Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/ Analytic Geometry 2013-2014

Mrs. Rebecca Gresham – Room 230

School Phone: (770) 684-5432 Voicemail: 7230

Course Description:This is the first course that follows the Common CoreGeorgia Performance Standards in a sequence of courses designed to provide students with a rigorous program of study in mathematics.

Course Summary: / Unit 1 / Relationships Between Quantities (10-15 days)
Unit 2 / Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities (10-15 days)
Unit 3 / Linear and Exponential Functions (20-25 days)
Unit 4 / Describing Data (10-15days)
Unit 5 / Transformations in the Coordinate Plane (10-15 days)
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9 / Connecting Algebra and Geometry Through Coordinates (15-20 days)
Similarity, Congruence, and Proofs (20-25 days)
Right Triangle Trigonometry (5-10 days)
Circles and Volume (5-10 days)
EOCT / Review and EOCT (10-15 days)
Final / Final Review and Exam (2-3 days)

Course Requirements:

  • Daily Warm-up activities (EOCT Practice)
  • Homework or video every night
  • Test or quiz every Friday
  • Learning Tasks (1-2 Per Unit)
  • 1 Project per semester
  • End of Course Test

Text:The students will have an access code to the Georgia Coordinate Algebra by Holt McDougal online.

Materials Needed:

  • 3-ring binder (1” – 1 ½”) and paper● Dividers
  • PENCILS and erasers● Graph paper
  • Dividers●Highlighters or colored pencils
  • Optional: Calculator : Casio fx-115ES is what we have in the classroom.

Homework Policy: Students will be assigned to after-school detention on the 3rd offense (and each offense thereafter) of not having completed at least 70% of assigned homework.

Late Assignments: Late daily and homework assignments are not accepted. Late Project assignments receive 10 point reduction per day.

Make-up Work Policy: Students whose absences are excused have the opportunity to make up work missed within two weeks. It is the student's responsibility to get with the teacher to find out what work was missed within 3 days of returning to school. Additional time may be granted by the administration for completion of makeup work taking into consideration the number of absences and the extenuating circumstance of the absences. Assignments from unexcused absences cannot be made up.

Class Policies/Rules: All policies of the Polk School District Board of Education and student handbook will be enforced.

Final Exam: Students in this course must take an End-of-Course Test (EOCT) in May 2014. Therefore, the

final exam for this course will be a regular unit test/project.

Grading Policy:Tests & Project60%

Homework, tasks, daily participation20%


Retest Policy:

Guidelines for re-testing:

Re-tests are allowed only with a completed Re-Test Request Form (can be obtained from the teacher or off our school website). The form must have appropriate signatures before the re-test can occur (teacher, student, parent).

Re-testing must occur within 2 weeks after the failed test, unless extenuating circumstances arise (illness, death in family, family emergency, etc.....)

Extenuating circumstances can allow for an additional re-test. Parents must re-submit a Re-Test Request Form with an explanation of why a re-test is needed. This would require administrative approval. Extenuating circumstances included, but are not limited to: illness, death in family, family emergency (must include note from parent with an explanation).

Teachers must keep a copy on file of all re-test requests.

Grades on re-tests cannot exceed 70. The final grades on re-tests are not an average of the first test and the re-test. The higher of the two grades will be the final recorded grade (original test grade or re-test grade) not to exceed a 70.

There are to be NO variations on these procedures, unless prior approval has been obtained from the principal and the curriculum director of PSD.

Sting Tutoring: Sting Tutoring one of RHS’s after school tutoring programs. This tutoring program will begin shortly. Specific dates, times, and teachers scheduled for tutoring will be made available soon. You may contact the guidance office, an administrator, or visit our website for more details.

Student and Parent/Guardian Information:

If you have access to the Internet and would like to send and receive e-mail, please give your e-mail address.

Student e-mail: ______

Parent/Guardian e-mail: ______

Telephone number and time when you can be reached: ______

Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the contents of this course outline:


Student NameParent Signature