Unit 10


Language Study

Look forward :

ياتى بعد هذا التعبير اما اسم او فعل منتهي ب"" ing

EX: I'm looking forward to his visit. (Name)

I'm looking forward to meeting him. (verb+ing)

Trip: a short journey.

EX: He made a business trip to England.

Journey: a trip to some distance.

EX: He made a journey to Japan.

Flight: a journey in an aeroplane.

EX: The pilot hopes we have enjoyed the flight.

Agreeing and disagreeing:

Disagreeing / Agreeing / Opinion ئئئ
I don’t, I think he is forty. / So do I. / I I think he is thirty.
I do. I think he is thirty. / Neither do I. / I don’t think he is twenty.


1- Is Mona 35?

A) Yes, I think.

فى حالة الموافقة B) So do I.

فى حالة عدم الموافقة C) I don't. I think she is thirty.

2- Is Hala 40?

A) No, I don't think.

فى حالة الموافقة B) Neither do I.

فى حالة عدم الموافقة C) I do. I think she is thirty.

Word order with adjectives

Adjectives qualify nouns:

A big man a young woman

موقع الصفة فى الجملة:

Ex: He's a tall man. ( Before the noun)

She is short. ( After V. to be)

+ Verb + Adjective Noun / Verb + Adjective + Noun
Her hairisshort. / She has gotshorthair.
Noun Verb Adj / Verb Adj Noun

Additional exercises

1) What would you say:

1-Your teacher thinks the girl is making a mistake and you agree with him.

2- You are thirsty and you want to drink.

3- Your friend thinks the place is always quiet, but you disagree.

4- You ask your friend to bring you a folder and about the place of the match.

2) Fill in:

( expensive – neither – forward – so – flight – voyage)

1- We look ……………… to meeting her.

2- A……………is ajourney by air.

3- I think she is clever. ………. do I.

4- He doesn't think he went abroad. ……………do I.

5- I think this car is …………….

3) Match (A)&(B)

B / A
a- a hotel near the sea. / 1-Men don't wear
b- her mother. / 2- In the letter I enclose
c- dresses. / 3-The tourist stays at
d- a suit and a tie. / 4- She looks like
e- information about the sale. / 5-He usually wears

4) A) Translate into Arabic:

1- I think the dress she wears is expensive.

2- The pilot hopes we have enjoyed the flight.

B) Translate into English:

لقد قابلة فى المطار عند وصولة من فرنسا.

Unit 11

A leaving Party

Language Study Offering things

فى حالة الموافقة / Offer
Yes, please I'd love one. / 1- Would you like an egg?
Yes, please I'd love some. / 2- Would you like some tea?
Yes, please I'd love some./one.
فى حالة عدم الموافقة
No, thank you. / 2- Would you like some cake?

Many and Much:


There are many books on the table.

How many are there many books on the table?

2- Much:

There is much water in the pot

How much water is there in the pot?

The pronouns one and some:

1- One

Would you like a sandwich?

Yes, please I'd love one.

2- Some

Do you need some coffee?

Yes, please, I need some.

Do you need some sweets?

Yes, please, I need some/one.

3-Unit nouns:

We can use the following words before uncountable nouns.

Litre – kilo – piece – glass – cup

Do you need some tae?

Yes, please, I need a cup of tea

Writing an invitation to a party

We are having a party

Dear Mona,

Hala is leaving at the end of this week.She is going to Alex. Commercial.

School.So we are having a farewell party in my office on 27th Feb.starting at 3 o'clock.Let me know if you are coming by telephone.

Best wishes,


Additional exercises

1) Fill in:

(see – seeing – lemonade – restaurant – much – bottle)

1- ………….is my favourite drink.

2- Could I have a ……….of ink?

3- A waiter serves customers in a ……………..

4- I look forward to ………………you.

5- I haven't got ………….money.

2)Choose :

1- People order ………. in arestaurant.

(book - meals - clothes - paper)

2- A …………..is a list of courses at meals.

(restaurant - meal - litre - menu)

3- The waiter ………….customers to their tables.

(shows - gives - orders - presents)

4- Fruit salad is the ……………… in the meal.

(first course - main course - dessert - cheese)

5- I'd like to drink a ……………oflemonade

(glass - box - jar - piece)

3) Rewrite:

1- I'd like some cola. (Negative)

2- She has got a sandwich. (Plural)

3- She needs 20glasses for the party. (A question)

4- Yea, please. I'd love one . (A question)

5- I'd like fruit salad, please (A question)

4) A) Translate into Arabic:

1- Would you like to come to our party next Friday?

2- We have got a lot of sandwiches, sweets and drinks.

B) Translate into English:

هل تحب ان تتناول فنجان شاي؟

Unit 12

Today And Yesterday

Language Study

Tag questions:

1-It's hot today, …………………?

2-It was nice, ……………………?

3-They,re good, …………………?

4-You weren't here, ………..…..?

5-He isn't Egyptian,……………..?

Dates & Times

Today is Saturday the13th of March.

Yesterday was ………….the ….of March.

The day beforeyesterday was ………….the ….of March.

Tomorrow will be ………...the …..of March.

The day after tomorrow will be ………...the …..of March.

The past tense of "Be":

I , He , She , It ……………. Was, / Wasn't

You , We , They…………... Were / Weren't

What is the temperature in Cairo today?

Which cities are below 15 ?

Which cities are above 30 ?

Where is it sunny / cloudy / fogy / raining?

What is the weather like in Cairo?

اسم الشركة المراسلة
عنوان الشركة
البلد(إن وجد)

A business Letter

اسم المرسل إلية
وظيفة المرسل إلية
اسم الشركة المرسل إليها
عنوان الشركة المرسل إليها المدينة البلد(إن وجد)

Dear Sir


The body of the letter الموضوع

Yours Faithfully,

Sincerely ,

Additional exercises


I want to know about the temperature in Athins yesterday. (What…?)

2- It was cold yesterday. You agree, don't you? (…..it?)

3- Tell me about the weather in Upper Egypt at this time of the year.(What is……?)

4- It was below 25 degrees yesterday. (..hot..)

5-Was Salwa there? And Was Andy there? (…Salwa and Andy..?)

6-I was on holiday last week, and Salwa was on holiday too. (…. At work….)

2) Fil in(commerce – distribution – goods – purchase – sale – trade)

1- Shops buy ……...from warehouses.

a- purchase b- goods c- sales d- trade

2- Lorries and trains carry goods to all parts of Egypt. This is an example of …….. a- distribution b- purchase c- travel d-tourism

3- Purchase is another word for ………………..

a- selling b- distribution c- advertising d-buying

4- Sale and purchase of goods is called ………………..

a- commerce b- trade c- distribution d- business

5- ………….is trade and distribution.

a- Commerce b-Money c- Working d- A company

1st H UNIT 13

An Electronic Office

*Grammar: Comparatives


1- Alaa is tall (Adj.)

2- Alaa is taller than Hanaa. (Comparative degree)

3- Sama is the tallest girl in our class.

Comparatives & superlatives

Short words / short / Shorter than / the shortest
large / Larger than / the largest
hot / Hotter than / the Hottest
heavy / heavier than / the heaviest
Long words / expensive / more expensive than / the most expensive
interesting / more interesting than / the most interesting
Irregular / good / better than / the best
bad / worse than / the worst

"للمعنى العكسي moreبدلا من" "lessفي حالة المقارنة بين اثنين للصفات الطويلة يمكن " في حالة التفضيل" the least " و استخدام "

Ex: Lesson four is less difficult than lesson two.

Lesson four is the lest difficult lesson in the whole book.

Additional Exercises

1) Complete the dialogue:

A- It's cold today, …………..?

B- Yes, it is.

A- …………………………some hot tea?

B- Yes, please,…………………….. some.

2)- Fill in(than – carry – more – diagonal – people – disc)

1- The laptop computer is easy to ………………….. .

2- Screen measurements are usually ……………… .

3- We can keep the word electronically on the …………. .

4- The weather in Europe is colder ……….the weather in Africa.

5- This film is …………..interesting than that one.


