Spirit of the Midwest Region 5

Sweet Adelines International

Nomination Form

Nominee’s Name:


CityState Zip Code

Chorus Affiliation(s):

Total Years as a Member of Sweet Adelines International:

List Chorus Activities:

List Regional Activities:

Why is she deserving of this award?

If more space is needed, attach another sheet of paper. A narrative and photo must be submitted with the nomination form and received byApril 1, 2018.

Send the nomination form, photo and narrative toKaren Matthews, Membership Coordinator, at

Signature: Date:

“Liz” Anne Elizabeth Hardcastle

Comments from Judy Kaeser

I have not had a close relationship at all with Liz. I have been a fan from afar for many years, but I have experienced first hand, a very friendly and kind woman who takes time for everyone. She is very humorous and always has an audience in a circle around her; and everyone is laughing. I have been in the audience of her singing, Emceeing and teaching at a music school. She is a true professional that has a great deal of musical knowledge that she shares willingly. She is dearly loved within the region and international organization. Liz behind the microphone is a hilarious thrill for everyone. And, nothing is better for the soul than laughter. Yet to experience her sing “Love Letters” makes you appreciate the true heart that a professional delivers in song.

Comments from Diane Huber

I primarily know Liz from our days with Ambiance and I can tell you she touched more lives in a single performance than any rock star I've ever seen. She has an uncanny way of making friends with every taxi driver, TSA agent, waitress, chorus hostess, show chair you name it. By the time Liz left a city she was an icon and a best friend to so so many people.
As a single mom she worked hard and still found time for the rest of us. She directed Decatur Chorus and Bloomington. Along the way she has coached countless choruses and quartets. Of course her emcee prowess is world renowned.

Comments from Sandi Wright

Yes! Yes! Yes! I heartily agree with Liz as an icon for our region and an ambassador for our organization! She IS the Spirit of Region 5!!! Liz joined around the same time as me (1969), and is a lifetime member of Sweet Adelines International. I can look up her quartets - there were many. She also directed the Springfield chorus. She has served on the Coronet Club Show Committee for years and is a member of St. Louis Harmony Chorus (although she is inactive at the moment), serving as assistant director for a while.

Ambiance was her only Championship Quartet, but she was in a couple of international medalists (two with Shelly). She has also won regional numerous times. The most recent quartets were Trading Places and Gold Dust (which qualified in 2008 as a wild card but then could not go).

This was the bio we used when Ambiance performed:Lead Elizabeth Hardcastle has performed musical theatre since age 13. A natural sense of drama and comedic timing serve this performer well. As a popular emcee and public speaker, Liz has entertained and inspired audiences all over the world. Active in Toastmasters International, Liz carries the ATM (Able Toastmaster) credentials. Liz has performed in Royal Albert, Carnegie, and Christina Halls, as well as an appearance on the Rosie O'Donnell Show.

Her real name is Anne Elizabeth Hardcastle, and when Ambiance won international they introduced her as Anne Hardcastle because no one knew who she was. Even her first Coronet Club name tag had Anne Hardcastle on it because that is how her Sweet Adelines registration went in originally (as Anne Elizabeth)! For years she lived in a mobile home on the corner of her parent's farm, just feet from the farmhouse where she grew up. She moved into a condo in Decatur recently. Liz retired from work in the 1990s. She spent years working in the Clinton Nuclear Power Plant, and always claimed she could glow in the dark!