Mapping of class-room language practises: pre-primary and primary/elementary levels
Name of country:
Name of person completing form:
Position and organization of person completing form:
Contact details (address, phone, email):
Before filling this questionnaire out, please see the explanations of the following headings below.
Name of organisation / institution / Level of schooling / Formal or Non-formal / Public or private / Which languages / Number of children reached by levelof schooling / Location / Use of language in classroom(choose 1-7, see below) / Materials in classroomExplanation of headings in table
Name of organisation / institution:Give the nameof the organisation(s)(NGO, local association, etc) or institution (church, pagoda, temple, university etc.) which is initiating and supporting the action. This can include government agencies and institutions. Please specify type of involvement, e.g. initiator, lead actor, funder and implementer.
Level of schooling:Identify whether action is at the pre-primary level (PP) or at the primary /elementary level (PR). The mapping is focusing only on these two levels of education.
Formal or Non-formal:Identify whether action is: the formal (FE) or non-formal (NFE);and the government education system (Govt) or outside the government system by non-state providers (NSP).
Public or private:Identify whether the action is happening in the public education (PUB) system or private (PRI). If this does not apply to your country, write n/a.
Which language:Give the name of the local or minority language(s) which the action includes. If possible, see your country’s section on the ( and find the relevant 3-letter ISO language code for these languages.
Number of children:Give the number of children reached by school level (pre-primary and primary/elementary). Please disaggregate by gender (i.e. M: and F:),
Location of action:Give sub-national location of action(s) either province or district
Use of language in classroom: Identify how language is used in the classroom by using the descriptors below. Choose the most appropriate one. You can choose more than one.
- Language of instruction (LOI) is the learners’ mother tongue (MT or L1)[2]andtheir second language (L2)[3].
- Language of instruction is the mother tongue only.
- The second language is officially the language of instruction.
- Language of instruction is the second language with MT as subject.
- Mother tongue is used orally, no written materials – officially.
- Mother tongue is used orally, no written materials – unofficially.
- Second language (L2) is taught as second language.
Materials in classroom:Are there teaching and learning materials in MT in classroom? Yes or no. If yes, estimate the number of titles in MT.
[1]The Asia MLE Working Group is a network whose membership consists of UN agencies, intergovernmental organizations, international NGOs, and civil society organizations. The MLE Working Group is administered by APPEAL, UNESCO Bangkok.
[2]Mother tongue or first language (L1) is seen as a language that a speaker (a) has learnt first; (b) identifies with; (c) knows best; (d) uses most. Mother tongue is also called vernacular, native language, or home language. It should be noted that bi- or multilingual people may consider several languages their mother tongues.
[3]Second language (L2) is a language that is not the mother tongue of a person, but one that the speaker is required to study or use. It may be a foreign language or a language of wider communication. A second language may be a language that is not spoken in the immediate environment of the learner, or it may be one widely spoken outside the home. For ethnolinguistic minorities, the second language usually is the national or the official language, employed in contexts such as schools, interaction with government agencies, or communication with other language groups.