1- Four …….two equals 8.

a) minus b)plus c) divided d)times

2- An aeroplane ……….. makes planes.

a) pilot b)manufacturer c) traveller d)driver

3- One………of planes is that they cover the distance in a short time.

a) guarantee b)dimension c) disadvantages d) advantages

4- It can print ten pages………………….minutes.

a) per b)at c) on d) of

5- How …………is the cable.

a) long b)tall c) young d) short

4) Match ( A ) & ( B )

1- The laptop computer is / a- to type words.
2-The disadvantages of the desktop computer, / b- on the screen.
3- The keyboard is / c- lighter than the desktop computer.
4- In a computer we see words / d- is that it is less expensive.
5- The advantages of the desktop computer, / e- is that it is big and heavy.

5- Rewrite:

1- The desktop computer is cheaper than the laptop computer.(expensive)

2- This answer is bad and that answer is not bad. (worse than)

3- The new computer is lighter than the old computer.( heavier)

4- My friend is younger than me. (..than my friend ..)

5- London is colder than Cairo. (warmer)

6) A- Translate into Arabic:

1- The computer I bought last week is better than the old one.

2- We use the keyboard to type words.

B-Translate into English:

هل تعتقد أننيسأحصل على درجة ممتازة في العلوم؟


BOS is the best

Showing surprise or interest Language Stud:

1- I work for a company here. Oh, do you? So do I

2- That man is a film star. Oh, is he? So am I

3- That restaurant isn’t very good. Oh, isn’t it?

4- We haven’t got any paper. Oh, haven’t you? Neither have we

Things in common

We use “so” for agreement or confirmation

Ex : His office is small. My office is small too.

His office is small. So is mine.

The possessives

Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns
your book------yours / My book------mine
our book ------ours / His book------his
their book ------their / Her book------hers

Ex-Make responses with” so”:

1- My pen has got a red top. So ------.

2- I travel to school by bus. So ------.

3- I like swimming So ------.

4- My teacher gave us a lot of HW. So ------.

The superlatives

1-في حالة التفضيل بين اكثر من اثنين “superlatives” يضاف "est"للصفة و يوضع قبلها"the"

EX: the smallest _ the heaviest

2-فى حالة التفضيل بين اكثر من اثنين للصفة الطويلة نستخدم قبل الصفة" “ th most

EX: the most expensive _ the most important

3- هناك صفات شاذة :bad → the worst good → the best

far → the farthest many (much) → the most

little→ the least


1-عند التفضيل بين الاشخاض و الاشياء نستخدم " of"

Ex : He is the tallest of his friends.

2-عند التفضيل بين الاشخاض و الاشياء فى مكان نستخدم " in"

Ex : He is the tallest in our class.

Additional Exercises

A- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues:

1-Ali: Where do you come from?


Ali: So you are British. What's your job?

Sámi: ......

Ali: What...... ?

Sámi: Our company sells office equipment.*

2-Emad : Did you enjoy your stay in Luxor?

Sami : yes …………….(1)……………… .

Emad : ………………(2)……………..go there?

Sami : By train.

Emad : What did you enjoy most there?

Sami :...... (3)

Fill in:

(best – and so – menu – but – best – mine)

a- We choose our meal from the ….in the restaurant.

b- Nadia's bag is heavier than ……….

c- We grow the ………cotton in the world.

d- I'm going on holiday next week…..is Huda.

e- I Work in the warehouse….I wasn't there this morning.


1- This is your office. (This office……..)

2- Is this her pen or my pen? (Is this pen…….?)

3- This bank is bigger than all the banks in Egypt. (This is all the….)

4- No stationary in Egypt is better than ours. (We sell the ……)

5- Whose office is the biggest? (Who has …….…)

6- Who has the oldest computer? (…….the oldest?)

7- This is our house. This house is (we). (Correct)

8- He is (young) than my brother. (Correct)

9-Sami works for BOS and I work in BOS. (Use “and so”)

10-It is Ahmed’s calculator. (Ask a question)

11-Whose book is the most expensive? (Use “who has …?”)

D- Write the memo

written by Waheed Arafa to Mr.Adel Fahmy asking him to write the order to the storehouse of their company to send six chairs and desks and to send it at once.


1- My company sells goods all over Egypt.

2- He works at the head office but his friend works in the storeroom.

-1أفضل الجلوس على هذا الكرسى لأنة مريح.

2- ان مادة الرياضيات اصعب من مادة الجغرافيا فى مدارسنا الفندقية.

