Luton Borough Council
Ward Forums
Issues Raised
Reviewed GJR/06/03/14
Ref / Date of Forum / Issue / Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome1 / 14/7/10 / Parking of Sainsbury’s lorries on Quantock Rise obstructing the entrance to Whitwell Close. / Contact Sainsbury’s and sit down with them. They were supposed to be here this evening but did not turn up. Formal invitation from Gary. / u Sainsbury’s Manager Adrian
u Local Residents
u Councillors,
u Town Hall officer
Venue Quantock Close (evening meeting) / Gary Roberts (To coordinate) / The Area Committee Support Manager extends his apologies that this meeting has not been coordinated. This has been solely a capacity issue.
u Rather than hold a separate meeting would Members and Bramingham residents have any objection to the next ward forum (13th January 2011 at Sundon Park Junior School) starting at 6.00pm at which I will endeavour to secure the attendance of a representative of Sainsbury’s to attend. The first half hour of the meeting could then be dedicated to his topic.
This meetings has still not been
coordinated. If the problem still persists I can arrange a meeting in the next few weeks. If members can advise me of suitable dates and times and will arrange it accordingly.
(Gary J. Roberts – 17/12/10)
28/9/10 / Meeting required before Christmas. The noise from the construction work is unacceptable. Environmental Services need to get involved.
18/10/12 / Sainsbury
Sainsbury lorries parking near to t he entrance in Quantock Rise and causing an obstruction, / u Sainsbury management
27/9/11 / . / Sainsbury’s
Sainsbury lorries parking in the middle of the road.
►They need to be made aware and be prepared to come and discuss the issues at the ward forum.
► Sainsbury never reply to calls. / LBC
Area Committee Support / Gary Roberts / Letter sent to Glen Sharp (Manager of Sainsbury plc) at Bramingham Park on the 22nd December 2011 asking fro him or a representative of the company to attend the next meeting of the Bramingham Ward Forum on the 12th January 2012.
(Gary Roberts – Area Committee Support Officer)
u Please see response below.
7/3/13 / Councillor Foord to try and meet with the Customer Services Department at Holborn HQ / Gary to write to the management of Sainsbury and request that they attend the next meeting of the forum. / Letter sent to Mr Glen Sharp (Manager – Sainsbury Limited, Bramingham) and copied to Mr Alan Lacey (Corporate Services, Holborn, London) requesting attendance at the next meeting of the Bramingham Ward Forum on Tuesday 11th June 2013.
(Gary Roberts)
11/6/13 / Glen Sharp along with Adam Field from Sainsbury’s Logistics team attended the meeting.
Sainsbury’s representatives are keen to resolve this issue and willing to work together to come up with a suitable solution. It has been agreed that Sainsbury’s will revisit their delivery schedule to see if this can be rearranged to eliminate the lorry parking on Quantock Rise, Adam will be chasing this up and will report on his findings in around months time.
17/10/13 / Sainsbury lorries
Still parking at the end of Whitwell Close. / Need to write to the manager of Sainsbury ‘AGAIN’. / Police will also investigate
2 / 14/7/10 / Quantock Court
Condensation in windows on Court and bungalows. / Priority to replace windows as these are elderly people. / LBC
Housing Department / Liam Dawson / This is subject of a full report to the Central Luton Area Committee on the 14th July 2010
28/9/10 / The outcome and recommendations of this report was not acceptable. The position in the work programme for these windows to be replaced is wrong and the Housing Department need to look at this again.
u Members would like a report back at the next forum, / LBC
Housing Department / Liam Dawson
12/1/12 / Windows have been promised, but nothing has been forthcoming. Not satisfied with the response from Mr Kahir.
No further information has been received. / LBC
Housing Department / Liam Dawson / Please see response shown below
22/3/12 / There needs to be a more detailed report and consultation with the residents. / LBC
Housing Department / Liam Dawson
18/10/12 / LBC
Housing Department / Abdul
Kahir / Please see report below dated 18/10/12 and presented to the ward forum.
