Draft Annual Work Plan 2016

Project title / South Africa Wind Energy Project (SAWEP) - Phase II(PIMS5256)
ATLAS / 00090545
Project ID / 00096249
Short project title / SAWEP PHASE II
Implementing agency / DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY(DOE)
Executing agency / DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY(DOE)
Project duration / Aug 2016 to Aug 2020
Project manager / Andre Otto
And baseline, indicators and targets / OUTPUTS / TIMEFRAME / RESPONSIBLE PARTY / PLANNED BUDGET
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Year 2016 activities / Funding Source / Budget Description / Amount
Component 1
Monitoring and verification of the implementation of local content requirements for wind energy procurement mechanisms
Baseline: GIZ-supported reporting system in place at DoE IPP Unit. Quarterly reports filed by IPPs but no verification. No systematic review and consolidation of lessons learned.
Implementation of a Climate Change Mitigation M&E system by DEA, expected to become operation mid-July 2015
Indicator: Enhanced, technology-enabled capability among Government and industry stakeholders to monitor and verify implementation of local content requirements
Enhanced capacity among Government wind industry stakeholders to objectively monitor and verify factors related to the success or failure of project sponsors to meet local content requirements and socio-economic development commitments
Targets: M&V system and supporting business processes defined, developed and implemented at the DoE (IPP Unit) by end-2015.
Twelve quarterly reports on localisation and socio-economic development (SED) published and 6 workshops convened by 2018. / 1.1 Monitoring & Verification (M&V) system developed and implemented to facilitate the localisation process
1.2 Capacity developed in Government and targeted value-chain sectors to facilitate compliance with local content requirements / x / x / Component 1, outputs and activities updated and approved / PCU, DoE, DTI, DoE IPP office, DST, SAWEA / GEF / Supplies (workshop, catering) / R4000
SANEDI Reimbursement (2016) / x / x / UNDP, SANEDI / GEF / Contractual services individual / R234,509
Sub-total / USD17,667.33
Component 2
Resource-mapping and wind corridor development support for policy-makers
Baseline: The installation of 5 masts and related equipment and systems required for the DANIDA-sponsored phase two of WASA (WASA II) underway from mid-2014. Focus on Eastern Cape, KZN and Free State provinces.
DEA, CSIR and Eskom scheduled to complete development of WASA I (REDZs) during second half of 2014.
REDZs in WASA I sites defined, on the basis of WASA I data.
Indicator: Geographical extension of verified Wind Atlas developed for Northern Cape.
Preliminary and final WASA II data processed for use in definition of RE Development Zones (REDZs) in WASA II sites.
Enhanced capacity within Government to use wind atlas data for energy planning at policy and strategic levels.
Targets: 2.1 4 masts and related equipment installed in the Northern Cape for SAWEP II-sponsored phase two of WASA (or WASA II) – by 2016.
Preliminary REDZs around DANIDA-sponsored WASA II sites in the Eastern Cape, Free State and KwaZulu Natal provinces defined – by end-2016.
Final REDZs around all SAWEP II-sponsored sites in the Northern Cape province defined – by end-2018.
REDZs in WASA II sites defined, on the basis of WASA II data / 2.1 Verified Wind Atlas extended to the Northern Cape province / x / x / Application with ToR for direct contracting of WASA team submitted
Inception meeting
Northern Cape provincial government buy-in and support confirmed
Mast site identification started / PCU, service provider / GEF / contractual services (companies)
Supplies (travel & accommodation) / R96,000
2.2 Preliminary WASA II results analysed through the SEA tool for policy-makers to identify wind development corridors in WASA II sites as per DEA criteria. / x / x / Application with ToR for direct contracting of DTU Wind Energy submitted
Interim WASA 2 Wind Atlas and Resource map started / PCU, service provider, DEA, CSIR (SEA team) / GEF / Contractual services (companies) / R100,000
