Cub Scout Achievement Progress Charts

  1. Write the name of each scout at the top of each page
  2. Record the date each achievement or elective is completed. Dates are much more helpful than checkmarks, because they will remind you when each requirement was earned and why some boys completed it and others didn’t (who was absent from den meeting, for example).
  3. For Bears, record each achievement number completed at the beginning of the chart. When a scout has completed all requirements for the Bear badge, highlight or mark those achievements, so they will not be counted as Arrow Point electives.
  4. Record completed requirements on the Achievement Record summary page. (Make a copy for each scout.) Because a boy is occasionally absent from Pack meeting, it helps to identify when he actually received his advancements.
  5. Keep accurate records to send with the scout as he graduates to the next den. There is no job much more difficult than reconstructing the progress of a scout when neither parents nor den leaders recorded requirements completed and awards received.

I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions for improving or streamlining these charts!!

Note: I have similar charts for the Faith in God Award, the Cub Scout Sports and Academics Program, and the Trapper Trails High Five Achiever Award. If you are interested in those, let me know.

Natalie Baer

572 South 200 West

Providence, UT 84332

(435) 792-3191

Bear Cub Scout Achievement Record

Name: ______Birthday: ______

Registered: ______Bobcat Badge: ______

Award / Date Earned / Date Received
1st red bead / ______/ ______
2nd red bead / ______/ ______
3rd red bead / ______/ ______
4th red bead / ______/ ______
Bear Badge / ______/ ______
Gold Arrow Point / ______/ ______
Silver Arrow Point / ______/ ______
Silver Arrow Point / ______/ ______
Silver Arrow Point / ______/ ______
Silver Arrow Point / ______/ ______
Silver Arrow Point / ______/ ______
Silver Arrow Point / ______/ ______
Silver Arrow Point / ______/ ______
Silver Arrow Point / ______/ ______
Silver Arrow Point / ______/ ______
World Conservation Award / ______/ ______
Leave No Trace Award / ______/ ______

Attendance at Den Meetings

Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec
Attendance at Pack Meetings

Name: ______

Sports and Academics

Academics / BL(date) / 
(rec’d) / Pin
(date) / 
(rec’d) / Sports / BL(date) / 
(rec’d) / Pin
(date) / 
Art / Badminton
Astronomy / Baseball
Chess / Basketball
Citizenship / Bicycling
Collecting / Bowling
Communicating / Fishing
Computers / Flag Football
Geography / Golf
Geology / Gymnastics
Heritages / Ice Skating
Language &Culture / Marbles
Map and Compass / Physical Fitness
Mathematics / Roller Skating
Music / Snow Ski and Board Sports
Science / Soccer
Weather / Softball
Wildlife Conservation / Swimming
Table Tennis
Archery / Ultimate
BB-gun Shooting / Volleyball

Faith in God/Religious Square Knot

Scouting Religious Square Knot  / date
•Family Home Evening lesson on Joseph Smith’s First Vision.
•Prayers, how they help us stay close to the Savior.
•Book of Mormon story that teaches faith in Christ; bear testimony of the Savior.
•Pedigree chart, family group record, family story, blessings of temple work.
•Letter of appreciation and respect.
•Help with Primary quarterly activity.
•Poem, play, or story about the gospel

