Tuesday, September 1st, 2015
In Attendance: Phil Uher, Susan Balog, Steve Hart, Scott Cook, Jennifer Koken, Kevin Koken, John Smathers, Paul Skalos, Patty Skalos, Coach G., Brian Bunofsky, Paul Might, Kirstie Berringer, John Berringer, Michael Trotta, Jodi Rupert.
Finances: Steve Hart reviewed the finances.
Planning for upcoming season:
*The Boosters are working with Heather Lewis, AD, to have a Pep Band play at the home games this year.
Game Sponsors & Roster Sheet Sponsors:
Scott Cook informed the group that most all of the sponsors are returning with their support again this season.
Fundraiser at The Elks:
Patty Skalos updated the group on the plans regarding the fundraiser to be held on Saturday, October 24th at the Cranberry Elks Club. Appetizers, desserts, and drinks, including beer and wine, will be served. The band Phase IV will once again be the entertainment for the evening. The cost will be $30 a person. No tickets will be sold at the door, they must be purchased in advance. There will also be baskets to raffle off, 50/50 raffle, and a silent auction including Steeler and Penguin tickets! Please save the date and plan to come out and support the Seneca Valley Boys Basketball. If you have anything to donate for the various raffles, or have any questions, please email Patty at .
Homecoming Carnival:
This year the Basketball Boosters will be participating in the Homecoming Carnival to be held Thursday, Sept. 24. Several ideas were discussed as to what to do at our booth as well as ideas regarding the team riding in the parade. Details will be finalized soon. The Homecoming Parade begins at 6:00pm. Plan to come out and join the fun on Sept. 24th!
Concession Stand:
Thank you to Rochelle Trotta and Kirstie Berringer for volunteering to head up the concession stand this year. If interested in helping, please contact them.
Patty Skalos and Jen Koken informed the group that everything was in place for the program, and they are in the process of contacting sponsors.
Senior Dinner:
Typically a parent of a senior player volunteers their home to host a dinner for the team. Volunteer still needed.
Senior Night:
The group agreed to hold the Senior Night festivities at The Sports Grille again this year. Seniors will be recognized at the game on January 29th.
Volunteers are still needed for the 9th-12th grade Banquet and the 7th & 8th grade end of season party.
Coach S Tournaments:
John Berringer will head up the 9th grade tournament & Steve Hart the 7th/8th grade.
Food for bus for away games:
The group agreed to continue using Jersey Mikes.
Thank you to Brian Bunofsky for volunteering to take over the maintaining of the website. It will be updated soon, so please continue to use the website to stay informed. www.svraidersboysbasketball.com
Roster Sheets:
Steve Hart will handle the roster sheets for home games.
Organizational Meeting:
There will be a meeting on October 5th at 7:00pm at the SHS Auditorium for all parents, grades 7th-12th, who have a son trying out in November for one of the teams. Coach G will be addressing the parents. The Boosters will hold the October Booster meeting following Coach G.
Important Dates:
Nov. 20 Picture day for JV and Varsity
Nov. 21 Picture day for all others
Dec. 4 & 5 Coach S Tournament for 9th grade
Dec. 10, 11, 12 Coach S Tournament for 7th and 8th grade
Jan. 22 Recognition Night for 3rd-6th grade in-house and travel teams
Jan. 29 Senior Night
Feb. 5 Recognition Night for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade teams
Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.