Editor/Author Correspondence

Section Editor
2014-03-20 10:08 AM / Subject: [RAA] MS 1649: Decision on Your article for Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Ref: RAA/MS 1649
Dear Dr. Dezi Liu,
MS #: 1649
Title: Estimation of Transition Redshift Based on Reinsch Splines
Author(s): G.D. Lv, Dezi Liu, S. Yuan, Tong-Jie Zhang
Please find the referee’s report on your above submission to Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. I suggest you take fully referee's report into account in your revised version.
Prof. Jasjeet Singh Bagla
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, India

Scientific Editor
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
2014-03-20 12:40 PM / Subject: [RAA] MS 1649: referee report
Ref: RAA/MS 1649
Dear Dr. Dezi Liu,
MS #: 1649
Title: Estimation of Transition Redshift Based on Reinsch Splines
Author(s): G.D. Lv, Dezi Liu, S. Yuan, Tong-Jie Zhang
Please find the referee’s report on your above submission to Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics.
RAA Editorial Office

Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
This paper introduces the Reinsch Splines to fit discrete SN data with errors to obtain derivatives (such as the transition redshift). The paper uses simulation data to demonstrate its performance. This is an interesting paper. However the writing needs improvement. I recommend publication on RAA, after minor revisions.
(1) Eq. 15. More explanations are required for this key equation, such as the motivation and the mathematical expression. In particular, I have difficulty to understand whether this choice is optimal. For example, why in some cases S=n is good (Fig. 2) but in other cases not? Are there any obvious reasons or some papers to refer to?
(2) Eq. 1. More words to explain the meaning of transition redshift, including its relation to more familiar w or q.
(3) Fig. 3. It shows that the Reinsch Splines works better than GaPP. Is this superme performance generic or just a coincidence? If generic, why?
A more general comparison against other method would be useful.
Section Editor
2014-06-11 05:38 PM / Subject: [RAA] MS 1649: Your article has been accepted for Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Ref: RAA/MS 1649
Dear Dezi Liu,
MS #:1649
Title: Estimation of Transition Redshift Based on Reinsch Splines
Author(s): G.D. Lv, Dezi Liu, S. Yuan, Tong-Jie Zhang
We are pleased to inform you that the above article has been accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Sincerely Yours,
Prof. Jasjeet Singh Bagla
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, India

Scientific Editor
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics