Dear Parents

A huge “Well Done!” to all of Year 6 who took their tests this week. They all worked so hard and conducted themselves in a very professional manner throughout. We are all very proud of them for tackling the tests so well. I am confident that they all gave it their all.

Stars of the Week!

Congratulations to the Stars of the Week, who were presented with their certificates in Celebration Assembly before Easter. A wonderful array of different reason for being brilliant!

Erin Greengrass – 6E

Kimberley Mallett – 6E

Carxel Bofenda - 6G

Evie Smith – 6G

Ryan Gray – 6S

Lola Thompson – 6S

Anna Langeskov – 4E

Mia Droppert – 4E

Jayden Muzembe – 4W

Freya Chapman – 4W

Daisy Harris – 3C

Maisey Andrews - 3C

Toby Alderdice – 3H

Bertie Viner – 3H

Golden Book

This week the following pupils have had Wow moments to be proud of, impressing their teachers and amazing their peers with special moments of brilliance. Well done!

Evie Smith

Rhiannon Andrews

Fred Viner

Jasmine Bee

Daisy Viner

Ava De Cooper Wride

Aleta Castelino

Harley Warner

Lexia SuperStars!

Maisy-Jay Harvey – Level 5

James Mallett – Level 15

Max English – Level 4

Attendance Cup – won jointly by 3C,

4W, 6G all of whom had an attendance

of 100%

Mrs Wright’s Maths App of the


Match the Fraction (Hirofumi NAKANO)

A simple fraction game, where children are given a fraction and have to select the correctly shaded circle to match the fraction.

SATs Breakfast Club

I would like to say a huge “Thank You” to Mrs Morgan, Mrs Mac and Miss Knowles for running the pre-SATs Breakfast Club this year. They were in early cooking up a storm for Year 6, so that they were able to enjoy a leisurely breakfast altogether before the tests. The Breakfast Club was very well attended so thank you also to all who came!

Whitlingham Trip for Year 6

Please can all year 6 pupils who would like to take part in the Whitlingham trip please bring in their deposit money and return slips to say that they would like to go. We need to confirm numbers ASAP! It is a brilliant few days and I am sure the children will have a wonderful time.

Quiz and Chip Night

On Friday 17th June, we will be hosting a Quiz and Chips Night at OCJS (7pm until approximately 9.30pm). The quiz night is going to be a fun-filled evening with exciting varied question rounds from the Quiz Master, Mrs. Connelly, and lots of fun games to keep you well entertained! We would really love the evening to involve as many parents, teachers and friends of the school as possible (sorry - no children on this occasion). The evening will not only be a great way to raise lots of money for the school but also a chance to socialise within the school community. If you’re still not persuaded to enter, the teachers are joining forces and they have entered a team; this will be the perfect opportunity to put their knowledge to the test! If you would like more information or you would like to enter a team please contact Miss Gedge.

Strength-to-Strength Parent Group - Natalie Brown

Natalie Brown is offering to run a group on a Friday afternoon 1pm-3pm on the following four Fridays: 17th June, 24th June, 1st July and 8th July, at The Lodge at White Woman Lane, for parents who have previously completed the Strength-to-Strength parent group and would like to attend some follow up sessions. If you would like to attend please contact Natalie directly to let her know that you would like a place.

Dates for your Diary – Summer Term 2016

·  Tuesday 24th May – Class Photos.

·  Friday 27th May – Reverend Parsons to take Assembly.

·  Monday 30th May-Friday 3rd June – Half Term.

·  Week Beginning Monday 13th June – Year 6 Cycling Training begins. (Parent Helpers needed! Please let me know if you would like to help out.)

·  Friday 17th June – Sing Up Choir will be performing at St Andrews Hall.

·  Friday 17th June, we will be hosting a Quiz and Chips Night at OCJS (7pm until approximately 9.30pm).

·  Week beginning Monday 20th June – Year 4/5 Cycling Training begins. (Parent Helpers needed! Please let me know if you would like to help out.)

·  Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd June – Year 6 Whitlingham Trip.

·  Thursday 30th June – Year 6 Fashion Show, 10:00am – 11:00am

·  Monday 4th July, Tuesday 5th July, Wednesday 6th July – City Sports at UEA.

·  Tuesday 5th July - Reverend Parsons to take Assembly.

·  Monday 11th July – Sports Day 9:00am – 11:30am (the finish time is always flexible as we can never be sure how long the events will take. This is an estimated finish time.)

·  Tuesday 12th July - Sports Day if we need to cancel due to rain.

·  Friday 15th July – Old Catton Junior School Summer BBQ and fun evening!

·  Monday 18th July – Year 6 end of year show, 7pm.

·  Tuesday 19th July – Celebration Assembly 9:00am.

·  Wednesday 20th July – last day of the Summer Term.

I will do my very best to make sure that these key dates do not change as I know how much notice you need in order to make sure that you can attend. While some dates will undoubtedly be added these key dates should not change.


Each week we send a Talk Homework activity and ‘Wow’ Words home and we would be very grateful for your support.

We are trying to help all our children develop excellent speaking and listening skills, which in turn will help them with their writing. “If a child can’t say a sentence then they can’t write it either!”

Please spend at least 10 minutes talking with your child about the questions below;

At most schools you'd get in trouble for writing on your desk, but in America a teacher's been doing just that to get kids going during tests. She's been writing inspirational graffiti on their tables to help them feel confident. Mrs Langford, from Woodbury Public School in New Jersey, thought the messages could help relax and encourage her 10 and 11-year-old students during stressful exams. Below are some examples of the messages:

What messages would you like your teachers to write to help encourage you? Do you think this would help during exams? If you could write a message for a friend on their desk what would it be?

(heartening, cheering, buoying up, pepping up, uplifting, inspiration, rallying, incitement, stimulation, animation, invigorating, emboldening, fortification.)

In Big Talk, we use ‘WOW’ Words to improve our vocabulary and ‘big up’ our sentences to make them more interesting! Our ‘WOW’ Word this week is;


Please encourage your child to use this word, in the right context, as much as possible.

·  The ‘Talk Homework’ and ‘WOW’ words will be set every Monday in the newsletter; children will then share their ‘Talk’ with their class on a Friday afternoon.

·  We will encourage the children to use the WOW word throughout the week.

Thank you for your support in helping your child.

Please do not hesitate to come into school and speak to me or another member of staff if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs K Connelly

The Nebula Partnership