11 December 2013
Minutes of the meeting of the Patient Participation Group held on 11 December 2013.
Present: 8 members attended the meeting.
Minute1. Apologies: 2 apologies were received
2. The notes of the previous meeting: The notes of the meeting held on 6 November 2013 were confirmed as a correct record.
3. Matters arising / Outstanding Actions
Lapsed membership: The Practice Manager agreed to write to members who had been absent for more than three meetings.
4. Update from Practice
· The Trial Nurse Practitioners who are working alongside GPs will continue. One hundred and thirty additional appointments had been made in the trial period. The Practice are monitoring how many patients who have seen a Nurse Practitioner go on to see a GP about the same complaint.
· A Community Support Worker in Mental Health for the Gleadless and Heeley Green area has been appointed. They will be one day at White Lane and one day a Belgrave.
· The Electronic Prescription Service is now in place and patient’s prescriptions can be sent to any chemist electronically as long as they have the electronic system in place. The system is now in place at Heeley Bank Nursing Home.
· Nomad system now in place.
· New Pharmacy opened at Co-op in White Lane.
· GPs are involved in Care Planning for patients aged 72 and over to suggest preventative measures for the future to try and reduce the number of hospital referrals is ongoing.
5. Reaching out to Patients
5.1 PPG Suggestion Box- the Boxes had been fastened to the wall. The Secretary agreed to put up the notices at Belgrave and White Lane. It was agreed that the boxes would be emptied before each meeting and the suggestions considered by the group. Responses to the suggestions would be published on the PPG Notice Board on a monthly basis.
5.2 Questionnaire – Members considered proposals from the Focus Group. The following was agreed:
Sample to be posted out
o the Practice would post out 150 questionnaires
o even split of male and females
o 75 questionnaires from each Practice
o even split between under 30’s, 30 – 60 and over 60
Completing questionnaires in surgery
o 50 copies available at each site
o handed out by receptionists
o PPG members would be in the waiting rooms Monday am and Friday pm to assist anyone to complete the questionnaire
o Practice to arrange a post box in each waiting room
Publicity / Timing
o put up posters informing patients of questionnaire
o send out questionnaires first week in February
o 2 weeks deadline to return questionnaires
o flyers to go to patients with prescriptions
Outstanding actions
1 agree letter to go with questionnaire
2 email questionnaire to practice
6. Agenda items for next meeting
· Dignity Champion
· Questionnaire
7. Date of next meetings
Wednesday 12 February2014 at UMIX 3.15 for a 3.30pm start
8. Any other business
· One member attended the General Public meeting of the Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group on 14 November 2013. The meeting was not very well attended.