Wright State University – Miami Valley

College of Nursing and Health

Summer 2016

COURSE NUMBER: Nursing 7004 - C90

COURSE TITLE: Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Practice

CREDIT ALLOCATION: 3 credits: 3 cr didactic (42 class hours) *55-minute hours

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Analysis of nursing and other selected concepts, models, and theories as related to nursing practice, administration, and education in development and application of nursing science.



RESTRICTIONS: Acceptance to Graduate Program or Permission of Instructor


FACULTY: Dr. Ann M. Bowling, PhD, RN, CPNP-PC, CNE

Office Address: 132 University Hall

Email Address:

Office Phone: 937-775-2596

Office Hours: Wednesdays 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Others by Appointment


Amy Leach 101 University Hall 775-3577


Upon completion of Nursing 7004, the student will:

1.  Critique the components of theory development and analysis.

2.  Analyze selected nursing and other concepts, models and theories.

3.  Apply selected nursing and other concepts, models and theories to nursing education, administration and clinical practice.

4.  Examine the relationship between theory development, nursing research, and nursing practice.


APA. (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Meleis, A. I. (2012). Theoretical nursing: Development and progress (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Walker, L. O. & Avant, K. C. (2011). Strategies for theory construction in nursing (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.

Other Readings: There will be additional reading assignments during the semester. The assignments will be available in .pdf form and will be posted with the weeks assignments. The Dunbar library does contain many books, journal articles, videotapes, and other useful resources for this course.

METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Lecture, discussion, assigned materials, group interaction, and experiential learning.


Last date to drop course with a 100% refund is May 27, 2016.

Last date to drop the course without a grade is June 5, 2016.

Last date to drop the course with a "W" is July 3, 2016 (does not affect your GPA).

If you drop the class after July 3, you will receive an “X” (which affects the GPA the same as an “F” or fail the class).

If life events occur after the final drop date that affects your ability to complete the course, contact your faculty and /or the CONH student affairs advisors to review options.


Grading Scale:

90 and above = A

80 – 89.99 = B

70 – 79.99 = C

60 – 69.99 = D

59.99 and below = F


Discussion 10 points

Find the Concept 15 points

Concept Paper 25 points

Proposition Paper 25 points

Theoretical Framework Presentation 25 points__

Total 100 points

GRADING POLICY: All of the above are required for successful completion of the course. All assigned work must be completed to pass the course. Rounding of grades will not occur.

COMMUNICATION WITH FACULTY: Use e-mail to communicate with faculty regarding concerns. If needing immediate assistance please contact my secretary. Students are expected to use their Pilot e-mail or Wings e-email account when sending e-mails in this course. Students sending an e-mail to the instructor must clearly state on the “Subject” line that the e-mail refers to a NUR 3300 question. Please note that emails sent through Pilot are sent using the Wings e-mail (WSU) system and the response will be located in your Wings e-mail account. I do routinely send emails regarding course content so please review your Wright State email on a regular basis. Emails may range from updated course information to clarification of assignments based on students’ questions. I will check emails Monday through Friday. I will respond to all emails within 24 hour unless sent on the weekend. All emails sent over the weekend will have a response by no later than 5 p.m. on Monday.


1.  DISABILITY STATEMENT: Students with disabilities needing accommodations such as: special test arrangements, note taking, taped textbooks, tutoring, or special equipment, please contact your instructor and/or the Counseling and Disability Services.

2.  ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Your assignments are to be done as an individual effort unless otherwise stated. The University guidelines for Academic Integrity apply to all work for the class. Please refer to your student handbook (college and university and University Academic Code of Conduct) for general policy and procedures regarding student conduct. You are responsible for knowing these policies.

a. Turnitin.com: A computer program called “turnitin.com” will be used in this course. This program is a plagiarism detection program which highlights any areas which are quoted from other material in the data bank and provides the instructor with the reference source. Therefore, students must electronically submit their papers directly to the course drop box in Pilot. Students must use Microsoft Word in PC format for all papers. Quotation marks, along with the reference source, year, and page number, must be used for any direct quotes. Direct quotes of longer than 40 words must be typed as a fully indented paragraph (indent both left and right margin). Paraphrasing must reflect the student’s own interpretation of the information (do not just change a couple words) and must be referenced appropriately (page number is not included when paraphrasing) or it will be counted as plagiarism. Material downloaded from the Internet must be properly cited, referenced in the reference list, and must come from a reputable web site. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA. Style of format used for all papers is APA format, 6th edition.

b.  Academic dishonesty will result on a zero for that assignment (which will probably result in a course failure) and referral to the University Judicial Affairs Department for a formal review regarding academic dishonesty. The results of this review will be documented in the student’s record. Papers or assignments done for another nursing course or by another student will not be accepted for credit.

3.  Course materials for each week will be posted on Pilot. Students are responsible and will be held accountable for all information regarding the course content posted online through Pilot for NUR 7004-C90 course. There will be lots of readings and assignments in this course, but the amount and level of work are within the range for a graduate course. Students in this class are required to review contents of the assigned readings weekly and to be prepared.

4.  The course is designed to help students to understand the complex nature of the course subjects and to meet course objectives. The following week of content is built on the previous week’s course content. Students are expected to complete the weekly readings, assignments, and review the guidelines posted by the instructor. To encourage students keeping up with the weekly course schedule, the instructor will post the next week’s material to the course website by 9 p.m. on Friday (example Week 2 (5/23) will be posted by 9 p.m. on 5/20).

5.  Papers and assignments are due on the date identified. A 10% penalty will be deducted daily from the total grade received for late papers if an extension is not contracted with the instructor prior to the due date. Contracts for an extension must include a specific date when the paper is to be turned in and will only be granted for extenuating circumstances.


