“Movo Movie on Movement” Hook

Grade Level: 2

Strand: Understanding Structures and Mechanisms

Topic: Movement

Specific Expectation:

3.1 Describe different ways in which objects move (e.g., turning, spinning, swinging, bouncing, vibrating, rolling)

Materials Required:

·  Data projector

·  Projection screen or SMART Board

·  Xtra Normal website (www.xtranormal.com)

·  Tennis ball


Prior to class-

1.  Create an account with Xtra Normal online.

2.  Choose the “Make Movies” option.

3.  Apply your settings (character, voice, and location).

4.  Write a script and direct the actions (follow website directions and prompts).

During class-

1.  Explain to students that a special guest has come to talk to them.

2.  Play the video created with Xtra Normal website.

3.  Interact with the digital character as indicated in your script.

Sample Script & Video Images

Movo: Good morning boys and girls! Hi Miss Dillon and Miss de Jourdan!

Both teachers: Hi Movo! How are you?

Movo: I'm great! I'm really excited to talk to you about my favourite topic in science. Girls and boys can you guess what it is by my name? (Class responds)

Movo: Great critical thinking! My favourite subject is movement! Movement, movement, movement! Movement is when an object changes position. Miss de Jourdan can you move that ball there to show them what I mean?

Miss de Jourdan: Well, Movo there are different types of movement, which one should I show them?

Movo: That's true why don't you start by rolling the ball? (Miss de Jourdan rolls the ball) Great! Now Miss Dillon why don't you bounce the ball to Johnny and Johnny will bounce it back to you? Bouncing is another type of movement! Ohh look at the time! I really must be on my way but there are many other ways in which objects move. I'll tell you them quickly before I go. Miss de Jourdan and Miss Dillon can you each be an object and help me show the class? (teachers exchange looks)

Both teachers: Sure Movo!

Movo: Ok. Well objects can spin (teachers spin),

objects can swing (teachers swing arms),

objects can turn (teachers turn),

and objects can vibrate (teachers vibrate).

You'll have a chance to explore movement and how an object's position can be changed.Sorry I have to go so soon, but I have to finish building my catapult for Jeff Scott. I'll be back to check in on you later and see how you're “mooving” along. Bye boys and girls.

Both teachers: Thanks for coming Movo.

Movo: You’re welcome. Bye for now.

Scientific Explanation:

Movement is the change in position of an object. Once students have had the chance to explore movement through a variety of experiences they will apply this knowledge to the six simple machines (wedges, screws, wheel and axel, lever, pulley, incline plane).

A few definitions related to movement:

Bounce:To rebound after having struck an object or a surface

Roll: To move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over

Turn: To cause to move around an axis or center; cause to rotate or revolve

Vibrate: To move back and forth or to and fro, especially rhythmically and rapidly


Free Resources for Teachers Workshop – Infusion Conference, Nipissing University



Opportunities and Other Considerations

·  There are no safety concerns with this hook

·  Choosing a student or students to interact with the digital character should be done with discretion and sensitivity

·  The teacher could continue to use Xtra Normal videos in a series of hooks to introduce new concepts throughout the unit

·  Students may create their own videos to demonstrate their understanding of movement

·  Videos could be used to address any concept within the science curriculum

·  It is important that a video clip such as this is not used as the sole instructional method but rather to support an engaging and hands-on lesson/activity

·  If Internet connection is not reliable in the classroom, use a program such as JING to save video to the computer’s hard-drive to minimize ‘technological difficulties’

Presenters: Angela Dillon and Melanie de Jourdan