Dear Community Members,

The Department of Early Learning (DEL) in partnership with Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), Economic Services Administration requests Letters of Interest from Washington State organizations that providegroup-based parenting education and family support programming.

The following community-based organizations are encouraged to submit a letter of interest by

October 14, 2016 at 5pm PT:

  • 501(c)3 private non-profits;
  • school districts;
  • local governments; and
  • Tribes and Tribal Organizations

Priority will be given to organizations that currently offer parenting education and family support servicesfor families with incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL). This funding opportunity is available only to programs that have provided parenting education and family support programs for two years or more as of the application due date. No start-ups will be funded at this time. Funding is available up to $40,000 for the first year with a possibility of continued funding the second year.

Purpose of Funding:

DEL and DSHS are partnering to directly connect low-income families to parenting education and family support programming.

This funding opportunity builds access to high quality parent support that strengthens families for prevention of child abuse and includes education to promote healthy eating, physical activity, and wellness.

Use of the Protective Factors Framework (see attachment),whichcombines research or evidence-based parenting with intentional efforts to build social capital,helps low-income families get to know, learn from, and support one another using a strength-based,two-generation approach.

The target of parenting support is families with income at or below 200percent FPL. Serving this population will require close collaboration between the provider organization and DSHS Community Service Office(s) (CSOs).

In no more than two pages, Letters of Interest should include the following information

  • Clearly identify and describe the specific comprehensive group-based FamilyEducation and Family Support model(s) your organization plans to provide, including the research or evidence to support your model;
  • Briefly describe your experience serving the target population;
  • Include plans for designing the training and recruiting participants, including partnership with your local CSOin doing both; and
  • Describe the need in your community for the proposed program.

To support applicants’ understanding of the target population, we attached the most recent data available onTemporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/State Family Assistance (SFA) and state and federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

DEL will bring together a panel of reviewers to review the Letters of Interest and invite 15-20 applicants to provide a full application, based on the timeline below. DEL anticipates funding up to 8programs.

Additional Helpful Resources:

Here is the link to the Compendium of Parenting Interventions:

Here are links to information about Community Services Offices:


Locating your local CSO:

Applicants are encouraged to contact the CSO Administrator.

Here is a link to additional information on SNAP-Education:

Workfirst Local Planning Areas (LPAs) serve as forums for coordinating the development and delivery of services to low-income families. To learn more about LPA, here is the link to the local LPA in your area:

Selection Process and Timeline:

September 16, 2016: Letter of Interest announcement

September 21, 2016:9:30am – 10:30am: Informational webinar

Dial-in number: (855)212-0212

Access code: 718-311-832

October 14, 2016: Letter of Interest DUE by 5pm

November 2, 2016:Letter of Interest finalists invite to submit full application

December 2, 2016: Full Application Due by 5pm

December 16, 2016: Contract awards announced

January 16, 2017:Contract Cycle begins

Please send questions by phone or email to:

(360) 725-4443

All questions and answers will be posted in an FAQ on the Strengthening Families WA/DEL website ( and updated every Friday. Final day to submit questions is October 6th at 5pm.

Thank you – we look forward to reading your Letter of Interest!

Department of Early Learning Strengthening Families WA

Group-Based Parenting and Family Support

2016-2017 Letter of Interest Submission Form

SUBMISSION DEADLINE – October 14, 2016

The Letter of Interest is due by 5:00 pm.

Late applications will not be considered.


Program Name:

Organization Name:

Primary Contact Name:

Name & Title of Head of Organization:

Mailing Address:

City:State: Zip:


Primary Contact E-Mail:

Web Site Address:

Program Service (Check Only One):

Parent Education / Training Parent Support / Mentoring Services Other (Please Specify):

Of the target population (200% FPL and below), please indicate if your organization has specialized focus or experience serving any of the following populations: (Choose no more than 3):

Refugee/Immigrant FamiliesTeen Parents

Special Needs Familiesnon-Tribal Communities Single Parents

Homeless Families Latino/Hispanic Families Non-English Speaking

African American Families Families with Children 0-5 Asian/Pacific Islander Families

Adult Former Victims of Domestic Violence or Child Abuse or Neglect Fathers

Mothers Relative CaregiversFamilies with Children 6-12

Other (Please Specify): (example: parents receiving substance abuse treatment)

2-page maximum for I-V (including references)

I. Project description:Provide a clear picture of the project: the population that will be served, the activities (frequency, intensity and duration of each activity), curriculum (brief overview of content/format and identify theory or research supporting program design), and who will administer the services. Please note that funding supporting this application is focused on prevention of child abuse, promotion of health, wellness, physical activities and nutrition education.

