Down to Earth | Skimming the surface | Tectonic movement | Learning activities | Activity 1: Volcano report | Volcano report

Volcano report

Here you can carry out your own research to find information about volcanoes and write a report.

To complete this activity

1.  Go to several sources to gather your information.
2.  To carry out a web search you can use the suggestions below.
3.  When you have completed your research, follow the instructions to write your report and write your answer in the sections provided.
Hint: See if you can use more than one source of information in your search.
Remember! Save this activity in your portfolio.

Web search

To carry out a web search start by looking at the websites below:

Thinkquest can be found at:
1. Choose a search engine and insert the web address.
2. When the website is open:
l  click on library tab
l  type in 17457
l  go to Volcanoes Online. / Weatherwizkids can be found at:
1.  Choose a search engine and insert the web address.
2. When the website is open:
l  click on Volcanoes.

Volcano report

When we are writing a report we need to think about three things. We need to:
1. introduce
2. describe
3. conclude.

Use the planning boxes to help draft your work. Write down keywords and phrases to answer each of the focus questions. Each box will be a paragraph.

When you have finished your planning, write your report.

Use the ‘Report checker’ to see if you have completed your report correctly.


Write your introduction here.


What do volcanoes look like? What are the different parts? Where do you find volcanoes? How are volcanoes formed? What causes them to erupt? What do they do?


Write about something you found interesting.

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