Scouting in the Round Segments

Description / date / Description / date / Description / date

Other Awards

Religious: Faith in God/Square Knot / BSA Family Award
Crime Prevention Patch
High-Five Achiever: / Cub Adventures:
Reading is Fun (Illiteracy) / Oh Say Can You See - Patriotism
Sharing with Others (Hunger) / Back to Nature - Nature
Love One Another (Child Abuse) / Cheese Crossin’ – Dairy
Physically Strong (Drug Abuse) / Chuggin’ Thru the Past – Historical Museums
Work for Life (Unemployment) / Rowin’ on the River - Water Fun
Fossils - Dinosaurs
Bear Cub Scout – Achievement Progress
Description of Requirements
Summary of Bear Achievements (Write the achievement number when completed)
Do one for GOD (Achievements 1-2)
Do three for COUNTRY
(Achievements 3-7)
Do four for FAMILY
(Achievements 8-13)
Do four for SELF
(Achievements 14-24)
Bear Achievement Requirements
1. Ways We Worship
do both:
a. Character Connection - Faith
b. Practice your religion checklist
2. Emblems of Faith
a. Earn the religious emblem
3. What Makes America Special
do a, j,and any two others:
a. Write what makes America special
b. 2 famous Americans; what they did
c. Find out about and see 2 old homes
d. Places of historical interest
e. State bird, tree, flower, flag, date
f. Color guard for flag ceremony
g. Display flag on 3 national holidays
h. Learn to raise/lower flag outdoors
i. Participate in outdoor flag ceremony
j. Character Connection - Citizenship
4. Tall Tales
do all three:
a. Identify folk stories/songs/legends
b. Name5 stories, where they happened
c. Read 2 stories; tell one to den
5. Sharing Your World with Wildlife
do four:
a. Poster about bird or animal you like
b. Make a bird feeder and hang it up
c. Wildlife conservation officer’s job
d. Visit zoo, nature center, aviary, etc.
e. Extinct animal; endangered species
6. Take Care of Your Planet
do three:
a. Recycle glass, cans, or newspaper
b. Plant a tree
c. Find out what happens to trash
d. Search for and remedy water waste
e. Kinds of energy used by family
f. Family’s use of electricity
g. Take part in a clean-up project
7. Law Enforcement is a Big Job
do all six:
a. Take finger/shoe prints or tire tracks
b. Visit sheriff’s office/police station
c. Crime prevention in your home
d. Where to get help in neighborhood
e. Post emergency numbers by phones
f. What to do to help law enforcement
8. The Past is Exciting and Important
do g and two others:
a. Back issues of newspaper/almanac
b. Cub Scouting long ago
c. Den or pack scrapbook
d. Pedigree chart / grandparent stories
e. Find out history about community
f. Keep a journal for 2 weeks
g. Character Connection - Respect
9. What’s Cooking
do four:
a. Bake cookies
b. Make snacks for den meeting
c. Make part of breakfast, lunch, dinner
d. List “junk food” you eat
e. Make trail food for a hike
f. Make a dessert for your family
g. Cook something outdoors
10. Family Fun
do both:
a. Day trip or evening out w/family
b. Have a family fun night at home
11. Be Ready
do all (f is recommended, not required):
a. Home accident, clothes on fire
b. Water accident
c. School bus accident
d. Car accident
e. Plan and practice escape routes
f. Have a physician’s health check-up
g. Character Connection - Courage
12. Family Outdoor Adventures
do three:
a. Go camping with your family
b. Go on a hike with your family
c. Have a picnic with your family
d. Attend an outdoor event with family
e. Plan your outdoor family day
13. Saving Well, Spending Well
do four:
a. Go grocery shopping
b. Set up a savings account
c. Record what you spend for 2 weeks
d. Pretend to shop for a family car
e. Discuss family finances
f. Play a board game with play money
g. Cost for each person to eat a meal
14. Ride Right
do a and three others:
a. Rules of bike safety
b. Wind, left/right turns, U-turn, stop
c. Parts of bike to check often
d. Change a tire on a bicycle
e. Use a bicycle lock
f. Ride 1 mile without rest; obey laws
g. Plan and take a family bike hike
15. Games, Games, Games!
do two:
a. Two outdoor games
b. Two organized games with den
c. Teach and play a new game with den
16. Building Muscles
do all three:
a. Stretch,sit-ups,push-ups,jump,throw
b. Six two-person contests
c. Crab, gorilla, kangaroo, 30yard relay
17. Information, Please
do a and three others:
a. Watch a TV show with your family
b. Play charades with family or den
c. Talk to a TV or newspaper reporter
d. Computer to get info; write report
e. Letter to a company about a product
f. Facts in the workplace
18. Jot It Down
do h and four others:
a. Checklist of things to do today
b. Two letters to relatives or friends
c. Daily record of activities for 2 weeks
d. Write an invitation to someone
e. Write a thank-you note
f. Story of something done w/family
g. Write about den activities
h. Character Connection - Honesty
19. Shavings and Chips
do all four:
a. Safety rules for handling a knife
b. Care and use of pocketknife
c. Make a carving with a pocketknife
d. Earn the Whittling Chip card
20. Sawdust and Nails
do all three:
a. Use and care of four tools
b. Build your own toolbox
c. Use 2 tools in 20a to fix something
21. Build a Model
do g and two others:
a. Build a model from a kit
b. Build a display for a model
c. Pretend to change furniture layout
d. Mountain, canyon, meadow, river
e. See model of building on display
f. Model rocket, boat, car, or plane
g. Character Conn. - Resourcefulness
22. Tying It All Up
do five:
a. Whip the ends of a rope
b. Tie the five required knots
c. Keep a rope from tangling
d. Coil rope; hit marker 20 feet away
e. Learn a magic rope trick
f. Make your own rope
23. Sports, Sports, Sports!
do all five:
a. Learn rules of three team sports
b. Learn rules of two individual sports