Quantock Court (12/1/12)
Firstly please accept my apologies for the delayed response to the query that you raised during the Luton Area Committee Meeting on 14th July 2010.
I have looked into this with regards to bringing the window replacement scheme for the sheltered blocks forward. Having looked at the options available and what impact it might have on our service, there are a few concerns regarding implementing this course of action.
* The investment plan allows for window replacements in certain areas and budget has been allocated to reflect this. Any changes to the plan will mean having to reconfigure it and this will subsequently impact on other properties identified for refurbishment.
* A cost analysis was carried out following the Committee Meeting and this showed that the 3 sheltered schemes (inc. Quantock Close) programmed in the 5 year window programme are estimated to cost approximately a total of £500,000. This will impact heavily on the programme as this will expend a whole year's budget allocation for windows.
* Unfortunately the work cannot be brought forward to this financial year as works to this years programme has already been awarded.
* If the sheltered blocks were brought forward other properties in more need would have to be put back in the existing programme. This could also lead to an increase in maintenance costs for those properties before their windows are replaced.
* There is actually nothing wrong with the windows in Quantock Close that would require them having to be replaced sooner than the date stipulated in the programme. In fact they all have trickle vents which indicate that they are of a more modern design than many of the existing ones in other properties.
* As stated in my area committee report, condensation problems may not be alleviated by the replacement of single glazed windows with double glazed ones. Condensation is a problem that has been identified in many properties throughout Luton. This can be caused by insufficient heating, lack of sufficient air circulation and/or the environment caused by the residents own lifestyle.
* An alternative to bringing the date of replacement forward could be educating our residents in how to combat condensation and possibly fitting extractor fans in their kitchens to help them control any excess moisture.
I hope this clarifies this situation and answers your query satisfactorily but if you wish to discuss the contents of this message or any matter relating to it please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you
Abdul Kahir
Interim Programme Manager
Central Depot
DATE: 18th October 2012
To provide an update on the Quantock Close windows programme.BACKGROUND
1. Quantock Court is a sheltered scheme which was built in 1989/902. The scheme contains 8 satellite bungalows and 18 maisonettes/flats, which are located nearby, which are part of the same development built at the same time as the main block.
3. The windows are as built, and are of PVC construction with single glazed units.
4. As part of the stock retention strategy, an investment plan was agreed that described the works required to maintain the housing stock.
5. Work programmes are developed on a 5 yearly basis, including the window replacement Scheme.
6. Bungalows and maisonettes have been experiencing problems with condensation build up on windows and mould growth in their properties.
7. Condensation is related to living lifestyle. A balance of heating and ventilation is needed to reduce condensation.8. Where condensation issues were reported, jobs have been raised to carry out remedial works to alleviate condensation and advice given to residents on reducing the risk of reoccurrence in the future.
9. Condensation occurs when warm water vapor carried in the air comes into contact with a cold surface, this then turns into water droplets. To prevent this, rooms should be adequately ventilated and heated. Within this development there is adequate ventilation and heating systems installed in these properties.
10. The Council has a programme for window replacement in properties that have PVC windows with single glazed units.
11. The sheltered ‘block is an district heating system where as the bungalow and maisonettes have their own individual boilers.
12. New fans have been installed to kitchens and bathrooms and residents have been educated on how to use them.
13. Properties are still experiencing condensation and mould growth.
14. The windows in Quantock Court/Close is scheduled to be replaced in 2015, however having carried out an assessment of the current situation with input from our repairs colleagues we have reviewed the programme of works.
15. The Committee are advised that windows in Quantock Close bungalows and maisonettes will be replaced during 2013/14. We will be liaising with all stakeholder early in the new year.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS
16. The replacement of the windows is an essential component of the Council’s Investment Plan to maintain the value of the assets and to ensure healthy living for the residents in the scheme.
Ref / Date of Forum / Issue / Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome3 / 27/9/11 / Quantock Rise
Have the Cherry Trees (No 7) died? / Can someone investigate? / LBC
Parks Division / Steve Battlebury / u R Barnes to inspect
S Battlebury 20/12/11
u R Barnes has inspected the trees and informed the Housing department that they require removal. Authorisation is required before Parks can undertake the work R Barnes to contact Housing again.
