Mid Day Meal Programme

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2010-11


S.No / Particulars / Page
1. / Introduction:
1.1 / Brief history, objectives and rationale of the Mid Day Meal Programme / 6-7
1.2 / Demographic profile of the State / 7-10
1.3 / Social and economic indicators in the State, including literacy rates, health indicators (IMR, MMR), sex ratio, poverty ratios, etc. / 10-12
1.4 / Nutrition status, including data on malnutrition, anaemia, Vitamin A, other micro-nutrient deficiencies, etc. / 12-13
1.5 / School data, including (i) number of Primary schools, Upper Primary schools, High schools (Government, EGS and AIE Centres), (ii) enrollment (by category, gender for each stage), (iii) drop-outs (by category, gender for each stage) / 13
2 / Description and assessment of the programme implemented in the current year (2009-10) with reference to:
2.1 / Calorific/ protein value of the mid day meal provided along with menu prescribed. / 13
2.2 / Regularity and wholesomeness of mid day meals served to children; reasons for programme interruptions, if any. / 14
2.3 / Number of children (class, category and gender wise) who participated in the programme, separately for Primary and Upper Primary in EBBs. / 14
2.4 / Foodgrains management, including adequacy of allocation, timeliness of lifting, transportation and distribution, and suitability of storage at different levels. / 15-17
2.5 / Central Assistance received and utilized towards (a) cooking costs, (b) kitchen shed construction, (c) procurement of kitchen devices, (d) management, monitoring and evaluation, (e) transport subsidy. / 18
2.6 / State budget provisions and expenditure in 2007-08 towards (a)
Reimbursement of Central Assistance (b) State contribution / 18
2.7 / System for release of funds provided under cooking costs (Central and State) / 18
2.8 / System for procuring cooking ingredients (fuel, condiments, oil, etc.), Commodities, which are centrally purchased and supplied to schools or locally purchased at school level and rate of cooking cost per child per day provided at school level. / 19
2.9 / System for cooking, serving and supervising mid day meals in the school / 20-22
2.10 / Status of construction of kitchen sheds from (i) funds released under the Mid Day Meal Scheme, and (ii) funds from other development programmes, such as SGRY, BRGF, etc. Details of activities through convergence with other developmental programmes in provision of drinking water, toilets etc., / 22
2.11 / Status of procurement of kitchen devices from (i) funds released under the Mid Day Meal Programme (ii) other sources / 22
2.12 / Capacity building and training conducted for different categories of persons involved in the Mid Day Meal Programme under programmes of SSA, DIETs, etc. / 22-24
2.13 / Management Information System at School, Village/ Gram Panchayat, Block, District and State level. / 24
2.14 / Systems to ensure transparency and openness in all aspects of programme implementation, including inter alia, foodgrains management, ingredients procurement, cooking and serving, appointment of cooking staff, construction of kitchen sheds, and procurement of cooking devices. / 25
2.15 / Measures taken to rectify
a) Inter-district low and uneven utilization of food grains and cooking cost b) Intra-district mismatch in utilization of food grains and cooking cost
c) Delay in delivering cooking cost at school level. / 25
2.16 / Overall assessment of the manner in which implementation of the
programme is contributing to the programme objectives and an analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the programme implementation. / 26
2.17 / Impact of Mid Day Meal Scheme such as increase in enrollment,
attendance, retention, learning level etc., reduction in drop-out, increase in nutritional status etc., / 26-27
2.18 / Details of Evaluation studies conducted and summary of its findings. / 27-39
2.19 / Brief write up on best practices followed in the State / 39
2.20 / Instances of unhygienic food served, children falling ill, sub-standard supplies, diversion/misuse of resources, social discrimination and safety measures adopted to avoid recurrence of such incidents. / 40
2.21 / Extent of involvement of NGOs and Civic Body Organizations
(CBOs)/PRIs. / 40
2.22 / Status of School Health Programme with special focus on provision of micro-nutrients, Vitamin-A, de-worming medicine, Iron and Folic acid, Zinc and recording of height, weight etc,. / 40-41
