2013 Grand Chapter Board Meeting
Las Vegas, Nevada
December 5, 2013
The meeting was opened by President Rhonda Hoyman. The delegates were seated by Secretary Anna Skinner.
The 2013 June board minutes were passed out to be read. Mickey Kosloski moved to accept the minutes as read. Adam Viney seconded. A discussion followed. Motion passed.
The board met again in August to resolve an issue that arose. Those minutes were passed out to be read. Lynne Cox move to accept the corrected minutes. Mickey Kosloski seconded. Motion passed
Old Business
Lynne Cox gave an update on the brochure update. It is in progress.
Andrea Pogue, Chair of the Pace Division of ACTE, contacted Lynne Cox to work on a project, a teacher award for community Service. Lynne wondered if we could do something with this. A discussion followed. No decision was made.
Rhonda Hoyman brought in 4 Maryland awards to show the board and wondered if any of these would work for us. A discussion followed. After discussion it was decided that these would be chapter driven with a certificate would be given by the Grand Chapter. These awards would be brought up at the NAC meeting.
Anna gave an update on the late dues notices. They went out late due to chapters trying to update their rosters so that chapter rosters and grand chapter rosters lined up.
The August Board minutes were brought up and reviewed.
Anna went over the NAC and Grand Chapter agendas with the board.
The financial report was given and some financial questions were asked. It was suggested that maybe we could have a financial report that listed past years history, so that we can see where we were and where we are now.
The National Policy Seminar was brought up. It was suggested that it should be discussed at NAC.
Next Year the ACTE would be in Nashville, TN from November 19-22, 2014.
Anna Skinner asked about reordering ribbons. A discussion followed about the size of ribbons and when to make them available.
The meeting was adjourned
Respectfully Submitted
Anna Skinner
Executive Secretary-Treasurer