EFL 112-01 and EFL 182-01
Course Name: English for Internationals II
Prerequisites: Placement on Academic ESL placement test or C or higher in EFL 064 and EFL 074
Co-requisites: EFL 182-01

Textbook/Materials: Academic Connections 4 (Julia Williams),Comprehending Academic Lectures (Mary Ruetten, materials in EFL 182 Moodle shell)

Instructors: Karen Stanley
Phone Number:704-330-6604

Final Exam Time & Date: Check the EFL 112 Moodle shell and information provided by your instructor

Course Description:

This course is designed to refine academic reading, listening and speaking skills for advanced non-native speakers of English. Emphasis is on understanding and analyzing university-level texts on different cultural and academic topics and developing effective note taking and presentation skills in various disciplines. Upon completion, students should be able to integrate information from academic lectures and readings and make academic presentations.

Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of lectures on academic and cultural subjects through assessment measures and oral discussions.
2. In academic lectures, differentiate between main points, supporting information, and extraneous information.
3. Take down lecture information in organized notes.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of college-level reading texts with academic and cultural themes through assessment measures and oral discussions.
5. Use advanced knowledge of word forms, grammar, and discourse markers to follow the flow of ideas in a written text.
6. Identify main ideas, make inferences, and locate details in written passages which present academic and cultural concepts.
7. Summarize information from both oral and written sources.

Class Schedule:
Weeks 1-2
Orientation to class, including online components (both regular course and lab)
Unit 1: Urban Planning: Safe Cities
Testing Center Reading
Online exercises
In EFL 182 Moodle shell:
EFL 182 Lab assignment: Comprehending Academic Lectures (CAL) Unit 1 Lab Assignments
Weeks 3-4
Unit 2: Business: Leadership Behavior
Testing Center Readings
Online exercises
Speaking task

In EFL 182 Moodle shell:
EFL 182 Lab assignment: CAL Lab Assignments, Lesson 2

Weeks 5-6
Unit 3: Environmental Science: ForestFire
Online exercises
Notetaking for the Midterm Exam

In EFL 182 Moodle shell:
EFL 182 Lab assignment: CAL Lab Assignments, Lesson 3

Weeks 7-8
Unit 4: Art History: Defining Cubism
Testing Center Reading
Speaking task
Midterm Exams

Weeks 9-10
Unit 5: Sociology: Innovation
Online exercises
In EFL 182 Moodle shell:
EFL 182 Lab assignment: CAL Lab Assignments, Lesson 4

Weeks 11-12
Unit 6: Physical Science: Nanotechnology
Online exercises
In EFL 182 Moodle shell:
EFL 182 Lab assignment: CAL Lab Assignments, Lesson 5

Weeks 13-14
Unit 7: Microbiology: Fighting Infectious Diseases
Testing Center Readings
Online exercises
Notetaking for the Final Exam
In EFL 182 Moodle shell:
EFL 182 Lab assignment: CAL Lab Assignments, Lesson 6

Weeks 15
Unit 8: Children's Literature: Characteristics of the Genre
Reading exam
Weeks 16
Final (Notetaking) exam

Midterm exams - 25%
Final exams - 25%
Testing Center Readings - 15%
Speaking tasks - 10%
CAL exercises (found in EFL 182 Moodle shell) - 10%
Online exercises and other assignments - 10%
Attendance - 5%

Grading Scale:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 60 F

Attendance policy: Students who miss more than 30% of the classes will not be able to pass the class and proceed to the next level. This attendance rule applies to all students regardless of the reason for the absences.

Students who are more than 10 minutes late or leave more than 10 minutes early are welcome, but will be counted absent for attendance purposes.

Note: Students who do not attend class for TWO consecutive weeks in a 16-week semester (12.5% of the class for shorter term classes) will be reported as ‘Stopped Attending’. This information will be sent to Financial/Veteran’s Aid. A ‘Stopped Attending’ report may have an impact upon student aid or Student Visa status as well as place the student in jeopardy of earning a failing grade in the course. The student will not be allowed to continue in the class unless the student presents formal documentation to excuse the missed classes. The Instructor and/or Division Director will have the final decision to give permission to the student to continue in the class.

Student Code of Conduct:

Students are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct. Detailed information may be found at

Academic Integrity Policy:
The purpose of the CPCC Code of Student Academic Integrity (see CPCC Student Handbook) is to support the continued growth and development of a strong academic community based on the principles of academic honesty and integrity. Any student who violates the CPCC Code of Student Academic Integrity is subject to academic disciplinary action. Such action may include, but is not limited to, entry of the incident in the records of the Office of Student Development; reduced grades; and dismissal from the College classes, programs, and activities.

Special Services Certifications:
Students who have a documented disability or who may think they may have a learning problem may contact the Office of Services for Students with disAbilities. Instructors will provide the necessary accommodations upon the advice of the Office of Services for Students with disAbilities.
Academic Integrity Policy

Withdrawals and Incompletes:
While withdrawing from a course is sometimes necessary, it is advisable to discuss this with the instructor before withdrawing. For those experiencing academic difficulty, CPCC's AcademicLearningCenter offers free individualized and small group tutoring, computer tutorials, and strategies for improving learning skills. Additionally before withdrawing, consider whether this course is a prerequisite for another course; whether the course will be offered again in the future; whether withdrawing will delay plans to transfer graduation; or whether withdrawing will affect eligibility for honors designation, health insurance benefits, or other financial arrangements.

When a student determines that he/she will be unable to complete courses in which he/she is currently enrolled, it is the student's responsibility to initiate procedures leading to a formal withdrawal ("W") in order to avoid a failing ("F") grade. For additional information, go to the following links:

College Policies
5.11 Attendance Regulation

I. Purpose
Absences seriously disrupt a student's orderly progress in a course, and often a close correlation exists between the number of absences and the final grade. Although an occasional absence might be unavoidable, the absence does not excuse a student from meeting the requirements of the missed class. The student is responsible for preparing all assignments for the next class and for completing work missed. Instructors are responsible for establishing course attendance requirements and for informing students of those requirements on course syllabi distributed at the beginning of the academic term.

II. Late Entry
To ensure student success and accuracy of reporting, the College prohibits a registered student from entering (attending for the first time) a curriculum class after the 10% date. A program dean may make an exception in the case of a College error

5.08Schedule Adjustment (Drop-Add)
I. Purpose
CentralPiedmontCommunity College is a learning-centered College committed to student success. For this reason, this regulation prohibits a studentfrom registering for a class after schedule adjustment (drop-add) unless the reason for registering late is caused by an action of the College or is due to extenuating circumstances. Authorized College personnel may grant exceptions and may give permission for late registration as specified by these regulations.

II. Regulations
A. Schedule Adjustment During Registration
During registration periods, students may drop classes and may add classes that are not filled.
B. Schedule Adjustment After Classes Begin
Schedule adjustment (drop/add) period is the first and second weekday of the term or session.
C. After the Schedule Adjustment Period
Permission from the division director is required to enroll in any class after the schedule adjustment period up through the 10% date of the class, except in cases of college error.
D. After the 10% Class Census Date
Permission from the dean is required to enroll in any class after the 10% class census date. Documented extenuating circumstances must be presented before an exception is considered. E. Classes dropped on or before the 10% census date of the class do not appear on a student's official transcript. Classes dropped after the 10% census date and prior to or on the 35% date of the course are indicated on a student's transcript with a W grade (withdrawal).
F. Refunds
The CPCC Refund Policy can be accessed by clicking the following link: