Name: ______Block: _____ Date: _____/_____/_____


Read Chapter 16, Section 3 in the textbook (pages 451 – 455). Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase that best completes each item.

Chapter 16 – Section 3: Mining Regulations & Mine Reclamation

I)  (Introduction)

A)  Mining has become of the most heavily regulated industries in the ______

B)  Reclaiming the land is part of every ______

II)  The Environmental Impacts of Mining

A)  Air and Noise Pollution

1)  Surface coal mines produce ______

2)  Noise is created by the ______used for mining and by ______

3)  Surface mines are not located near ______

4)  Regulations in the U.S. forbid mining operations to ______

B)  Water Contamination

1)  Water that seeps through mines or piles of excess rock can ______

2)  Contaminants can wash into streams, where they can ______

3)  Water that has been contaminated by dissolved toxic minerals is called ______(which stands for ______)

C)  Displacement of Wildlife

1)  When their natural habitat is removed, animals ______

2)  A good develop plan to reclaim a mine site ensures that he displacement of wildlife is merely ______

3)  Dredging disturbs ______

4)  Disturbance of a riverbed can cause ______

D)  Erosion and Sedimentation

1)  A dump is a pile of excess ______from mining

2)  Running water erodes ______

E)  Soil Degradation

1)  Soil at a mine site is removed and stored in ______

2)  Minerals that contain sulfur may be found in ______

F)  Subsidence

1)  Subsidence is ______

2)  Subsidence occurs when ______

G)  Underground Mine Fires

1)  Lightning, forest fires, and burning trash can all cause ______

2)  Fires can start by themselves when ______

3)  These fires often take ______

4)  Underground fires that burn their way to the surface ______

III) Mining Regulation and Reclamation

A)  Mining companies must comply with regulations of:

1)  ______

2)  ______

3)  ______

4)  ______

B)  Reclamation

1)  Reclamation is the process of ______

2)  The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1997 (______)

(a)  Created a program for surface coal mining regulations on ______and ______land.

(b)  Minimized the surface effects of ______

(c)  Established a fund that is administered by the ______

C)  State Regulation of Mining

1)  Mining companies must obtain permits from ______

2)  In a bond forfeiture program ______

3)  If the company does mine and reclaim a site according to its permits, then the state ______

4)  State agencies are also responsible for ______

5)  Agencies issue ______and assess ______for noncompliance.