The Open Door

“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” _ Jesus Christ – John 10:9

Volume 16, No. 5 Published by Cedar Key Church of Christ

31 January 2016 Editor: David Binkley, Gospel Minister

Today’s Worship Plan

Welcome & First Prayer …. Robert Robinson

Song Leader ...... ………….... David

Sermon: If You Are Willing

Lord’s Supper – Presiding …………… Brent Brooks

Lord’s Supper – Assisting ………… Bill Vetovitz

Closing Prayer ………………… David Curry

Greeter ……………………………………… Laura Robinson

** 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 “...Whoever sows sparingly will also reap also sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”… Please notice the offering box in the entranceway; where we cheerfully place our offerings in the collection box. Your contributions to God help us preach the Gospel here in Cedar Key, around the world and carry out works of benevolence to the glory of Christ our Lord

Welcome Visitors and Members! We hope that your experience today will add something meaningful to your life in Christ Jesus. If you are new to the area and would like more information about this church, let us know. If you are just visiting our island community, then we hope to see you again. Would you like to confess your faith in Jesus Christ and repent of your sins today? Come forward during the last song and we will assist you in obeying Christ as Lord – or let us know your desire some other time. We can arrange a time for your baptism into Christ. If you are a Christian and wandered away from home with the Lord, you may also make your desires known and we will pray for God to forgive your sins, and fully restore you to Jesus Christ and joyful fellowship with other Christians.

Share the Good News! Free Bible studies and much more are available at our congregation’s web site Cedar Key Church of Christ. We also have the church’s weekly Bulletin on our web site.


Bible study on Wednesday, 5pm.

We meet together to study God’s Word, sign cards and having wonderful Christian fellowship while having coffee and snack, kindly providing by Margaret, Brent, Laura and others.

Please plan to come and have good time.

Church Food Pantry is working. We have plenty of imperishable food for now. Our food pantry and clothes works 7 days a week! If you family in need let them know. We expect family with 3 children to come this week. We appreciate your donations and compassionate hearts!

“Empty Bowls” event is this Wednesday 5-7pm. They need desserts, soup or help for community Food Pantry located at Methodist Church.

For more information ask Laura Robinson.

Robert - 01/20, Grace - 01/22,

Vincent - 01/26!

We wish you more of God’s blessings for years to come!

(If you have Birthday or anniversary in January or next month, please let Galina know and we will include it in next newsletter. Thank you very much!)

·  We called Bubba Castell. He was spending time with his nephew in Inglis.

He is missing church and sent everybody his love and appreciates your prayers, cards, concerns.

David and Linda for polishing church pews and furniture etc.; Carol and Cecil for cleaning church; Johanna and Bill for donating supply; Laura Robinson for teaching kids, Robert for taking care of church yard and new church property; Brent and Margaret for feeding so many people; Rachel for being such a good positive addition to Sunday & Wednesday class; Laura Jean for being a great encourager; Ronnie and Diane for being a great part of worship and Bible class; Thank you, visitors for being important part of the Worship and Bible study. Thank you everybody for making the light of Jesus shine in the community!

Bible Question How did the soldiers seal the tomb where Jesus was buried? (Matthew 27)

If You Are Willing

And a leper came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him, “If you will, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, he (Jesus) stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will; be clean.” (Mark 1:40-41)

During the days when Christ was on the earth, a person with the skin disease called leprosy was shunned by society. Like in some societies where physically handicapped individuals are seen as sub-human. Jesus knew a soul when he saw one! What about us today?

The leper in this story knew that Jesus could heal him - if only he would. Based upon his faith, the Lord made him whole again. What an amazing and compassionate miracle!

(John 16:33) Christ has overcome the world – therefore we are to take heart even during times of tribulation. Jesus Christ is Lord and no power on earth can overcome us!

(Acts 9:1-19) The apostle Paul’s miraculous conversion from a devout persecutor of the early church is solid proof that if Jesus was able to change Saul to the apostle Paul, he can turn us into the most useful person we ever dreamed possible. He made the leper clean as he cleanses sinners!