Unit 15


Language functions

Asking permission

Asking permission / Response
1. May I use the telephone? / Yes, of course / Certainly
2. Can I have your pen? / Of course / no problem

Sorry ,I ’m afraid I cant’t.في حالة الرفض

Offering to do things

Offers: عرض\ تقديم خدمة

1. Can I …..? EX: Can I carry the bag for you?

2. I’ll …… . EX: I’ll carry the bag for you.

3. Let me …. . EX: Let me carry the bag for you?


1-A:I’ll carry the bag for you.

B: Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

A: Not at all.

2-A:Can I help you with those heavy boxes?

B:It’s Ok.I can manage.

A: It’s no trouble .Let me take one of them.

B: Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

A: You’re welcome

Polite requests: طلبات بأدب

  1. Can you …..?

Ex: Can you help me, please?

  1. Could you ….?

Ex: Could you help me, please?

Modal verbs:

(Can – could – will – may)

بعض الخصائص:

لا تتغير هذه الافعال الناقصة مع تغير الفاعل (مفرد او جمع)

EX: I can – He can – They can

ياتى بعدها افعال اخرى.

EX: I can play – He will read

فى حالة تكوين سؤال او فى حالة النفى لا نستخدم

(Do or does)

EX: I cannot go. Can I enter?

Yes, you can. / No, you cannot.

Language study:

The future with “Will”

  1. “Will” is used for an immediate decision about the future.

EX: I’ll meet my uncle tomorrow.

  1. Questions: we put “Will” before the verb.

EX: He will visit them. →will he visit them?

  1. Negative: We put “not” after “will”

EX: He will do it. → He will not (won’t) do it.

Additional Exercise

  1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

A: What does Ali do?

B: …………….. (1)…………. .

A: Where …………… (2)…………… ?

B: His office is in Gomhoria Street.

A: How does he go to his work?

B: ……………….. (3)…………… .

  1. Fill in the spaces with words from list:

(how – much – soon – well – good – kitchen )

  1. This work is urgent. Please do it as ….. as possible.
  2. The ….. staff at a hotel make the food.
  3. ….. wide is the screen?
  4. Has Salwa got …… work?
  5. He can speak English …… .
  1. Match (A) with(B):

A / B
1. Do you think / Egypt’s export be in 2020
2. I never drink cola, / Photocopy this for me?
3. May I / He‘ll go out this evening?
4. could you / Don’t you?
5. what will / Use your computer?

4- Rewrite

1- Her English is not very good. (….can‘tspeak...)

2- It won’t rain tomorrow. That’s my opinion. (I don’t think….)

3- Are you coming to the office tomorrow? (…be in the office…)

4- Is she a good swimmer (Can…....?)

5- Does she work quickly? (….worker…)

6- I can read English slowly. (………….quickly.)

7- I don’t think they are coming to the party. (…at the party tomorrow.)

A) Translate into Arabic:

1. Will computers be cheaper or more expensive next year?

2. He asks his secretary to photocopy the report.

B) Translate into English:

كتبت مذكرة اليه ليرسل استمارة التقديم للدورة الدراسية.

UNIT 16 An Ideal Employee

Language study: Describing abilities

1-He is very good at Maths.

2-He is good at basketball.

3-He is quite good at swimming.

4-He is not bad at English.

5-He isn’t verygood at Maths.

Asking about abilities:

1- Can you speak English well?

2- Are you good at following instructions?

Giving definitions:

1) A: What is a bank clerk?

B:A bank clerkisa person who works in a bank.

2) A: What is a fax?

B: A fax is a machine that sends and receives documents by telephone.


A: What does your sister do?

B: She is a receptionist

A: What’s a receptionist?

B: It’s a person who greets visitors.

Relative Clauses:

تستخدم اسماء الموصول لتربط جملتين:

1-تستخدمwho – that لوصف الآشخاص.

He is the man who came yesterday.

2-تستخدمwhich – that لوصف الآشياء.

Elephants are animals which live in Africa.

Additional Exercise

1-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Dina: Did you enjoy your stay in Luxor and Aswan last month?

Hadeer: Yes, ……………………………………

Dina: ………………………………..?

