


Part 1: Answer the questions in the space provided. If there are formulas or calculations involved, please show ALL work.

1.  Calculate the density of a sample of copper with a mass of 409.472g occupying a space of 45.7cm3.


  1. Aluminum has a density of 2.7g/cm3 at room temperature. What volume does a sample of aluminum occupy that has a mass of 224.64g?
  1. If the sample of aluminum is heated to completely melt the sample the volume of the melted aluminum is now 84.5mL. What is the density of the aluminum?

3.  23000mg of water are cooled from 99°C to 43°C. What is the heat involved?

4.  Create a change of phase diagram for the substance propanol. Propanol melts at -127°C and boils at 97°C.

  1. At room temperature (25°C) what phase of matter is propanol?
  1. What is the condensation point of propanol?

5.  Calculate the heat involved if 564.5g of gold is heated from 40°C to 75°C.

6.  204.3g of aluminum are completely solidified. How much heat is involved?

7.  105g of water are heated from 25°C to 115°C. Calculated the heat involved.

8.  For each of the following phases explain how the molecules are organized in relationship to one another. Explain the relative kinetic energy in each phase.

  1. Solid c. Gas
  1. Liquid

9.  A mass of 38.5g of iron are heated to 100°C. The heated iron is place directly into a 43.5g sample of water at 25°C. The iron and the water are allowed to equilibrate. The water reaches a final temperature of 54°C. What is the calculated specific heat of the iron?

1.  In a closed system, where n is constant, and the pressure is constant, the temperature of Ne (Neon) gas begins at 500.°C and is cooled to 250.°C. The starting volume of Ne was 2100 mL. What’s the new volume of Ne gas?

2.  In a closed system, where n is constant and the temperature is constant, if a gas has a volume of 50L under 1atm of pressure is compressed to a volume of 12.5L, what is the new pressure?

3.  In a closed system, where n is constant and the volume is constant, if the temperature of a gas at 550 mmHg is raised from 233º C to 425º C, what is the new pressure?

Part 2: For each of the following convert the values into the requested units. Then determine the number of significant figures for the converted value. Show all work.

1.  41.2cm into km:

2.  610002μg into g:

3.  603km into mm:

4.  27.4hm into μm:

Value Scientific Notation Significant Figures

4.  2001.4g 1. 1.

5.  421km 2. 2.

6.  72.5g 3. 3.

7.  440mL 4. 4.

8.  40m 5. 5.

Part 3: Electron Configuration and Atom Fun

Write the electron configuration and orbital notation for the following:

1.  sodium ______

2.  iron ______

3.  bromine______

4.  barium ______

5.  Ca-40

6.  Ga-70

Identify the element based on the following:

1.  1s22s22p5______

2.  1s22s22p63s23p4______

3.  1s22s22p63s23p64s23d7______

4.  ______

5.  Caron has 3 naturally occurring isotopes. The percent abundance of these three isotopes are:

C-12 (98.929%)

C-13 (1.07%)

C-14 (0.001%)

Calculate the average atomic mass of Carbon.

6.  Chlorine has two naturally occurring isotopes. These isotopes Cl-35 and Cl-37 have a percent abundance of 75.78% and 24.22% respectively. What is the average atomic mass of Chlorine?

7.  For each of the following determine the number of protons, electrons and neutrons. Also write down the predicted electron configuration, and orbital notation.

  1. He-4
  2. Na-23
  3. N-14
  4. As-75
  5. Cl-35
  6. C-13
  7. Kr-84
  8. Ar-40

8.  What does the Aufbau principle state?

9.  Draw the nucleus of the three isotopes on Hydrogen. Name them. Show the number of protons and neutrons and the isotope notation. Represent the neurons as white circles and the protons as black or blue circles (depending on what color pen you are using).

10.  Determine the electron configuration for an atom of C-12 that has one excited electron from 2s à 2p. Show the orbital notation as well.

11.  When the excited electron falls back to the ground state what happens to the Carbon atom?

12.  Determine the electron configuration for an atom of Mg-24 that has one excited electron from the 3s à 3p. Show the orbital notation for the ground state AND the excited state!

13.  Determine the numbers of protons, electrons, and neutrons, electron configuration, and orbital notation for Cr-52 and Cu-64.

Formula / Type of Bond / Name of compound
1)  NO2
2)  NaBr
3)  SiO2
4)  P2Br4
5)  FeSO4
6)  SF6
7)  Li2S
8)  MgBr2
9)  Be(OH)2
10) SO3
11) Cu2S
12) BF3
Name / Type of Bond / Formula
13) carbon monosulfide
14) vanadium(II) phosphide
15) oxygen difluoride
16) gold(I) phosphate
17) triboron tetrahydride
18) aluminum carbonate
19) dinitrogen heptoxide
20) dinitrogen trioxide
21) cadmium chloride
22) aluminum oxide
23) disulfur trichloride
24) cobalt(II) acetate
25) ammonium cyanide

Determine the shape and polarity of the following molecular compounds. Draw the Lewis Structure:

Compound Lewis Structure Geometry Bonds Molecule

(shape) (polar/nonpolar)

1.  CO2

2.  BF3

3.  PH3

4.  SiCl4

5.  H2S