Civics - 2nd Nine Weeks Assessment

Study Guide

Spring 2008

1. The United States is said to have a ____ system.

2. A ____ party is an association of voters with broad common interests who want to elect candidates that share those interests.

3. ____ parties rarely win major elections, and have never won a presidential election.

4. A ____ is a series of statements expressing a party’s principles, beliefs, and positions on election issues.

5. What is the term for an individual part of a party’s platform?

6. ____ represent their state at their party’s national convention.

7. Each party chooses its convention delegates through a combination of primary elections and

8. Local party leaders try to build support for their party at the ____, or neighborhood, level.

9. Tammany Hall is a notorious example of a political

10. A ____ is a voting district.

11. At what location is voting carried out?

12. People who cannot go to the polls can request an ____ ballot in advance.

13. Many people think ____, or lack of interest, is the main reason for low voter turnouts.

14. What term refers to all of the people who are eligible to vote?

15. Elections are a two-part process involving primary races and

16. Citizens can vote to remove a public official from office in a

17. The ____ is a way that citizens can propose new laws or state constitutional amendments.

18. What provides a way for citizens to approve or reject state or local laws?

19. If neither presidential candidate wins a majority of electoral votes, who elects the president?

20. If enough people sign a petition for it, a ____ is put on the ballot at the next general election.

21. In a ____ system, the central government and the state governments share power.

22. State governments may exercise ____ powers, as outlined by the Tenth Amendment.

23. What powers are shared by the state governments and the federal government?

24. State electoral districts must be equally ____, or based on population.

25. A(n) ____ usually manages elections and maintains the state’s official records.

26. Governors have the power to grant a prisoner a ____, or early release from prison.

27. In a civil case, the person being sued is the

28. ____ usually set(s) out the powers and duties of local governments.

29. ____ allows cities to write their own charters and manage their own affairs.

30. What is the term for a central city and its surrounding suburbs?

31. Where is the county courthouse located?

32. Normally, the ____ is the largest territorial and political subdivision of a state.

33. The ____ keeps official government records and often supervises elections within a county.

34. Still practiced in New England states, ____ are an exercise in direct democracy.

35. What is the smallest unit of local government?