(2 Corinthians 4:7-11) Often those who come to Christ Jesus to receive forgiveness of sins will balk when asked to share their faith with a personal testimony. The treasure of salvation is still being delivered to the world in “jars of clay”

(Ephesians 4:20-24) What will it take to reach those souls whom Christ died for that have been brought up to hate Christians? The amazing love of God that knows no boundaries whether racial, religious or nationality! Jesus is always eager and willing to save those who come to him by faith as did the leper in today’s text.

(Philippians 1:27-29) Our manner of life as Christians should reflect the certainty of our faith that Jesus saves to the uttermost those who come to him and are willing to suffer when necessary for the cause of Christ. DB

Remember in Prayers, Cards and Visits

§  Bible Question: What effect should the miracles of Jesus have on us? (Mark 6:6)RrrrrRemember in Prayers, cards and Vi

Cancer: Danielle Beckham, Zach Brown, Sue Colson, Angela Daniel, Donna Bishop Eiland, H.C. Henderson, Judy Horn, Barbara Hynes, Evgeny (Zhenya) Kuznetsov, Thelma McCain, Cindy Pierce, Sue Raymer, Susan Roquemore, Jimmie Stansfield (Brenda), Teresa Stevens, Jim Tidwell, Todd Wilder, Hilda Wilkins

Comfort and Recovery: Jan Allen, Joan Andrek, Tammy Bierman, Gilbert Britton, CeCe Bullard, Andy Bullard, Jr., Emily Breast, Charles (Bubba) Castell, Joyce Corley, Gary Crosby, Ken Daniel, Dusty, Tim Gilligan, Alysha Henderson, Mackenzie Jones, Mike Joyner, Danny King, William Leith, Rick Lombardo, Bill Martin, Gina Martin, Patti Morgan, Janet Ramsey, Tom Rooks, Rose Ellen Shepherd, Shane Stewart, Annie Voyles, Erica Willett, Nadia, Jannie Williams, Paige Williams, Bruce Whitcavitch, Sr., our local Cedar Key children.

Military: Ross Aikin, Tyler Anderson, Zack Anderson, Lauren Bartholemy, Tim Baxley, Daniel Beans, Frankie Beckham, Montana Beckham, Joseph Bishop, Matthew Brown, John Henry Collins, Quentin Collins, Chelsea Colson, Alan Crews, Jacob Crosby, Isaac Delaino, John Dusek, Thomas Felletier, Nick Gentry, Amber Haven, James Holland, Robby Ice, Adam Iovine, Crystal Jenkins, Nadya Jimenez, David Johnson, Clayton Klemm, Kyle Knight, Tommy Lee, Josh Lloyd, Robby McCabe, Ian McNulty, Richard Moran, Shawn Pardee, Shane Poole, Steven Poole, Plummer Family, Richie Rain, Jonathan Roque, Matthew Roque, Clay Rowland, Jared Shewey, Brock Stone, William Clenton Wasson, Jerrett Westling, Erica Willet.

Mission Work: Magadan, Russia; Nikolaev, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk Ukraine; Christians in Ukraine displaced due to the war with Russian supported separatists; Prison Ministries at Lowell & Hernando,

Cedar Key Police, First Responders & Firefighters; President Obama, others in authority PEACE. Recent High School graduates

Our Record – 01/24/2016

Sunday morning worship ...... 23

Sunday morning Bible studies ...... 17

Sunday evening worship ……………………………………. 5

Wednesday 1/27/2016 ……………...... 7

Contributions 1/24/2016 ………………… $945.00

Calendar of Opportunities

Sunday: Bible classes 10:00 am

Worship assemblies 11:00 am & 5:00 pm

Wednesday: Prayer and Bible study: 5:00 pm

Come and bring a friend!

Cedar Key Church of Christ

Third & E Street, Cedar Key, FL 32625