Ms. Barker’s 1st 9 weeks test 2017-2018

  1. List the Four Essential Features of the State.
  2. List the fundamental concepts of American Democracy?
  3. How can a government can maintain order?
  4. What are the functions of Government?
  5. List the 4 sources of power and explain them.
  6. What are direct democracies?
  7. What are the goals listed in the Preamble to the Constitution?
  8. The Articles of Confederation served as what?
  9. Which document is considered the law of the land in the United States?
  10. Why did the Anti-Federalists oppose the new Constitution?
  11. Describe what each of these people believed: Machiavelli, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Voltaire
  12. Which part of the Constitution specifically protects citizens from the abuse of power either by the national or state government?
  13. How is power distributed in the federal system of government?
  14. Describe the Connecticut (Great) Compromise?
  15. Which governing body has the power of judicial review?
  16. In which kind of democracy do citizens vote for representatives to make political decisions?
  17. Why was the United States’ Government always short of money under the Articles of Confederation?
  18. What made trade difficult under the Articles of Confederation?
  19. Which documents did the Founding Fathers use to outline the Constitution?
  20. How many houses does our Congress have? What is this called?
  21. Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?
  22. What was the initial purpose of the Constitutional Convention?
  23. List the 7 Founding Fathers we have studied and what they are known for.
  24. How are decisions made in a democracy?
  25. What is the Social Contract of the United States called?
  26. Which theory of origin of power is the basis for our government?
  27. This document was the source of the ideas of limited government?
  28. Who did the idea that humans have rights originate with?
  29. Which series of religious revivals spread the idea of self-government in the colonies? What were the names of the two most famous ministers?
  30. Who “laid the egg that Luther hatched?”
  31. Explain why Romans chose to create a republic.
  32. Why did the concept of human rights and equality go underground for nearly 1000 years?
  33. Who is Oliver Cromwell? What group did he belong to? What did he believe?
  34. What are the three big fights of the Constitutional Convention?
  35. Draw the Political Power Matrix.
  36. What are the four Elements of Governance?