BULLETIN ITEM: Earth Changes Bulletin Update As Of May 17 2006

(ECB May 17, 2006, MWM)


The Polar Motion Anomaly of 2005/2006
Uncertainty about the motion of the Spin Axisis still present but is falling away rapidly. Spiral recovery is likely evident. In another month we may be able to define and quantify the shift which has taken place. From there we can probably make some further predictions about the Earth Changes.


See the background and previous reports on the pause in the wobble at the website michaelmandeville.com

For the latest IERS waveform plots of polar motion which show a flat line motion (no relative motion) rather than the spiral waveform of the Earths normal wobble, scroll down the following page to find the X and Y Plots..

For The Changes In The Earth 2006-2050

Have the Earth Changes begun, the ones predicted by Edgar Cayce and many other psychics and prophets. Yes. They began within a year of Cayce’s 1998 date, during the peak of Solar Cycle 23. For a standing summary of what the Earth Changes are and how they are unfolding, time-lines, and scenarios, see the Earth Changes Standing Summary. This webpage will be slowly updated from new text which is developed here in the Earth Changes Bulletin. Newbies should give this priority.

AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED: (ECB April 5, 2006, MWM) All weather patterns and ocean temperature patterns strongly hint that the increased ferocity of storms this year will move right on schedule, perhaps slightly early this year. The GulfCoast and the entire Mississippi Watershed region up to the Great Lakes is quite obviously going to be hit very heavily with tornadoes and hurricanes with many more super strong systems than normal. This is the Global Warming reality, the new Climate Syndrome. Adapting to it will require a different agriculture and a radical conversion of construction to reinforced concrete and all construction heavily anchored into the Earth. Looking at past cycles, this could last a minimum of another 10 years to play out previous hurricane cycles. But this is the Global Warming Trend, which will not return weather patterns to a previous level. The forced adaptations will have a huge impact on the economy of the Mid West, PlainsStates, and the Gulf area. Go with the flow, let go all past patterns, realize everything really is changing, and rapidly.


STANDING DESCRIPTION: Generally, solar MIN conditions have nearly claimed the Sun. Information on this front will generally be minimal during the next three years.

STANDING FORECAST: New dimensional modeling of the solar vortex confirms Walter Russell’s model of the Sun, as delineated during the 1930s. From recent findings in the torus modeling of the flow of Solar Activity, researchers in Colorado predict, on an historical statistical basis, that the next cycle of Solar Activity, Cycle 24, will begin in 2007 and generate activity which is 30% to 50% greater than the last cycle. I regret to predict that, IF this is true, the Global Warming Syndrome will be accelerated into greater extremes than we have seen yet and dare not even imagine at this time. Everything of the last seven years, in spades, beginning in about 2010 and lasting through to about 2014. The impacts of course will be on the weather, on the climate, on the species, and definitely as well on human violence. DEFINITELY ON HUMAN VIOLENCE AND POLITICAL IRRATIONALITY – a 30% to 50% increase in stimulation of activity and expression between 2010 and 2014 – think about it!.


Pretty much as projected last week, Solar Activity has plunged. The Flux Index is a low of 72, Sunspots are at 0, Magnetic A Index (Earth’s magnetosphere) is 5. Fluxgate Monitor in Alaska shows only a few minor undulations in the Earth’s magnetic field in the Far North.

AS OBSERVED PREVIOUSLY: We are heading now for the real nadir of the final end of Solar Cycle 23, which, true to numerological concepts, has been …well… transformative to say the least.

CONFIRMED AND CONTINUING: Strong prediction then: sunspot count and solar activity will slowly taper to zero during the next 60 days with Mercury forming brief but smallish peaks as it aligns with other planets.

NASA predicts for the next 48 hours that the odds of flares are at 1% (X or M class, respectively) and that the odds of magnetic disturbances are at roughly 5-30% in the polar zones - this because of another rather large coronal hole (hole in the magnetic atmosphere of the Sun) from which a large gust in the solar wind will strike the Earth about now.


AS PREVIOUSLY OPINED ABOUT THE DYING COMET: DOOMSDAY is somewhere else this month, not here on Earth. It is not likely, both from psychic sources and from science, that any serious fragments will hit the Earth. I have already relayed that this is the consensus of my psychic sources. Here is what NASA SAYS: “More than 60 fragments of dying comet 73P/Schwassmann Wachmann 3 are racing toward Earth. There's no danger of a collision. At closest approach on May 12th - 16th, the mini-comets will be 6 million miles away. That is close enough, however, for a marvelous view through backyard telescopes.”

Moon is 77% of Full, now past its Fullness on May 13, 2006

It is some 370,000 KM from the Earth, deep in its South Node. It reaches Perigee on May 25. Next New Moon is May 27, 2006


Perigee Apogee

Jan 1 22:51 361749 km N+1d19h Jan 17 19:08 405885 km F+3d 9h

Jan 30 7:48 357780 km N+ 17h Feb 14 0:49 406360 km + F+ 20h

Feb 27 20:28 356884 km -- N- 4h Mar 13 1:45 406272 km + F-1d21h

Mar 28 7:14 359169 km N-1d 3h Apr 9 13:17 405549 km F-4d 3h

Apr 25 10:39 363735 km N-2d 9h May 7 6:48 404571 km F-6d 0h

May 22 15:30 368614 km N-4d13h Jun 4 1:42 404079 km F-7d16h

Jun 16 17:09 368925 km F+4d23h Jul 1 20:14 404447 km N+6d 4h

Jul 13 17:36 364286 km F+2d14h Jul 29 13:03 405404 km N+4d 8h

Aug 10 18:29 359754 km F+1d 7h Aug 26 1:24 406270 km - N+2d 6h

Sep 8 3:08 357174 km + F+ 8h Sep 22 5:22 406498 km -- N- 6h

Oct 6 14:08 357409 km F- 13h Oct 19 9:36 406073 km - N-2d19h

Nov 3 23:52 360597 km F-1d13h Nov 15 23:21 405192 km N-4d22h

Dec 2 0:07 365922 km F-3d 0h Dec 13 18:57 404416 km N-6d19h

New Full

2005 Dec 31 3:12 2006 Jan 14 9:48

2006 Jan 29 14:16 2006 Feb 13 4:45

2006 Feb 28 0:33 2006 Mar 14 23:36

2006 Mar 29 10:18 2006 Apr 13 16:42

2006 Apr 27 19:46 2006 May 13 6:54

2006 May 27 5:28 2006 Jun 11 18:05

2006 Jun 25 16:07 2006 Jul 11 3:04

2006 Jul 25 4:32 2006 Aug 9 10:56

2006 Aug 23 19:11 2006 Sep 7 18:44

2006 Sep 22 11:46 2006 Oct 7 3:14

2006 Oct 22 5:15 2006 Nov 5 12:59

2006 Nov 20 22:18 2006 Dec 5 0:25

2006 Dec 20 14:01 2007 Jan 3 13:58

Since the New Moon Syzygies will be far from Perigees during the next three lunar cycles, their influences will be the weakest of 2006. On August 9, a Full Moon will be followed by an August 10 Perigee. Thereafter through the Fall, Full Moons should have the maximum syzygy punch on the Earth. All dates UTC.

Here is the list of the remaining Super Moon Syzygies for 2006, meaning a New or Full Moon at Perigee or within 90 per cent.
SEP 07, 2006 | 06:43 PM | FULL MOON
OCT 07, 2006 | 03:13 AM | FULL MOON
In accordance with Hotno’s remarks, the October Full Moon may be the deadliest during 2006, esp. through the Medit-Himalayan Belt.

PLANETARY ALIGNMENTS: All now dissolving. Solar Activity will be at nadir for the next week.

Venus will align with Neptune on May 27 and speed quickly to an alignment with Uranus during the first week of June. This will bring some minor spikes in solar activity, but these will likely be small.

Mercury aligns with Saturn once again on May 30 and then with Mars on June 1 and 2. This should bring greater activity.

Anticipating, as usual, a response from the Sun about five days before the alignments, we should expect May 22 through to about June 1 to bring another modest plateau in Solar Activity, probably smaller than the last plateau which had Sunspot Counts in the 50-60 range

This should provide a modest wave of energy into the atmosphere, giving the start of the hurricane season some vitality.

The next two major planetary dates to watch for is June 21, the Summer Solstice more or less, and July 16. On the Solstice, Mercury will align with Jupiter and then speed by to align with Earth on July 16. Anticipate major sunspot peaks, perhaps in the range of 60-100 about five days prior to both alignments. These will most likely be accompanied by solar pyrotechnics in the form of flares, auroras, CME”s. Impact on the Earth’s weather will be substantial and will immediately push any existing hurricanes, cyclones, t-storms, and tornadoes into higher energy states. The last half of July should be very petulant and tropical storms during that period are especially likely to be extreme.

August should lull down for the first two weeks until another double-header alignment forms up on about August 21. The Earth will align with Neptune about August 20, which will produce a minor peak in Solar Activity about August 15, while Mercury will align with Venus about August 21 and quickly speed by Saturn the next day. These passages most likely will produce another spectacular increase in Solar Activity.

Beware then, THE IDES OF AUGUST. Hurricane activity will be greatly stimulated during the third week of August leading into the New Moon period on August 23. The New Moon of August may be especially ominous this year.

But wait it can and most likely will get worse about the end of August when Solar Activity is pulled out in even larger volumes by a triple header alignment on September 4.

September 4 will bring alignments between Venus and Saturn, Mercury and Mars, and Earth and Uranus. This may very likely produce a week long plateau above 50 in the Sunspot Count, along with three distinct peaks, one of which will reach towards 100.

Any hurricanes which form up about the New Moon of August 23 or during the ensuing week are likely to be stimulated THREE TIMES by the Sun, a few days apart each time.

This will be a very good time indeed to be a long ways away from Gulf and Eastern beaches. Take your last August and early September vacation in the Mountains, preferably the Rockies, or in places like Maine and Newfoundland.


The North Pacific still sports quite a large warm region, but it appears to be diminishing. This will help normalize the weather.

The cool pool on the Pacific Equator has all but disappeared and no El Nino seeds appear to be present.

These developments portend a more normal year in the western portion of North America (within the new normal of the Global Warming Syndrome). But warm water in the North Atlantic, some near the Equator, some adjacent to Newfoundland, auger for a VERY stormy summer in the Gulf, Mid-West, and Eastern Seaboard. This condition is still strengthening.

Take a look at all this on the “Anomalies Chart” at


I expect we will hear even more this summer about the acceleration of the melting of Greenland. The much warmer water than usual in the North Atlantic clearly will hasten the melting.

Here is the summer prediction of the Earth Changes Bulletin: More probable than not: there will easily be a dozen hurricanes in the North Atlantic, half of these will land fall on North America, FOUR WILL BE SUPER STORMS CATEGORY 4 OR GREATER for at least a part of their flow, odds are the zone from Houston to the Florida Panhandle will be broadsided at least once again in the manor of Katrina. The results of the 2006 hurricane season will force more abandonment of habitat and commercial activity along the GulfCoast, and the economy of Florida will continue to disintegrate at a faster rate.Texas may begin to reel as well. The best response? Go with the flow.

