Fairmont Youth Hockey Association

August 23, 2015at the Holiday Innat 8:00 pm

Board Members: Present (P), Absent ( )

(P) Jason Hegdal – President (2013)()Ryan Gronewald (2014)

(P) Chad Lutterman – Vice President (2013)() Jim Head (2014)

(P) Greg Mitchell – Secretary (2013)() Karen Mussmann (2014)

(P) Randy Lubenow – Treasurer (2015)()Dustin Reutzel (2014)

() Tom Lytle – High School Rep (2015)(P) Kris Olson (2015)

(P) Julie Jorgensen – Gambling Manager(P) Connie Havnen (2015)

(P) Lynn Becker (2015)(P) Jess Wiederhoeft (2015)

Others Present: Trana Householder, Eric Householder, John Korsmo and Brady Meyer

  1. Head Coordinator Report
  • None.
  1. Report from Pond Hockey Committee
  • None.
  1. Report from Coaching Committee
  • John Korsmo discussed the following:
  • Ice schedule is set, Randy discussed with Board.
  • Also discussed current coaching assignments.
  • As discussed at last meeting, old jerseys will be sold for $25. See last meeting minutes for details.
  • Motion by Becker/Olson to order 40 jerseys (20 red and 20 white) at $65 each. All in favor, motion passed.
  1. Approval of Minutes
  • None.
  1. Gambling Report
  • None.
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • None.
  1. Hockey Operations.
  • New Coordinators need to know that their obligation is from September to September.
  1. Finance
  • None
  1. Fund Raising/Promotions
  • Golf Tournament
  • 17 teams signed up to participate.
  • More than one prize per hole.
  • Fair booth/tent – location worked out well, lots of traffic.
  1. Human Resources
  • None
  1. Registration/Publicity
  • None.
  1. District Information
  • None.
  1. Tournaments
  • None.
  1. Old Business
  • None.
  1. New Business
  • Motion by Hegdal/Lubenow to allow youth hockey players to wear their red jerseys to school on game day or on Friday if the game is on the weekend. Parents are responsible for the jerseys if they are damaged while wearing at school. All in favor, motion passed.
  • Discussed tournament hours for coaches. Lubenow tabled discussion until the number of home tournaments is determined.
  • Albert Lea’s ice time is scheduled for four weekends in Sept/Oct for $30. Motion by Olson/Wiederhoeft to approve. All in favor, motion passed. Scheduled for September 20th & 27th and October 4th& 11th from12:30-2:30pm. Skaters will work on skills and play fun games.
  • Parent meeting:
  • Selected meeting dates will not work because of fee increase for weekend at KC Hall.
  • Suggest doing on Monday or Tuesday.
  • Agenda:
  • Parent Behavior
  • Locker Room Monitor
  • Player Behavior
  • Referee – Wilken or Kuhl
  • Player advancement.
  • Schedule:
  • Registration: 6-7
  • Meeting: 7-8
  • Equipment: 8-9
  • Motion by Becker/Lubenow to require all single level youth teams to play level B. Coaches may request to play level A but it must be approved by the Board. All in favor, motion passed.
  • Connie Havnen appointed to Board by Jason Hegdal.
  • Motion by Lutterman/Jorgensen to pay Randy Lubenow $1,500 for being the FYHA Treasurer. All in favor (Lubenow abstained), motion passed.
  • Refrigerator/freezer is in need of replacement, suggestion is to repair to help it through another season.
  • Sentinel would like to do an article about the HS funding the varsity hockey. Board would like to wait for School to approach.
  • Approximately 500 Hockey Coupon books to sell yet.
  • Parent meeting on Sept 24, 2015 and Sept 30, 2015.

Next Meeting:

September 16, 2015from 6:30-8:00pm at Holiday Inn

Adjournment: Motion by Lutterman/Lubenow to adjourn. All in favor, motion passed. Meetingadjourned at 10:38pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Greg Mitchell, Secretary

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