(S Battlebury 13/1/12)
UPDATE: Stumps still in situ following removal of dead cherries. Have now received authorisation and code from Housing to program in the stump removal. Housing Land
RB 3/10/2013
11/6/13 / The trees outside Quantock Close are dead. Why haven’t they been cut down? / LBC
Parks Division
Housing / Barry Timms
Sarah Markham / A request has been made to the Parks Service to inspect the trees and carry out any works necessary to remedy any H&S issues.
Parks Division / Steve Battlebury / Scheduled maintenance visit completed
S Battlebury 27/12/13
4 / 29/9/11 / Arriva – No 24 Service
Can the Passenger Transport Unit put pressure on Arriva to make the 24 Bus service run longer so that people can get to the hospital.
Parking charges at the hospital are extortionate.
Ongoing issue for local people. / The Council to meet with Arriva and put pressure on them to run this service longer. / LBC
Passenger Transport / Ken Toye / A meeting will be arranged during January 2012 to revisit this, however during previous discussions with Arriva low passenger numbers did not generate enough demand.
Update, Arriva will look at the service but concerned about potential delays and the service becoming less reliable. Tendered local bus services are under consultation.
10/10/12 / No 24 Bus Route
The new timetable is not helpful.
Council needs to liaise with Arriva. / LBC
Passenger Transport / Ken Toye / Arriva 24 services are commercial driven by demand Arriva believe they work well
7/3/13 / The number 24 bus does not stop close enough to the hospital. The issue which has been raised on a number of occasions both in this and the Sundon Park Ward Forum is not being properly or formally addressed.
Maybe this required a multi-agency approach / LBC
Passenger Transport / Ken Toye / Previous negotiations and discussions with Arriva failed to secure an improved service direct to the hospital. Arriva were clear that they did not wish to change routes or timings however following a restructure a new management team is in place and residents concerns will be raised with new vigour.
11/6/13 / The issue has been raised again. Not resolved.
Council to place pressure on Arriva. / LBC
Passenger Transport / Ken Toye / There was targeted consultation with stakeholders, senior peoples forum, colleges, airport staff, and commuters followed by notification on buses that tendered local bus services (including 24) services would cease at the end of August.
13/10/13 / No Grant Palmer service after 6.30pm (Monday to Saturday)
Arriva: No Sunday service (No’s 24 & 25)
A service is required to get tot he hospital
Bus companies need to talk with the council / LBC
Passenger Transport / Ken Toye / Ongoing consultation/negotiations with bus operators encouraged them to operate more evening and weekend bus services commercially so the actual number of services being withdrawn was not known in advance.
5 / 12/1/12 / Campania Grove
A salt bin is required is required at the top of Campania grove so that residents can leave their homes when it is icy / Install a salt bin. / LBC
Highways & Engineering / Stuart Jackson / I received this information on 05.03.2012. Passed to A Downes (S Jackson 07.03.2012).
22/3/13 / Can we have a response for the next meeting on the 11th June 2012. / LBC
Highways & Engineering / Andrew Downes / Campania Grove has been assessed and does not meet our criteria for a salt bin. The salt bin placed at the bottom of Cicero Drive at the junction of Whitehorse Vale can be used by all residents in the estate including those that live in Campania Grove.
It is advised that if a period of snow is forecast then the residents should prepare by taking salt from the bin and having it ready for them to use prior to the bad weather.
(S Jackson 15.05.2012 on behalf of A Downes).
6 / 12/1/12 / Leamington Road
The drains in the road need cleaning out. There is a particular problem outside No: 14 where it floods during heavy rain. / LBC
Highways Division / Stuart Jackson / I received this information on 05.03.2012. This is an issue for Cleansing. Emailed A Greene and copy sent to G Roberts.
(S Jackson 07.03.2012).
22/3/12 / Alex Greene / Action taken by cleansing