be incomplete.

·  The organization of the paper makes it difficult to read in places, and numerous errors in grammar and mechanics begin to interfere with understanding of the paper.

A D Paper: The essay reflects limited understanding of text and task, and limited ability to write a critical analysis essay.

·  The MI is unclear, and the DI’s are missing.

·  The topic sentences are irrelevant.

·  The developmental details are sparse, and their analysis is missing in many places.

·  The analysis that is present demonstrates errors in reading comprehension.

·  The essay consistently strays off topic.

·  The essay is not finished.

·  The essay is difficult to read because of numerous errors in grammar and mechanics.

An F paper is incomplete, missing, or plagiarized.


Attention Grabber:
Background information:
DI #1
Body Paragraph 1
TS #1:
Body Paragraph 2
TS #2:
Restate MI:
Restate DI’s: