Description: 64 Count Partner Dance, Same Footwork Throughout, Unless Otherwise Stated

Starting Position:Man Facing RLOD on Inside, Lady Facing LOD on Outside, Offset at Left Shoulders, Left Hands

Held Low. No Changing Sides Throughout Dance

Choreographed By:Jim & Nen GodsallMarch 2016Tel: 01432 760592 Email:

Music:“You’re My Angel” by Brooks & Dunn (88 bpm) on CD: If You See Her (1998) or The

Collection (2006)

Man: Step ½ Pivot, ½ Turn Shuffle, Step Back, ½ Turn, Shuffle. Lady: Rock Back, Rock Fwd, Shuffle, Walk, Walk, Shuffle

1 - 4 Man: Step fwd left, pivot ½ turn right, make ½ turn right onleft shuffle to face RLOD (Easier Option: Step and rock fwd on left, rock back on right, left shuffle back)

Lady: Step and rock back on left, rock fwd on right, left shuffle fwd

Release hands on count 2, re-join left palm to left palm on count 4

5 - 8 Man: Step back right, make ½ turn left stepping fwd left into LOD, right shuffle fwd

Lady: Walk fwd right, left, right shuffle

Join right hands in Sweetheart position on count 7, both facing LOD

Man: Rock Fwd, Rock Back, Shuffle, Rock Back, Rock Fwd, Shuffle. Lady: Step ½ Pivot, ½ Turn Shuffle, Rock Back, Rock Fwd, ½ Turn Shuffle

9 - 12 Man: Step and rock fwd on left, rock back on right, left shuffle back

Lady: Step fwd left, pivot ½ turn right, make ½ turn right on left shuffle to face LOD (Easier Option: Step and

rock fwd on left, rock back on right, left shuffle back)

Release left hands on count 10, Lady turns under raised right arms, re-join left hands into Sweetheart on count 12

13 - 16Man:Step and rock back on right, angling body slightly to right, rock fwd on left, right shuffle fwd (LOD)

Lady:Step and rock back on right, angling body slightly to right, rock fwd on left, make ½ turn left on right

shuffle to end facing RLOD, offset at right shoulders with Man, in cross-arm position, right on top

On count 13, angle body slightly to right, splaying arms, right down and left up. On count 15 bring right arms over Lady’s head as she turns to end in cross-arm position, right on top

Man: Walk, Walk, Shuffle. Lady: ½ Turn, Walk, Shuffle. Both: Walk, Walk, Shuffle

17 - 20Man: Walk fwd left, right, left shuffle

Lady: Make ½ turn left stepping fwd left into LOD, step fwd right, left shuffle fwd

On count 17 release left hands, on Lady’s ½ turn bring right hands onto Lady’s right hip. Re-join left hands in

front on count 18 so now in Skater’s position, both facing LOD

21 - 24 Walk fwd right, left, right shuffle

Man: Step ½ Pivot, ¼ Triple in Place. Lady: Rock Fwd, Rock Back, ¼ Triple in Place. Both: Rock Back, Rock Fwd, ½ Turn Triple in Place

25 - 28 Man: Stepfwd left, pivot ½ turn right, ¼ turn right on left triple in place to face ILOD

Lady: Step and rock fwd onleft, rock back on right, ¼ turn left on left triple in place to face ILOD

Release right hands on count 26, re-join right hands at waist level on count 28, now in reverse Indian

29 - 32Step and rock back on right, rock fwd on left, make ½ turn left on right triple in place to face OLOD - Indian

Release right hands on count 31, raise left arms over Lady’s head on ½ turn, re-join right hands in Indian

Man: Rock Back, Rock Fwd, Triple in Place. Lady: Rock Back, Rock Fwd, ½ Turn Triple in Place. Both: ¼ Turn, Walk, Shuffle

33 - 36 Man: Step and rock back on left, angling body slightly to left, rock fwd on right, left triple in place

Lady: Step and rock back on left, angling body slightly to left, rock fwd on right, make ½ turn right on left triple in place to face Man/ILOD

On count 33, angle body slightly to left, splaying arms. Raise left arms over Lady’s head on ½ turn, to end facing partner in cross-arm position, left on top, Man facing OLOD, Lady ILOD

37 - 40 Man: Make ¼ turn left into LOD on right, left, right shuffle fwd

Lady: Make ¼ turn right into LOD on right, left, right shuffle fwd

Keep hold of cross-arm position to end both facing LOD in cross-arm, left on top

Man: Full Turn Right, Shuffle, Walk, Walk, Shuffle. Lady: Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Full Turn Left, Shuffle

41 - 44 Man: Travelling fwd down LOD, make ½ turn right stepping back left, ½ turn right stepping fwd right, left shuffle fwd (LOD). (Easier Option: Walk forward left, right, left shuffle)

Lady: Walk fwd left, right, left shuffle (LOD)

Release right hands on count 41, left hands go behind Man’s back on his full turn, ending in hammerlock, re-join

right hands in front on count 43

45 - 48 Man: Walk fwd right, left, right shuffle

Lady: Travelling fwd down LOD, make ½ turn left stepping back right, ½ turn left stepping fwd left, right

shuffle fwd (LOD). (Easier Option: Walk forward right, left, right shuffle)

Release left hands on count 45, re-join left hands on count 47 after Lady’s turnto end in Sweetheart position both facing LOD

Step, Lock, Step, Step, Lock, Step, Full Turn Right

49 - 54Step left fwd diagonally left, lock right behind left, step fwd left, step right diagonally fwd right, lock left behind

right, step fwd right (6 counts – 2 continuous step lock patterns with no pause in between)

On count 54 raise right arms in preparation for full turn right

55 - 56 Travelling fwd down LOD, make ½ turn right stepping back left, make ½ turn right stepping fwd right

(Easier Option: Walk fwd left, right)

On count 55 release left hands, both turn under raised right arms. Re-join left hands after turn for Sweetheart position

Walk, Walk, ½ Turn Shuffle. Man: Rock Back, Rock Fwd, Shuffle. Lady: Rock Back, Rock Fwd, ½ Turn Shuffle

57 - 60Walk fwd left, right, make ½ turn right on left shuffle to face RLOD

Keep hold of both hands. End in reverse Sweetheart facing RLOD

61 - 64 Man: Step and rock back onright, rock fwd on left, right shuffle fwd

Lady: Step and rock back on right, rock fwd on left, make ½ turn left on right shuffle to face LOD

Release right hands on count 63, lower left hands on Lady’s turn for starting position
