Mrs Falzone and Miss Beckles Term: Autumn 1st and 2nd half Subject: Literacy

Date: September – December 2017


Some units will link to the Egyptian topic which will be focused on in most areas of the curriculum this term.

Continuous Work: / Word Level / Sentence Level / Text Level / Speaking& Listening
Every week the children will complete a big writing task. This may be stand-alone or integrated into the hour/text.
Weekly spellings
Collaborative reading
Some children will do individual reading and spellings with TA
To ensure consistency in size and proportions of letters and the spacing between letters and words.
Handwriting objectives to be taught outside the hour in a weekly sessions of 15 minutes / Spell high and medium frequency words.
Recognise a range of prefixes and suffixes, understanding how they modify meaning and spelling, and how they assist in decoding long complex words.
Spell unfamiliar words using known conventions including grapheme-phoneme correspondences and morphological rules.
To practise spellings using ‘look, say, cover, write, check’ strategy / Show relationships of time, reason and cause through subordination and connectives.
Compose sentences using adjectives, verbs and nouns for precision, clarity and impact.
Clarify meaning through the use of exclamation marks and speech marks.
To re-read own writing to check for grammatical sense and accuracy. / Share and compare reasons for reading preferences, extending the range of books read.
(In guided reading, children will write book reviews on books they have read).
Weekly Comprehension practice. / Sustain conversation, explain or give reasons for their views or choices / Main areas to focus on:
Capital letters, full stops, exclamation and question marks, punctuation of dialogue
Use of powerful verbs
Use of good connecting devices
Use of varied sentence structure
Story planning strategies
Story build up
Checking work using independent strategies
Blocked Work: / Word Level / Sentence Level / Text Level / Speaking and listening / Guided reading / Outcomes
Wk / Text/Focus
1-2 / Basic skills
Reading and grammar / To spell key high frequency words from Year 3 lists. / To construct sentences in a variety of ways (11)
Ensuring sentences make sense.
To use punctuation:
-full stops
-capital letters
-question marks
(These will be taught in short bursts using VCOP high impact as well as in separate sessions). / Non-fiction / fiction reading (The Egyptians) - key features of the text type and understand information.
Sub-heading / To discuss information
To form opinions
To give reasons for opinions / To use 4 adults and rotate every week to discuss sections of the text using AF Levels. Focus on a few reading objectives per session. / To revise and recap basic punctuation.
To show an understanding of the Egyptians.
To compare fiction and non-fiction.
3-4 / Recount Writing- diary entries
Linked to The Egyptian History topic / To revise spelling of high and medium frequency words from spelling lists.
To devise ways of remembering tricky spellings. / To understand how sentences can be joined in more complex ways (starting with an interesting connective – if, so, while, although, since, etc.
To understand how connectives can be used to structure points in letters.
To revise use of the comma with a connective.
To revise use of brackets ( ), full stops and question marks. / To read examples of letters written for a range of purposes. To understand form and layout and ways of addressing different audiences.
To organise letters into simple paragraphs. / Present own point of view confidently. / To use 4 adults and rotate every week to discuss sections of the text using AF Levels. Focus on a few reading objectives per session. / Various letters including:
Diary entry including all the key features as an Egyptian King.
5-6 / Newspaper Reports
Linked with The Egyptian History Topic –
using a selection of
Information books and articles about The Egyptians / Recognise suffixes & understand how they assist decoding.
Spell medium and high frequency words. / To understand how sentences can be joined in more complex ways (starting with an interesting connective – if, so, while, although, since, etc.
Compose sentences for precision and clarity. / Identify how different texts are organised, including reference texts.
Identify & make notes of the main points of sections of text.
Use syntax, content & word structure to build their store of vocabulary.
Explore how different texts appeal to readers using varied sentence structures and descriptive language.
Use layout, format, graphics and illustrations for different purposes.
Make decisions about form and purpose, evaluate their writing.
Write newspaper article using structures of different text types.
Group related material into paragraphs. / Actively include & respond to all members in the group. / To use 4 adults and rotate every week to discuss sections of the text using AF Levels. Focus on a few reading objectives per session. / Children note information collected from reading more than one source and present it in the form of a newspaper article.