1.  DISCUSSION / CLASS PARTICIPATION (10 points): This is a graduate level course so students will be expected to participate in multiple weekly discussion boards and assignments to facilitate their understanding of the multiple topics in this course. The overall participation in discussion boards will be graded at midterm (first 6 weeks) and final (last 6 weeks) based on the following rubric.

Items / Scores
Most of time (5 to 6 weeks) / Often
(3 to 4 weeks) / Sometimes
(2 to 3 weeks) / Seldom
(0 to 1 week)
Provides useful ideas when participating in the class discussion section. / 1.5 / 1 / 0.5 / 0
Consistently contributes and participate in the discussion sections. / 1.5 / 1 / 0.5 / 0
Responses consistently focused on the task and discussion topics / 1.5 / 1 / 0.5 / 0
Listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. / 0.5 / 0

2.  FIND THE CONCEPT (15 points): Complete the table as indicated and include the required conclusion.

a.  First spend a period of time (probably lengthy) completing a computer search of library resources (WSU or your place of employment) with the goal of skimming (not careful reading or analysis) 10 pieces of research related to a special interest area related to your concentration. Begin by choosing your clinical or functional area and determining what journals will most probably be helpful to you. Remember that WSU has a librarian, Ximena Chrisagis, who is expert in nursing literature and who is available via email or telephone or personal visit (an appointment would be courteous –plus would confirm her presence at a time convenient to you both). Focus only on research articles. You will know it is a research article if you see the headings: method, design, sample, results.

b.  You are reviewing these research articles only to find the conceptual or theoretical basis of the research being reported. Examine the article for a reference to a conceptual model or theory upon which the research was based. The conceptual models or theories do NOT have to be a nursing conceptual model or theory. Not all research articles will discuss the conceptual/theoretical basis so you may need to discard some of the articles you find.

c.  Copy and paste the table below into a new Word document. As you read through the articles, complete the table (see below).

Student Name:

Student Academic Concentration:

Student’s Population of Interest:

Citation (APA, 6th edition) / Conceptual Model or Theory / Major Concepts

d.  Add a concluding paragraph discussing which conceptual models or theories seem to be most used in your clinical area as determined by their popularity or frequency of occurrence in research. Discuss which of the related concepts seem to be of high current interest to your field.

e.  Criteria for evaluation:

o  Table includes 10 citations appropriate to the student’s concentration and population of interest (10%)

o  Citations are correct per APA 6th edition (10%)

o  Conceptual model or theory is identified along with the name of the author of the model/theory (20%)

o  Major concepts within the models related to the student’s area of interest are identified (20%)

o  Concluding paragraph identifies most frequently used models/theories in student’s area (20%)

o  Concluding paragraph identifies most commonly focused on concepts in student’s area (20%)

3.  CONCEPT PAPER: 25 points (6 to 8 pages): Each student will select a nursing concept that is relevant to their area of interest. The concept should be one that the student foresees to be useful for their clinical specialty. These concept papers will likely provide the basis for work done in your research class and in your research utilization/project/thesis class.

Criteria for evaluation: Please note: The items in bold are the headings for this paper.

·  Use of appropriate reference sources when describing the concept. (5%)

o  Select at least one recent textbook that focuses on the concept.

o  Select at least three recent nursing articles that relate to the concept from a nursing perspective.

o  Include other resources, as needed, to define the concept; i.e. dictionary, encyclopedias, articles/books outside of nursing.

·  An introduction is provided wherein the concept is clearly identified. (5%)

·  Surrogate names for concept (10%).

o  Identify any surrogate names used for this concept in the literature.

o  In what context are these surrogate names uses?

o  What, if any, are the differences in how the surrogate names are defined?

·  Description of the concept (15%)

o  Identify all typical defining features, qualities, or characteristics you find associated with the concept. Consider physical, psychosocial, values, etc.

o  Determine which of the defining characteristics are most essential to the meaning exemplified by your potential thesis/project/scholarly activity.

·  Definition of the concept (10%)

o  Based on the above information, select or develop a definition that includes all the characteristics of the concept you are most interested in or that most pertains to your future practice. Must provide a one to two sentence definition for the concept and clearly state: The _____ (concept name) has been defined as ______. This should be the last sentence in your paragraph before doing the three cases.

·  Cases are clear and demonstrate understanding of the concept (and understanding of the three types of case). (3 cases x 10 = 30%) – Must be made up by you. No references for this section. Should be a nursing situation that is seen in healthcare. Write the case so can be understood by anyone. (For example: ICU case understood by Floor Nurse)

o  Based on this definition, create a model case – an example of the concept that includes all of the properties (“This is absolutely . . .”).

o  Create a contrary case – an example that does not include any of the properties of the concept (“This is definitely not . . . “).

o  Create a borderline case – an example that includes some but not all of the properties of the concept (“This is similar but not exactly . . .”).

·  A conclusion is provided connecting the defined concept with its importance to nursing. (5%)

·  Communication of thoughts: (10%)

o  Thoughts are well organized and demonstrate graduate level depth of thinking.

o  Thoughts are clearly communicated using professional language and writing style (terminology, grammar, spelling).

·  Formatting: (10%)

o  The paper is formatted using APA (6th edition) format in terms of headers, running heads, citations, captions, quotations, etc.

o  The reference list is properly formatted using APA (6th edition) format.

4.  PROPOSITION PAPER (25 points) (8 to 10 pages): Each student must develop a proposition statement containing at least two concepts, including the concept discussed in the concept paper. These concepts must be linked together in a logical sentence that can be substantiated by research.