New Mexico State University- Grants
Curriculum Committee Meeting
November 20, 2015
1:00-2:30 PM, MH 03

Those in Attendance:
Megan Stoneking, Kati O’Connor, Bill Serban, David Stokowski, Karen Henry, Richard Gutierrez, Joan Erben, Beth Armstead, Lara Cucciardi

  1. Meeting was called to order at 1:05pm.
  2. Approval of Agenda-Bill Serban approved the agenda and Joan Erben seconded.
  3. Approval of Minutes- David Stokowski approved the minutes from the September 18, 2015 meeting and Bill Serban seconded.
  4. Teacher Continuing Education- Dwayne Toivanen
  5. Dwayne Toivanen shared the committee the many reasons that teachers in the District can benefit from taking courses and NMSU Grants. They are:
  6. Educational Assistants getting an Associate’s degree
  7. Kati is already working with district staff on this
  8. New teachers getting Alternative Licensure
  9. Kati has also recently created this pathway in cooperation with Dwayne
  10. Dwayne shared that teachers need proof of enrollment within ninety days of hire and Kati has been providing that documentation if the enrollment window is not open.
  11. Teachers getting TESOL and endorsements
  12. Kati is going to look into the requirements and put together a plan for the next meeting
  13. Teachers getting Master’s degrees- MA/EDS
  14. Bill proposed that Karen and Bill discuss a solution with Harry Sheski and report at the next meeting
  15. Teachers getting additional credit for professional development and additional compensation
  16. Dwayne is going to survey the teachers to identify interest to be discussed at the next meeting
  17. Teachers becoming highly qualified in a specific area, mostly math and science which would require 12-24 credits.
  18. Kati is going to put together possible certificate proposals to be discussed at the next meeting
  19. Dwayne also mentioned the interest in Early College in Early Childhood and Technology
  20. Other areas that were discussed that we may be able to help the District that Dwayne mentioned were: CDL training, Diesel Mechanics, Therapists, HVAC, Plumbers and carpenters, electricians.
  1. Certificate in Arts/Crafts- Bill Serban
  2. The Certificate was discuss and will be a Gainful Employment Certificate but it will be eligible for financial aid. Richard Gutierrez motioned to approve the Certificate and Megan Stoneking seconded. Eight approved and one abstention.
  3. Potential Programs
  4. Cosmetology- We discussed this program and it seems that a lot of schools have them. The committee asked Ambrosia to step in and give us input on a program. The facilities might be a problem and it is regulated. 800 hours of practice is required which might be hard to provide. We will research other community college programs to see how they do it.
  5. Veterinarian Assistant- We considered this but didn’t discuss in detail
  6. Previously Mentioned Ideas- Online Mortuary, Outdoor Science
  7. Medical Program Expansion
  8. The previous three items weren’t discuss but many other ideas were brought up including- CDL, Diesel Mechanic, Electrical, Plumbing/HVAC, Gaming (Casino), Security, Culinary, Aquatics, Physical Therapy, Landscaping, Horse Therapy, Carpenters
  9. Karen will create a complete list of all of our ideas and bring them to the next meeting for prioritization.
  10. The Committee invited Dwayne Toivanen to our next meeting on January 14, 2016 to discuss appropriate classes for the summer semester based on his survey results from the teachers.
  1. Adjourned at 2:50