Arab Company For Projects & Maintenance / الشركة العربية للمشروعات و الصيانه
Limited Liability Company / شركة ذات مسئولية محدودة
Paid Capital: 8,000,000 S.R. / رأس المال المدفوع: 8,000,000 ريال سعودى
C.R.: 2050045460 / سـجل تـجارى: 2050045460

Vendor Registration Form

1. Registration Request Letter ‬

Attach a letter to the CEO of APM signed by your company Owner or POA.

2. Company Information:

a) Registration details‬

  • Arabic Company Name: ‬
  • English Company Name: ‬
  • Commercial Name‬:
  • Commercial registration No.: ‬
  • Did your company have a name change in the past 12 months? ___Yes ___No
  • Ownership Type :‬
  • Is International? ‬___Yes ___No
  • Year of Establishment: ‬
  • Total No of Employees:
  • No of Saudi Employees:
  • Phone 1.:
  • Phone 2‬.:
  • Fax No.‬:
  • Website:‬
  • Email Address:
  • Street‬:
  • Country: ‬
  • City :‬
  • P.O. Box.
  • Postal Code.

B) Authorized Representative:‬

  • First name:‬
  • Middle Name: ‬
  • Last name :‬
  • Job Title: ‬
  • Department:‬
  • Email Address: ‬
  • Phone No 1.:‬
  • Phone No. 2‬.:
  • Fax No.‬:
  • Mobile No.:‬

3. Quality ManagementSystem

  • Are you ISO certified? ___Yes ___No
  • If Yes, please attach copy of certificate with this form.
  • Registered or certified to any other Quality Management System or model?
  • Details:______

4. Legal Document


  • Valid commercial registration certificate.‬
  • Valid zakat and income tax payment or clearance.‬
  • Valid Certificate from the general organization for social insurance.‬
  • Valid Certificate from labor office.‬
  • Power of Attorney.
  • SAGIA license (If applicable).
  • Company Profile‬.

Note: Copies of above required documents to be submitted, originals to be produced for verification on demand

Authorized Representative Signature: / Company Stamp:

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