2.23 / Steps taken to strengthen the monitoring mechanism in the Village, Block, District and State level and status of constitution of SMCs at these levels.Details of such meetings. / 41-43
2.24 / Arrangement for departmental inspections to MDM centres and percentage of schools inspected and summary of findings and remedial measures. / 43
2.25 / Action taken note of National Conference of State Education Secretaries/State Nodal Officers Meeting- 30th January 2010 / 44-49
2.26 / Feedback/comments in respect of report of Monitoring Institutions
designated for your State/UT to monitor implementation of MDM and action taken thereon / 49
Abbreviation / 49
AT-1 / General Information-2009-10 / 50
AT-2 / Detail of Provisions in the state Budget 2009-10 / 51
AT-3 / No. of Institutions covered (Primary, Classes I-V) during 2009-10 / 52
AT-3 A / No. of Institutions covered (Upper Primary with Primary, classes I-VIII) during 2009-10 / 53
AT-3B / No. of Institutions covered (Upper Primary without Primary, classes VI-VIII) during 2009-10 / 54
AT-4 / Enrollment vis-a-vis MDM (Primary, classes I-V) during 2009-10 / 55
AT-4A / Enrollment vis-a-vis MDM (Upper Primary, classes VI-VIII) during 2009-10 / 56
AT-5 / MDM-PAB Approval vs. Performance (Primary, classes I-V) during 2009-10 / 57
AT-5A / MDM-PAB Approval vs. Performance (Upper Primary, classes VI-VIII) during 2009-10 / 58
AT-6 / Utilization of foodgrains (Primary, classes I-V) during 2009-10 / 59
AT-6A / Utilization of foodgrains (Upper Primary, classes VI-VII) during 2009-10 / 60
AT-7 / Utilization of Cooking cost (Primary, classes I-V) during 2009-10 / 61
AT-7A / Utilization of Cooking cost (Upper Primary, classes VI-VII) during 2009-10 / 62
AT-8 / Utilisation of Central Assitance towards Transportation Assistance (Primary & Upper Primary,Classes I-VIII) during 2009-10 / 63
AT-9 / Utilisation of Central Assistance towards MME (Primary & Upper Primary,Classes I-VIII) during 2009-10 / 64
AT-10 / Utilisation of Central assistance towards construction of Kitchen Sheds (Primary & Upper Primary,Classes I-VIII) / 65
AT-11 / Table: AT-11 : Utilisation of Central assistance towards procurement of Kitchen Devices (Primary & Upper Primary,Classes I-VIII) / 66
AT-12 / Number of School Working Days (Primary,Classes I-V) for 2010-11 / 67
AT-12 A / Number of School Working Days (Upper Primary,Classes VI-VIII) for 2010-11 / 68
AT-13 / Requirement of Central Assistance towards Foodgrains, Cooking Assistance & Transport Assistance for 2010-11(Primary Classes, I-V) / 69
AT-13 A / Requirement of Central Assistance towards Foodgrains, Cooking Assistance & Transport Assistance for 2010-11 (Upper Primary, Classes VI-VIII) / 70
AT-14 / Requirement of kitchen cum stores in the Primary and Upper Primary schools for the year 2010-11 / 71
AT-14 A / Requirement of kitchen cum stores as per Plinth Area Norm in the Primary and Upper Primary schools for the year 2010-11 / 72
AT-15 / Requirement of Kitchen Devices during 2010-11 in Primary & Upper Primary Schools / 73
AT-16 / Weighing machine & height Recorder in Primary & Upper Primary Schools for 2009-10 / 74
AT-17 / Requirement of cook cum helper for 2010-11 / 75
AT-18 / Formation of Standing Committee at School Level for Monitoring the Scheme / 76
AT-19 / Responsibility of Implementation / 77
AT-20 / Information on Cooking Agencies / 78
AT-21 / Budget Provision for the Year 2010-11 / 79
AT-22 / Releasing of Funds from State to Directorate / Authority / District / Block / School level for 2009-10 / 80
Summary Sheet / 81
Drought Expenditure Plan PS / 82
Drought Expenditure Plan UPS / 83
1 / Minutes and Important decision taken in the meeting of Chief Secrtary / 84-90
2 / Information for PAC (PA-13 of 2008) regarding MDM Scheme / 91-95
3 / Action taken note on monitoring institution findings / 96
4 / Grievance Redressal Mechanism-Toll Free Number / 97
5 / State Government Order for Drought Affected Area / 98-99
6 / News Paper Advertisement of revised cost / 100
7 / GO of Revised Cost / 101-103
8 / DO of Secretary to DMs regarding transportation of food grains / 104
9 / DO of Chief Secretary to DMs regarding transportation of food grains / 105
10 / GO of Co-Ordinators / 106-109
11 / Design of Kitchen cum Stores / 110-111
12 / Educational Calendar 2010-11 / 112-118
13 / Health-Education Card & Referral Slip / 119-120

