3.5.3 Eye & Ear FMQuiz Homework
Name: ______
Q. What is the function of the semi-circular canals?
A. ______
Q. What is the function of the cochlea?
A. ______
Q. What is connected to the middle ear by the Eustachian tube?
A. ______
Q. What surrounds the bones in the middle ear?
A. ______
Q. Name two sense organs, other than the ear and the eye, in the human body.
A. ______
Q. What is the function of the lens of the eye?
A. ______
Q. What is the function of the retina of the eye?
A. ______
Q. Outline the role of the suspensory ligaments in vision.
A. ______
Q. Outline the role of the cones in vision.
A. ______
Q. Outline the role of the optic nerve in vision.
A. ______
Q. Outline the role of the brain in vision.
A. ______
Q. Explain how the iris works.
A. ______
Q. Suggest a reason why two eyes are better than one.
A. ______
Q. In which part of the ear are nerve impulses generated?
A. ______
Q. In which part of the eye are nerve impulses generated?
A. ______
Q. Suggest one way by which the ear may be protected.
A. ______
Q. The hammer (malleus) is a very small bone located in the ...
A. ______
Q. Which is present in the middle ear, gas or liquid?
A. ______
Q. In which part of the eye would you find rods and cones?
A. ______
Q. What is the function of the Eustachian tube?
A. ______
Q. TRUE or FALSE. The semi-circular canals in the ear are involved in balance.
A. ______
Q. Name the coloured part of the eye.
A. ______
Q. What is the function of the pupil in the eye?
A. ______
Q. Name the type of chemical that carries messages between two neurons.
A. ______
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