7 / Assessment / Assertive mentoring will be used to assess the children’s reading level for the first half term. This will be on-going every week through guided reading and reading sessions in class.
/ To use 4 adults and rotate every week to discuss sections of the text using AF Levels. Focus on a few objectives per session. / The children will be given a grade linked to the Assertive Mentoring criteria.
8-11 / The Lion and the Unicorn
Shirley. Hughes
Rose Blanche
Ian McEwen
(Historical setting linked with WW2 History topic)
Friend or Foe
Michael Morpurgo
Fantastic Mr Fox
Roald Dahl
(Stories with familiar settings) / To investigate and learn how to use the spelling patterns
To recognise and spell common prefixes and how they influence word meanings e.g. un, de, dis, re, pre
To use word banks dictionaries and thesauri / To use commas to separate items in a list
To understand the function of verbs in sentences.
To use past tense for narration
To demarcate sentences with a full stop and capital letter
To use basic conventions of speech punctuation and to use speech marks correctly.
Understand the use of adverbs / Identify features that writers use to provoke readers’ reactions.
To compare a range of story settings and to select words and phrases that describe them
Compose sentences using adjectives, verbs and nouns for precision, clarity and impact.
To investigate how dialogue is presented in stories / Use some drama strategies to explore stories or issues.
Follow up others’ points and show whether they agree or disagree in whole-class discussion. / To use 4 adults and rotate every week to discuss sections of the text using AF Levels. Focus on a few objectives per session. / Character descriptions
Plan and write own short story with a familiar setting
Letter in person of evacuee child
Explanation of story set in World War II
Creating a time line using time connectives
Story structure
(see separate planning)
12-13 / Instructions
Linked to:
The Egyptinas instructions
-D & T topic / Recognise suffixes & understand how they assist decoding.
Spell medium and high frequency words.
Spell unfamiliar words using known conventions including grapheme/phoneme correspondences and morphological rules / Show relationships of time, reason and cause, through subordination and connectives
Compose sentences using adjectives, verbs and nouns for precision, clarity and impact.
Write with consistency in the size and proportion of letters and spacing within and between words, using the correct formation of handwriting joins / Identify how different texts are organised, including reference texts, magazines and leaflets, on paper and on screen.
Look at a range of instructions texts in guided reading and whole class sessions and discuss things that are good/clear/not clear about them and justify reasons. / Explain process or present information, ensuring that items are clearly sequenced, relevant details are included and accounts are ended effectively
Identify the presentation features used to communicate the main points in a broadcast
*Identify key sections of an informative broadcast, noting how the language used signals changes or transitions in focus
Actively include and respond to all members in the group. / To use 4 adults and rotate every week to discuss sections of the text using AF Levels. Focus on a few objectives per session. / Children write a set of instructions for making an Egyptian wall hanging.
14 / Assessment / Assertive mentoring will be used to assess the children’s reading level for the first half term. This will be on-going every week through guided reading and reading sessions in class. / To use 4 adults and rotate every week to discuss sections of the text using AF Levels. Focus on a few objectives per session. / The children will be given a grade linked to the Assertive Mentoring criteria.
15 / Christmas Story
(May not have time to complete all of this- could be moved in to assessment week). / To be able to use imagery in the Christmas Story.
The use of emotive language.
The use of powerful adjectives to help develop and sustain the readers’ attention.
The use of suspense as a way of keeping the readers’ attention.
Identify the key vocabulary used in Christmas story writing. / To use varied sentence structure.
The use of () to help add information to sentences.
The use of ellipses as a way of building up suspense in writing. / To look at a range of Christmas stories and discuss the key themes being used.
Identify the key features of the story structure. / Discuss the way the author helps to involve the reader through language, punctuation, dialogue and description. / To use 4 adults and rotate every week to discuss sections of the text using AF Levels. Focus on a few APP objectives per session. / The children ill structure a Christmas story using some of the key themes highlighted from the examples.
To use a range of varied sentences for effect.
To use a range of punctuation for effect.
To use different ways of opening and ending the story to keep the reader involved.