National Programme of Mid Day Meal in Schools

[Mid Day Meal Scheme]




State Project Office, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, (MDM Cell)

Mayur Vihar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Pin-248001

Phone & Fax: 0135-2781944


Toll Free-18001804132

Mid Day Meal Programme

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2010-11

1. Introduction:

1.1 Brief history, objectives and rationale of the Mid Day Meal Programme

1.2 Demographic profile of the State

1.3 Social and economic indicators in the State, including literacy rates, health indicators (IMR, MMR), sex ratio, poverty ratios, etc.

1.4 Nutrition status, including data on malnutrition, anaemia, Vitamin A, other micro-nutrient deficiencies, etc.

1.5 School data, including (i) number of Primary schools, Upper Primary

schools, High schools (Government, EGS and AIE Centres), (ii) enrollment (by category, gender for each stage), (iii) drop-outs (by category, gender for each stage)

2. Description and assessment of the programme implemented in the current year (2010-11) with reference to:

2.1 Calorific/ protein value of the mid day meal provided along with menu


2.2 Regularity and wholesomeness of mid day meals served to children;

reasons for programme interruptions, if any.

2.3 Number of children (class, category and gender wise) who participated in the programme, separately for Primary and Upper Primary in EBBs.

2.4 Foodgrains management, including adequacy of allocation, timeliness of lifting, transportation and distribution, and suitability of storage at different levels.

2.5 Central Assistance received and utilized towards (a) cooking costs, (b)kitchen shed construction, (c) procurement of kitchen devices, (d)

management, monitoring and evaluation, (e) transport subsidy.

2.6 State budget provisions and expenditure in 2007-08 towards (a)

Reimbursement of Central Assistance (b) State contribution

2.7 System for release of funds provided under cooking costs (Central and State)

2.8 System for procuring cooking ingredients (fuel, condiments, oil, etc.),

Commodities, which are centrally purchased and supplied to schools or

locally purchased at school level and rate of cooking cost per child per day

provided at school level.

2.9 System for cooking, serving and supervising mid day meals in the school.

2.10 Status of construction of kitchen sheds from (i) funds released under the Mid Day Meal Scheme, and (ii) funds from other development

programmes, such as SGRY, BRGF, etc. Details of activities through

convergence with other developmental programmes in provision of drinking water, toilets etc.,

2.11 Status of procurement of kitchen devices from (i) funds released under the Mid Day Meal Programme (ii) other sources

2.12 Capacity building and training conducted for different categories of persons involved in the Mid Day Meal Programme under programmes of SSA, DIETs, etc.

2.13 Management Information System at School, Village/ Gram Panchayat,Block, District and State level.

2.14 Systems to ensure transparency and openness in all aspects of

programme implementation, including inter alia, foodgrains management,

ingredients procurement, cooking and serving, appointment of cooking

staff, construction of kitchen sheds, procurement of cooking devices.

2.15 Measures taken to rectify

a) Inter-district low and uneven utilization of food grains and cooking cost

b) Intra-district mismatch in utilization of food grains and cooking cost

c) Delay in delivering cooking cost at school level.