2.3 Wind resource data publicly disseminated and used for policy and planning
Sub-total / USD15,111.11 (R204,000)
Component 3
Support for the development of the small-scale wind sector
Baseline: No small-scale wind farms installed.
GIZ support for SALGA and AMEU towards integration of small-scale solar PV in municipal distribution systems, as well as DTI’s study on small-scale RE.
Indicators: Establishment of small-scale wind demonstration project
Enhanced capacity of project sponsors to develop small-scale wind energy projects.
Targets: 1.8 MW small-scale wind farm demonstration project developed.
Publicly available Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Report on demonstration small-scale wind farm project. / 3.1 Options that have the best prospects for implementation in support of the small-scale wind sector outlined / x / x / ToR Status report with options to support the small-scale wind sector outlined, including specification for a pilot project / PCU, SAWEA, DTI, DoE / GEF / Supplies (workshop, catering) / R4000
3.2 Demonstration project for small-scale wind implemented / -
Sub-total / USD296.30 (R4000)
Component 4
Training and human capital development for the wind energy sector
Baseline: TVET college actively pursuing participation in wind energy vocational skills development.
The NSF has a financial support mechanism targeted at developing artisans in support of national capacity-development programmes (e.g. the DPE’s CSDP).
Indicators: Increased number of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges participating in wind energy vocational apprenticeship programme.
National Artisan Development (NAD) programme extended to include wind energy training.At least one new funding mechanism in place, increasing resource allocation
Targets: Number of TVETs = maximum 5.
Number of apprentice artisans trained by end-2018 = 20; percentage of women participating in training programme – by end-2018 = 30%. / 4.1 Vocational apprenticeship training programme involving TVETs, SARETEC and wind farms developed and implemented
4.2 Wind Energy Service technician training programme involving SARETEC, TVET colleges and wind farms implemented
4.3 Artisan development programme involving the National Artisan Development (NAD) programme, TVETs, selected Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Tier 1 and 2 suppliers, established. This will be linked to the Government’s localisation strategy
4.4 Technical advisory services provided in the development of a bespoke curriculum for a wind energy training programme, focusing on ‘engineering fabrication’
4.5 Training of TVET lecturers who will implement the wind energy-related ‘engineering fabrication’ curriculum
4.6 Participating TVETs and SARETEC equipped with standardised training kits, materials and/or equipment in support of the delivery of approved wind energy-related curricula
4.7 Training of national, provincial and municipal Government officials and industry professionals on wind energy / X / X / ToR: Status and Analysis of Wind Energy Education, Training, Skills and Capacity building in South Africa, including skills audit / PCU, DHET, DoE, DTI, DST, SAWEA / GEF / Supplies (workshop, catering) / R4000
Sub-total / USD296.30 (R4000)
Finalise Project Monitoring and Evaluation Framework / x / x / PCU, UNDP, GEF, DoE
UNDP support services “fee” / x / x / DoE, UNDP / GEF / ? / ?
Sub-total / ?
Project Management Unit / Inception workshop / x / x / Inception workshop report / PCU, DoE, UNDP / GEF / Supplies (workshop, catering, transcribe) / R36000
Convene Project Steering Committee / x / 1st PSC meeting minutes / PCU, DoE / GEF / Supplies (catering) / R2000
Convene Project Advisory Committee / x / 1st PAC meeting minutes / PCU / GEF / Supplies (catering) / R2000
Quarterly Project Report / x / Quarterly report submitted / PCU, UNDP
Annual Project Review / x / APR submitted / PCU, UNDP
Attendance of Windaba 2016 / x / Inform on SAWEP 2 and input for draft AWP 2017 / PM / GEF / Supplies (travel, accommodation, registration fee) / R14400
Sub-total / USD4,029.63 (R54,400.00)
TOTAL / USD37,400*

PCU Project Coordination Unit (S Zondi DoE, Andre Otto PM), PM Project Manager

* Exclude UNDP support services “fee”