Hadeer: By air.

Dina: How was the weather during your stay there?

Hadeer: ………………………………….

2-Fill in the spaces with words from list:

(photocopier – is – are – worst – that – competition)

1- This is the……..film I‘ve ever seen.

2- The equipment which they sell………….quite cheap.

3- She is the winner of this year’s Ideal secretary…………

4- A…… is a machine that makes copies of documents.

5-BOS is accompany ……………sells stationery.

3- Rewrite:

1-Mona is my friend and she is an ideal secretary.(…who….)

2- A waiter serves people in a restaurant. (…is a person …)

3- They speak French in France. (French is………)

4- I always go to this shop. (This is the shop..)

5- Omar Effendi sells clothes. (Omar Effendi is a company…)

4- Match (A) with(B):

A / B
1. Ali is an / a- they speak in China.
2. Stationery shops are shops / b- as she works well.
3. A cook is a person / c-which sell stationery.
4. Chinese is the language that / d-active manager.
5. She is very efficient / e-who cooks food



Language study:

-ed and –ing adjectives

للاشخاص ”ed”1-تستخدم الصفات اللتى تنتهى

Ex: She is bored He is tired I’m excited

للاشياء ”ing”2-تستخدم الصفات اللتى تنتهى

Her job is boring The trip is tiring The film is exciting

"ing” Adj. followed by nouns can be applied to people.

He is a boring person. He is an exciting man,

Reported Speech

Direct Speech: Helen says” I am bored opening letters.”

Reported Speech: Helen says she is bored opening letters.

Direct Speech: Ali says” I am very busy”

Reported Speech:Ali says he is very busy”

Verb +” ing” or inf.

1-Verbs of liking and disliking + V. + ing

هىV. + ing الافعال التى تدل على الحب و الكراهية ويتبعها فعل +

Like – love – enjoy- dislike – hate - go – stop وكذلك الفعلين

Ex: I like playing football * go swimming

2- After preposition+ V. + ing

Ex: She is bored of answering the telephone.

2-Look forward to+ V. + ing

3- Ex ILook forward to having a holiday.

الافعال الاتية يتبعها المصدر

Want –would like to need – hope – learn - try.

Additional Exercise

1-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Dina: Hello.

Hadeer: Hello., …………………………to Ali?

Dina: We have no Ali. I think …………………

Hadeer: …………………the Nile Company?

Dina: No, it isn’t

Hadeer: Oh, I’m sorry.

2-Fill in the spaces with words from list:

(lucky – boring – bored – reading – office – to read )

1- He says it is ……….answering the telephone.

2- He likes …………………stories.

3- She is …….because she has nothing to do.

4- She was she won the competition.

5- Photocopying is a ………………..activity..

3- Rewrite:

1-I write letters but I don’tlike it . (I don’t ……..)

2- We can go shopping tomorrow. Would you like that?(Would you like …)

3- I’m seeing my cousins next week and I’m looking forward to it (I’m looking ………)

4- Let’s go to the swimming (……swimming)

5- My brother is having driving lessons. (My brother is learning…)

4-Match (A) with(B):

A / B
1. It’s a wrong number / a- the film I sawyesterday.
2. Filing and tiring / b- Nor do I.
3. The journey was tiring / c-Sorry to bother you.
4. I was interested in / d- I couldn’t walk anymore.
5. She doesn’t like filing / e-are secretarial work


Employers and Employees

Language study:

Question words

Who How?

WhatHow often?

WhichHow much?

WhoseHow many?

WhereHow far?

WhyHow long?

Questions with and without "do / does"

Who works for an insurance company?

Who does Huda work for?

She works for BOS.

What does Huda do?

She works as a secretary.


1-Good at / look at

2- Speak to

3- Pleased with

4- in charge of

5-by car / telephone .

6- with black hair.

Review of functional language

1-Where can I find the Manager‘s office, please?

2-Excuse me, can you help me please?

3-Can I help you?

4-May I use your telephone,please?

5-Would you like some coffee?

6-Would you like to come to the cinema with me?

7-Let’s have a coffee break.

8-Sorry to trouble you. Could you help me?

9-Pardon. Could you repeat that again, please?

10- Could you spell your name, please?

Additional Exercise