Northwich Sapphires Netball Club

registration form for 2013–2014 season

We are very pleased to welcome you to the 2013-14 Season at Northwich Sapphires Netball Club.

Please complete all sections of this registration form and hand in to the secretary/coach. Please ensure that all information is accurate, as it will be used to register you with England Netball, local leagues and to ensure that you are kept informed about club events.

Registration for Junior section:





Home telephone number:

Mobile: Email:

Date of birth:……………………………… Age……………… School year (as of 1st Sep 2013)……………………………

What are your favourite Netball positions? 1……… 2……… 3………

Name of School…………………………………………………………

Which team are you hoping to play for? (Please tick)

U16s…… U15s…… U14s……U13s……… U12s……… U11s…… U10s……


Please insert the information below to indicate the person(s) who should be contacted in case of an incident/accident:

Contact name and relation to player:

Emergency contact number:

3. medical information

Do you experience any conditions requiring medical treatment that coaches or team managers should be aware of? ¨ Yes ¨ No

If yes, give details

Do you have any allergies? ¨ Yes ¨ No

If yes, give details

Please add any further information you feel is necessary



Payment should be made by cheque and handed into the team manager (please see payment form).


In order to help the club monitor its membership can you please tick one of the following boxes to identify ethnic group:

White ¨

Mixed ¨

Asian or Asian British ¨

Black or Black British ¨

Chinese or other ethnic group ¨


Have you played Netball before? Yes ¨ No ¨

If yes, where have you played the sport: (please indicate below)

Primary school ¨

Secondary school ¨

Local authority coaching session (s) ¨

Club ¨

County ¨

Other (please specify):


(Please note that this information will only be accessed by the relevant coach or team manager for the age group and the junior co-ordinator)

Do you consider your child to have a disability? Yes ¨ No ¨

If yes, what is the nature of the disability?

By returning this completed form:

¨ I agree to my child in my care taking part in the activities of the club.

¨ I understand that I will be kept informed of these activities

¨ I understand that in the event of any injury or illness all reasonable steps will be taken to

Contact me, and to deal with that injury/illness appropriately.

¨ I confirm that my child will conform to the club rules.

¨ I confirm that I understand the spirit of the Parents/Spectators code of Conduct.

¨ I give consent to the use of photography in order to assist coaching or for publicity of the


¨ I consent to my child receiving medical treatment which, in the opinion of a qualified

medical practitioner, may be necessary.

Name of parent/guardian:…………………………………………………… Date ……………………

Signature of parent/guardian:


Payment form 2013-2014

Fees this season: (September – June)

·  £180 subs which include

o  £20 England netball affiliation (must have to play in league and for insurance purposes).

o  £160 which includes hire of facilities, training, entry into all leagues and equipment etc.

Please ensure that any payment made is in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and team clearly marked. Please hand to team manager.

Cheques are strongly preferred rather than cash. Please write players name and age group on reverse of cheque.

Northwich Sapphires is an inclusive club and doesn’t want payment to be a barrier to participation. If payment is an issue please speak to your team manager or coach for assistance.

Name ………………………………………………………….

¨  I have paid the affiliation fee of £20

¨  I have paid the subs of £160 (this can be 2 cheques 1 of £80 immediately and 1 for £80 post-dated for 1.1.14)

Signed …………………………………………………………..


Code of Conduct for Junior Members

As a player of Northwich Sapphires Netball Club I agree to the following:

·  I will play within the rules and respect officials decisions

·  I will be respectful to England Netball coaches, team managers, officials and volunteers, for the time they give to my sport.

·  I will respect and never underestimate my opponents, and not try to gain an unfair advantage over them.

·  I will encourage and support my fellow team members at all times without behaving in an unsporting way towards our opponents.

·  I will always do my best in every situation.

·  I will accept success, and take victory and defeat equally. Win or lose I will try to enjoy every moment on court.

·  I will not use foul or other inappropriate language.

·  I will not smoke or consume alcohol or drugs of any kind whilst representing the club or participating in club activity.

·  I will be punctual at all times for training and competition and be ready and prepared at the appropriate times.

·  I will pay any fees for training and matches promptly.

·  I will always inform my coach or the team manager of any injury or medical condition which may affect my performance.

·  I will take responsibility for myself in and out of competition or training; including ensuring I have the appropriate and required kit for netball.


I accept the Code of Conduct as above and will respect all fellow netballers regardless of age, gender, ability race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity.

Player’s name ______Date ______

Player’s signature ______

Countersigned by Parent / Guardian

Name ______Date ______

Signature ______

Relationship to player ______