AS PREVIOUSLY PREDICTED: I expect that the acceleration of Global Warming during the last four years will sustain a stiff drought regime in the desert latitudes of North and South America, Africa, and through the Middle East for the next several years. I believe we are likely to see dust bowl conditions widespread in both Africa and America. During the next several years, there is not likely to be much relief in Africa and the SonoranDesert in the PSW of the U.S. probably will not see much monsoon rain except in the high elevations above 7000 feet. There may not be any relief until the next El Nino, which will come during 2007 or 2008 at the latestThis pattern will continue to persist for the foreseeable future under the global warming trend. There will be occasional short-lived relief, as in late 2004 and early 2005, from El Nino wet air, but most of this wet air will probably end up far to the North and to the East, producing extremes of flooding and large numbers of tornadoes in other areas. In other words, the new normal is there is no normal at all, just a deepening of chaotic extremes.

AS PREVIOUSLY PREDICTED: Weather PATTERNS will continue to be non-normal because of the chaotic mixing effects which Global Warming Syndrome is inducing into the flow of air. All local regimes will continue to be perturbed and this perturbance will gradually get more and more surreal through this time of the rapidly accelerating Change In The Earth. No normality will be seen for at least the next four millennia. All biomes will relentlessly migrate and transmute. Catastrophic impact of the weather in some regions, such as the CaribBasin, will ebb and flow in severity in response to the modulation imposed by the 7 year cycle in the Wobble, (the Primary Axis Cycle). In general, the coast lines of the Gulf area, including Florida, are in process of being destroyed and this process will accelerate. Within the next 24 months, it is likely that North Americans will give up on the GulfCoast. The islands in the CaribBasin will face the same issues and abandonment of some of these will commence as well during the next four years.

This news item was sent separately. This is an important dossier.

New legislation not designed to foster pleasant or productive weather, but planned as tool of weaponized weather control, already well tested and in use since 1976. Amateur and hostile weather-makers alike likely to lose their technology to the military.
by Mary-Sue Haliburton
Pure Energy Systems News
Copyright 2005
New Weather-Control Board to Set up Shop in U.S.


SYZYGY FORECAST: We are nearly betwixt Syzygy now. Frequency of quakes are falling off rapidly, despite the two big ones in the Western Pacific on the northern edge of the vast Australian Tectonic Plate – 6.8 on the western side and a 7.6 on the eastern side. Magnitudes and frequency are likely to be depressed for another few days, but rise again for the Perigee moment on May 25. Next danger zone may be May 22 – May 27.

These quakes on Australia make it the world’s most unique tectonic plate. No other plate generates such large quakes on both sides of itself.

Overall, the USGS World Chart shows206quakes for the past seven days (up from prior week) (for all quakes in U.S. and Imperial Possessions at 2.5 plus and for all other areas at 4.0 plus).

There was only one 6.0 plus quakes and one 7.0 plus quake, as mentioned. There were also several shape-shifters widely scattered in the Great Rift.

In general. activity was widely scattered with quake activity substantially elevated in frequency in North America in all zones, including the East. Seismic activity is now also picking up in St. Helens for the first time this year and Mauna Loa has begun to generate rising numbers as well, as least for this past seven days.

GREAT SCORE FOR THE SIGNALS-BASED PREDICTIONS. Brian’s Predictions scored directly with a 6.0 plus prediction made just 24 hours prior to the hit. PamWiseman.com “earth-sensitive” scored, and Jack Cole scored with his radio waves analysis. Congratulations are in order. Clear success in this venture is tough to bring forth. Salude.

Alaska and California are not off the hook until after the Perigee. An heads up is advisable. Maintain a careful watch.

Volcanism is clearly simmering down even further, despite the spectacular eruption of Meripi on Indonesia. Ash, minor explosions, and lava flows continuein very small quantities in a very few scattered volcanoes. Most activity reports are now dated and all the bell-weather volcanoes, such as Kilauea and Popo, are barely active with much reduced emissions or lava. Etna is still gaseous but offers no visible eruptive emissions.

The SWVC counts this week are now6restless (same as last week), 62 alert list (same as last week), and 24 active eruptions (same as last week).Popo gave 2puffs yesterday, about as tepid as it gets. The Carib Plate is still the hotspot of world “ash” activity, whith the exception of Meripi on Sumatra, but ash in Central America is becoming harder and harder to spot.