c. Play one team, one individual sport
d. Watch a sport on TV with family
e. High school, college, pro game
24. Be a Leader
do f and two others:
a. Help a boy join Cub Scouting
b. Serve as denner or assistant denner
c. Plan and conduct a den activity
d. Tell two people they did a good job
e. Talk about hard choices w/parent
f. Character Connection - Compassion
Arrow Points
Bear Achievements:
(Note: unused parts of achievements that were used for the Bear badge may not be counted toward Arrow Points.)
1. Space
a. North Star and 2 constellations
b. Make a pinhole planetarium
c. Visit a planetarium
d. Build a model rocket / space station
e. Manmade and natural satellites
f. Another planet in solar system
2. Weather
a. Track temp. and weather - 2 weeks
b. Build weather vane; wind direction
c. Make a rain gauge
d. Barometer and relative humidity
e. 3 kinds of clouds; estimate height
f. TV forecast - symbols, accuracy
3. Radio
a. Build a crystal or diode radio
b. Make a battery powered radio
4. Electricity
a. Wire a buzzer or doorbell
b. Make an electric buzzer game
c. Make a bar/horseshoe electromagnet
d. Use a simple electric motor
e. Make a crane w/electromagnet lift
5. Boats
a. Rig and sail a real boat
b. Repair a real boat or canoe
c. Flag signals for storm warnings
d. Repair a boat dock
e. Row 100yard course; know strokes
f. Know rules for boat safety
6. Aircraft
a. Identify five kinds of aircraft
b. Ride in a commercial airplane
c. Explain how a hot-air balloon works
d. Build and fly a model airplane (Each time you do it differently, it counts as a completed project)
e. Sketch, label airplane; identify forces
f. Label helicopter; identify unique uses
g. Build a scale model airplane
7. Things That Go
a. Make a scooter or Cubmobile
b. Make a windmill
c. Make a waterwheel
d. Make your own invention that goes
8. Cub Scout Band
a. Make a homemade instrument
b. Play two familiar tunes
c. Play in a den band; play at pack mtg.
d. 2 tunes on a band/orch. instrument
9. Art
a. Do an original art project and show it at pack meeting (Each one counts as a completed requirement)
b. Visit an art museum/picture gallery
c. Draw/paint a favorite outdoor scene
10. Masks
a. Make a simple papier-mâché mask
b. Make an animal mask
c. Make a clown mask
11. Photography
a. Practice using an empty camera
b. Five pictures of the same subject
c. Mount/explain your pictures (3 parts)
d. Take a picture in your house (2 parts)
12. Nature Crafts
a. Solar print - 3 kinds of leaves
b. Display 8 animal tracks - eraser print
c. Collect, press, label 10 leaves
d. Waterscope - 5 types of water life
e. Collect and label 8 kinds of seeds
f. Collect, mount, label 10 rocks/miner.
g. Collect, mount, label 10 shells
h. Build and use a bird caller
13. Magic
a. Learn and show 3 magic tricks
b. Put on a den magic show for others
c. Learn and show 4 puzzles
d. Learn and show 3 rope tricks
14. Landscaping
a. Take care of lawn or flower bed
b. Landscape plan/sketch of your home
c. Family, den, or pack, beautifying project (Each different project counts as completed requirement)
d. Build greenhouse; grow 20 plants
15. Water and Soil Conservation
a. Different layers of soil in a hole
b. Soil experiment - 3 kinds of earth
c. Burned-out forest/prairie or slide area
d. Limiting erosion
e. Clean up water resource -den project
16. Farm Animals
a. Take care of a farm animal
b. Name/describe 6 farm animals
c. Read a book about farm animals
d. Visit livestock exhibit or county fair
17. Repairs
a. Fix an electrical plug or appliance
b. Repair something w/glue or epoxy
c. Remove and clean a drain trap
d. Refinish or repaint something
e. Do a repair job (Each different job counts as a completed project.)
18. Backyard Gym
a. Build outdoor gym w/ 3 listed items
b. Build 3 outdoor toss games
c. Den outdoor gym or game day
d. Open house for backyard gym
19. Swimming
a. Jump in; swim 25 feet and back
b. Elementary backstroke - 30 feet
c. Float on back for 1 minute
d. Buddy system/swimming safety rules
e. Racing dive; swim 60 feet
20. Sports
a. Archery safety, skills, arrow holder
b. Skiing safety, skills, and falls
c. Ice skating safety and skills
d. Track starts, dashes, and jumps
e. Roller skating safety and skills
f. Earn a new Cub Scout sports pin (May do 3 times with different sports for 3 arrow point requirements)
21. Sales
a. Council-/pack-sponsored sales event
b. Garage or rummage sale
22. Collecting Things
a. Start a stamp collection
b. Mount and display emblems, coins, or anything else at a pack meeting (Each different collection counts as a completed project)
c. Start your own library
23. Maps
a. States that border your state
b. Distance you live from state capitol
c. Time zones in United States
d. Route to school or den meeting
e. Place you want to visit - 50 mi. away
24. American Indian Life
a. Identify Indian nation of your area
b. Play 2 Indian games with your den
c. Model Indian home - past or present
25. Let’s Go Camping!
a. Kit of 10 essentials for hike/campout
b. Short hike - explain buddy system
c. Pack campfire; participate with den
d. Pack overnight campout
e. Worship service - overnight campout
f. Attend day camp in your area
g. Attend resident camp in your area
h. Earn Leave No Trace Award
World Conservation Award
Complete Bear Achievement 5
Complete all arrow points in TWO:
•2. Weather
•12. Nature Crafts
•15. Water and Soil Conservation
Do den or pack conservation project
Leave No Trace Awareness Award
1. Discuss the Leave No Trace frontcountry guidelines with an adult
2. Use frontcountry guidelines - 3 outings
3. Complete Bear Achievement 12
4. Do a Leave No Trace service project
5. Promise/sign Leave No Trace pledge
6. Make a Leave No Trace poster