Table S1. Risk reducing potential, costs and cost-effectiveness of all 105 measures studied in this paper.

Measure / Category a / Risk reducing potentialb
(EIU/ha) / Costc
relative to the
(€/ha) / Cost-effectivenessd
Use of varieties less susceptible to phytophthora / 1a / 1 / -265 / -265
Decision Support System (DSS) to optimise chemical control of phytophthora / 1c / 0 / -31 / -∞
Application of an action threshold for aphid control / 1e / 9 / 18 / 2.0
Application of minimum lethal herbicide dose (MLHD) / 1e / 5 / -57 / -11.4
Application of low dose system (LDS) for haulm killing / 1e / 0 / -32 / -∞
Substitution of high-risk pesticides / 2 / 5 / -9 / -1.8
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 16 / 3 / 0.2
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 10 / 72 / 7.2
Sugar beets
Mechanical weed control instead of last LDS treatment / 1d / 0 / -33 / -∞
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 2 / 3 / 1.5
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 2 / 29 / 14.5
Winter wheat
Use of varieties less susceptible to pathogens / 1a / 3 / -51 / -17.0
DSS to optimise chemical control of weeds / 1c / 8 / -23 / -2.9
DSS to optimise chemical control of pathogens / 1c / 2 / 5 / 2.5
Substitution of high-risk pesticides / 2 / 12 / 35 / 2.9
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 56 / 3 / 0.1
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 53 / 55 / 1.0
DSS to optimise chemical control of leaf spot / 1c / 0 / -185 / -∞
Application of minimum lethal herbicide dose (MLHD) / 1e / 0 / 25 / ∞
Substitution of high-risk pesticides / 2 / 32 / -189 / -5.9
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 47 / 3 / 0.1
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 26 / 34 / 1.3
Burning weeds / 1d / 1 / 37 / 37.0
Mechanical weed control / 1d / 1 / 13 / 13.0
Application of minimum lethal herbicide dose (MLHD) / 1e / 1 / -1 / -1.0
Low dose spraying (LDS) with herbicides / 1e / 0 / 13 / ∞
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 14 / 3 / 0.2
Maintain a buffer strip with cereals / 3b / 11 / -4 / -0.4
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 8 / 86 / 10.8
Disease-free planting material / 1a / 0 / -236 / -∞
Use of varieties less susceptible to pathogens / 1a / 4 / 10753 / 2688
Cultivation on ridges with foil / 1b / 7 / -e / -
Cultivation on racks / 1b / 13 / 3600 / 277
Row spraying against phytophthora / 1e / 0 / -162 / -∞
DSS to optimise chemical control of weeds / 1c / 4 / -96 / -24.0
Monitoring of nematodes / 1c / 0 / 12 / ∞
Reduction of the number of sprayings with fungicides / 1e / 20 / -154 / -7.7
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 88 / 10 / 0.1
Air-assisted spraying techniques / 3a / 7 / 203 / 29.0
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 48 / 553 / 11.5
Disease-free planting material / 1a / 1 / -329 / -329
Removal of crop residues / 1b / 0 / 500 / ∞
DSS to optimise chemical control of weeds / 1c / 8 / -116 / -14.5
DSS to optimise chemical control of thrips / 1c / 5 / 0 / 0.0
Substitution of high-risk pesticides / 2 / -4 / -126 / 31.5
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 61 / 10 / 0.2
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 34 / 102 / 3.0
Removal of crop residues / 1b / 2 / - / -
Wider inter-rows cropping / 1b / 1 / - / -
Monitoring of asparagus beetle / 1c / 12 / -3 / -0.3
DSS to optimise chemical control of pathogens / 1c / 2 / 11 / 5.5
Mechanical weed control / 1d / 14 / - / -
Postharvest foil use for weed control / 1d / 14 / - / -
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 53 / 10 / 0.2
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 30 / 198 / 6.6
Botrytis blight warning system (DSS) / 1c / 2 / -236 / -118
Straw mulching / 1d / 1 / > 2600 / 2600
Dosage dependent on crop development stage / 1e / 0 / -72 / -∞
Substitution of high-risk pesticides / 2 / 203 / -59 / -0.3
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 203 / 8 / 0.0
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 110 / > 326 / > 3
Straw mulching / 1d / 2 / 2600 / 1300
Reduce number of botrytis treatments / 1e / 2 / -215 / -118
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 5 / 8 / 1.6
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 3 / 186 / 62
No postharvest virus treatment / 1d / 148 / -132 / -0.9
Straw mulching / 1d / 6 / > 2800 / > 467
Reduce number of botrytis treatments / 1e / 2 / -374 / -187
Substitution of high-risk pesticides / 2 / 266 / -148 / -0.6
90% drift reducing techniques / 3a / 245 / 8 / 0.0
Maintain a 4 meter crop-free buffer strip / 3b / 133 / 735 / 5.5
Use of varieties less susceptible to apple scab / 1a / 210 / - / -
Stimulate degradation of leafs / 1b / 50 / - / -
DSS to optimise chemical control of apple scab / 1c / 6 / - / -
Integrated management of woolly apple aphid / 1d / 131 / - / -
Pheromone confusion combined with virus treatment / 1d / 4 / - / -
Release European earwigs / 1d / 4 / - / -
Remove parts affected by fruit tree canker / 1d / 3 / - / -
Apply limewater (calcium hydroxide) against canker / 1d / 3 / - / -
Eliminate the source of downy mildew / 1d / 0 / - / -
Stimulate degradation of leafs / 1b / 61 / - / -
Remove second blooming / 1b / 5 / - / -
Monitoring of brown spot / 1c / 5 / - / -
DSS to optimise chemical control of brown spot / 1c / 5 / - / -
Pheromone confusion combined with virus treatment / 1d / 131 / - / -
Release European earwigs / 1d / 58 / - / -
Integrated management of pear psylla / 1d / 58 / - / -
Remove parts affected by fruit tree canker / 1d / 2 / - / -
Apply limewater (calcium hydroxide) against canker / 1d / 2 / - / -
Use of varieties less susceptible to downy mildew / 1a / 0 / - / -
Monitoring of pests and their natural enemies / 1c / 0 / - / -
DSS to optimise chemical control of pathogens / 1c / 0 / - / -
Mechanical weed control / 1d / 1 / - / -
Biological control with natural enemies or mites / 1d / 0 / - / -
Low dose spraying (LDS) with herbicides / 1e / 2 / - / -
Use of selective insecticides / 2 / 13 / - / -
Substitution of high-risk pesticides / 2 / 7 / - / -
Avenue trees
Use of varieties less susceptible to scab disease / 1a / 91 / - / -
Monitoring of pests and their natural enemies / 1c / 0 / - / -
DSS to optimise chemical control of pathogens / 1c / 0 / - / -
Use of cover crops between rows / 1d / 0 / - / -
Biological control with natural enemies / 1d / 28 / - / -
Low dose spraying (LDS) with herbicides / 1e / 0 / - / -
Substitution of high-risk pesticides / 2 / 29 / - / -
Use of selective insecticides / 2 / 6 / - / -

a)See Table 3 for definition of categories.

b)Positive values refer to a decrease of the aquatic risk.

c)Negative costs are savings.

d)Cost divided by risk reducing potential; a negative value means that a measure is beneficial to the aquatic environment and that it saves costs.

e)Not available