II. Primary Protective Factor for the Group-Based Parenting and Family Support (select one):

Nurturing and Attachment & Social Emotional Development of Children

Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

Parental Resilience

Social Connections

Concrete Support to Families

III. Projected year-end outputs and outcomes: For each activity, please include the number of parents and hours of programming that will be included in the programming, expected outcomes and cost estimation.

IV. Description of your community, organization and experience serving the target population:(Include your communities need for the proposed program, agency’s experience in providing group-based parenting education, family support, community involvement, and working with the target population)

V. Capacity to deliver program:(Discuss elements of program capacity including plans for personnel and volunteers, recruitment of program participants, collaboration with the DSHS Community Service Offices (CSOs), other key partners, and other resources that will impact delivery of the program).

SUBMISSION DEADLINE – October 14, 2016, 5:00pm

1 copy of The Letter of Interest is due to the Department of Early Learning by October 14, 2016 by 5pm

Late or incomplete applications will not be considered

Submit one (1) copy by email (Word or PDF format):

Selection Process and Timeline:

September 16, 2016: Letter of Interest announcement

September 21, 2016:9:30am – 10:30am: Informational webinar

Dial-in number: (855)212-0212

Access code: 718-311-832

October 14, 2016: Letter of Interest DUE by 5pm

November 2, 2016:Letter of Interest finalists invite to submit full application

December 2, 2016: Full Application Due by 5pm

December 16, 2016: Contract awards announced

January 16, 2017:Contract Cycle begins

Thank you – we look forward to reading your Letter of Interest!

Protective Factor Attachment #1

Strengthening Families Washington at the Department of Early Learning (DEL) supports optimal child and family development efforts by utilizing the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework developed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy. Protective factors include:

These five protective factors contribute to the health and well-being of families and children and are By These five protective factors contribute to the health and well-being of families and children and are associated with reduced incidence of child abuse and neglect. By providing parents, child care professionals and others who work with children more information about these protective factors, we can help build these protective factors in families with young children. Research shows that these protective factors are also “promotive” factors that build family strength and a family environment that promotes optimal child and youth development.

Enhancing one or more of these protective factors for families is a required outcome for Group-Based Parenting and Family Support programs. Please review relevant protective factors information at the Center for the Study of Social Policy.

Programs will work toward at least one of the following protective factors/outcome areas:

  • Increase parents’/caregivers’ knowledge of parenting and child development.
  • Core Meaning: Understanding child development and parenting strategies that support physical, cognitive, social and emotional development.
  • Example Indicators: Having appropriate developmental expectations. Understanding the importance of being attuned and emotionally available to one’s child.
  • Parents/caregivers development of parental resilience.
  • Core Meaning: Ability to manage stress and function well when faced with challenges, adversity and trauma.
  • Example Indicators: Proactively meeting personal challenged and those in relation to their child. Effectively managing adversity and stressful situations.
  • Increase parents’/caregivers’ use of effective social connections.
  • Core Meaning: Positive relationships that provide emotional, informational, instrumental and spiritual support
  • Example Indicators: Having a sense of connectedness with family, friends and peers helping parents/caregivers to feel confident, secure and respected. Having friends and family members who provide emotional support, help solve problems and reduce feelings of isolation.
  • Increase parents’/caregivers’ concrete supports.
  • Core Meaning: Access to concrete support and services that address a family’s needs and help minimize stressed caused by challenges.
  • Example Indicators: Being resourceful. Understanding how to navigate through service systems and gaining knowledge of relevant services.
  • Increase parents’/caregivers’ positive social and emotional competence of children (also known as nurturing and attachment) with their children.
  • Core Meaning: Family and child interactions that help children develop the ability to communicate clearly, recognize and regulate their emotions and establish and maintain relationships
  • Example Indicators: Responding warmly and consistently to a child’s needs. Fostering a secure and strong parent-child relationship.

The protective factors are universal to all families. They reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect and increase healthy child and family development; therefore, having it present in parenting education and family support programs is important.

TANF/SNAP Data Attachment #2

TANF/SFA # of Households with a Child Age 5 or Under[1] / TANF/SFA % of Total Households / SNAP # of Households With a Child Age 5 or Under / % of Total Households
Statewide Total / 17,021 / 100.0% / 99,170 / 100.0%
Adams / 67 / 0.4% / 820 / 0.8%
Asotin / 82 / 0.5% / 416 / 0.4%
Benton / 514 / 3.0% / 3,807 / 3.8%
Chelan / 148 / 0.9% / 1,185 / 1.2%
Clallam / 182 / 1.1% / 1,116 / 1.1%
Clark / 913 / 5.4% / 6,407 / 6.5%
Columbia / 9 / 0.1% / 49 / 0.0%
Cowlitz / 595 / 3.5% / 2,365 / 2.4%
Douglas / 83 / 0.5% / 674 / 0.7%
Ferry / 15 / 0.1% / 104 / 0.1%
Franklin / 258 / 1.5% / 2,468 / 2.5%
Garfield / 8 / 0.0% / 31 / 0.0%
Grant / 295 / 1.7% / 2,750 / 2.8%
Grays Harbor / 338 / 2.0% / 1,501 / 1.5%
Island / 95 / 0.6% / 631 / 0.6%
Jefferson / 49 / 0.3% / 281 / 0.3%
King / 3,109 / 18.3% / 18,463 / 18.6%
Kitsap / 525 / 3.1% / 2,616 / 2.6%
Kittitas / 62 / 0.4% / 483 / 0.5%
Klickitat / 82 / 0.5% / 373 / 0.4%
Lewis / 337 / 2.0% / 1,572 / 1.6%
Lincoln / 26 / 0.2% / 131 / 0.1%
Mason / 277 / 1.6% / 1,187 / 1.2%
Okanogan / 96 / 0.6% / 888 / 0.9%
Pacific / 69 / 0.4% / 359 / 0.4%
Pend Oreille / 49 / 0.3% / 194 / 0.2%
Pierce / 2,689 / 15.8% / 13,172 / 13.3%
San Juan / 6 / 0.0% / 76 / 0.1%
Skagit / 267 / 1.6% / 2,055 / 2.1%
Skamania / 27 / 0.2% / 112 / 0.1%
Snohomish / 1,321 / 7.8% / 7,608 / 7.7%
Spokane / 1,696 / 10.0% / 8,612 / 8.7%
Stevens / 114 / 0.7% / 701 / 0.7%
Thurston / 686 / 4.0% / 3,510 / 3.5%
Wahkiakum / 8 / 0.0% / 54 / 0.1%
Walla Walla / 140 / 0.8% / 957 / 1.0%
Whatcom / 448 / 2.6% / 2,499 / 2.5%
Whitman / 47 / 0.3% / 359 / 0.4%
Yakima / 1,225 / 7.2% / 8,339 / 8.4%
Not Known/Confidential / 64 / 0.4% / 245 / 0.2%

SNAP/FAP Households With a Child Age 5 or Under, By County of Residence, May 2016

Source: ESA-EMAPS Report #3860 using the ACES Data Warehouse as of July 2016

TANF/SFA Households With a Child Age 5 or Under By County of Residence, May 2016

Source: ESA-EMAPS Report #3861 using the ACES Data Warehouse as of July 2016

Data Notes:

Includes cases with a recipient age 5 or younger, a child receiving SSI age 5 or younger, a non-recipient age 5 or younger, or a pregnant woman in regular adult cases or ineligible parent child-only cases. Child-only kinship/legal guardian cases with a pregnant woman are not included.

TANF = Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

SFA= State Family Assistance

SNAP = Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Department of Early Learning – Group Based Parenting and Family Support –

This funding opportunity is made available through a partnership between the Community Based Child Abuse Prevention Program (CBCAP), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Workfirst Program (TANF Workfirst), Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program – Education Program (SNAP-Ed).