2.16 Overall assessment of the manner in which implementation of the

programme is contributing to the programme objectives and an analysis of

strengths and weaknesses of the programme implementation.

2.17 Impact of Mid Day Meal Scheme such as increase in enrollment,

attendance, retention, learning level etc., reduction in drop-out, increase in

nutritional status etc.,

2.18 Details of Evaluation studies conducted and summary of its findings.

2.19 Brief write up on best practices followed in the State

2.20 Instances of unhygienic food served, children falling ill, sub-standard supplies, diversion/misuse of resources, social discrimination and safety measures adopted to avoid recurrence of such incidents.

2.21 Extent of involvement of NGOs and Civic Body Organizations


2.22 Status of School Health Programme with special focus on provision of micro-nutrients, Vitamin-A, de-worming medicine, Iron and Folic acid, Zinc and recording of height, weight etc,.

2.23 Steps taken to strengthen the monitoring mechanism in the Village, Block, District and State level and status of constitution of SMCs at these levels.Details of such meetings.

2.24 Arrangement for departmental inspections to MDM centres and percentage of schools inspected and summary of findings and remedial measures.

2.25 Action taken note of National Conference of State Education Secretaries/State Nodal Officers Meeting- 30th January 2010

2.26 Feedback/comments in respect of report of Monitoring Institutions

designated for your State/UT to monitor implementation of MDM and action taken thereon.


Mid-Day Meal Scheme

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2010-11


S. No. / Table / Particulars
1 / AT-1 / General Information-2009-10
2 / AT-2 / Detail of Provisions in the state Budget 2009-10
3 / AT-3 / No. of Institutions covered (Primary, Classes I-V) during 2009-10
4 / AT-3A / No. of Institutions covered (Upper Primary with Primary, classes I-VIII)
during 2009-10
5 / AT-3B / No. of Institutions covered (Upper Primary without Primary, classes VI-VIII) during 2009-10
6 / AT-4 / Enrollment vis-a-vis MDM (Primary, classes I-V) during 2009-10
7 / AT-4A / Enrollment vis-a-vis MDM (Upper Primary, classes VI-VIII) during 2009-10
8 / AT-5 / MDM-PAB Approval vs. Performance (Primary, classes I-V) during 2009-10
9 / AT-5A / MDM-PAB Approval vs. Performance (Upper Primary, classes VI-VIII)
during 2009-10
10 / AT-6 / Utilization of foodgrains (Primary, classes I-V) during 2009-10
11 / AT-6A / Utilization of foodgrains (Upper Primary, classes VI-VII) during 2009-10
12 / AT-7 / Utilization of Cooking cost (Primary, classes I-V) during 2009-10
13 / AT-7A / Utilization of Cooking cost (Upper Primary, classes VI-VII) during 2009-10
14 / AT-8 / Utilisation of Central Assitance towards Transportation Assistance (Primary & Upper Primary,Classes I-VIII) during 2009-10
15 / AT-9 / Utilisation of Central Assistance towards MME (Primary & Upper Primary,Classes I-VIII) during 2009-10
16 / AT-10 / Utilisation of Central assistance towards construction of Kitchen Sheds (Primary & Upper Primary,Classes I-VIII)
17 / AT-11 / Table: AT-11 : Utilisation of Central assistance towards procurement of Kitchen Devices (Primary & Upper Primary,Classes I-VIII)
18 / AT-12 / Number of School Working Days (Primary,Classes I-V) for 2010-11
19 / AT-12 A / Number of School Working Days (Upper Primary,Classes VI-VIII) for 2010-11
20 / AT-13 / Requirement of Central Assistance towards Foodgrains, Cooking Assistance & Transport Assistance for 2010-11(Primary Classes, I-V)
21 / AT-13 A / Requirement of Central Assistance towards Foodgrains, Cooking Assistance & Transport Assistance for 2010-11 (Upper Primary,Classes VI-VIII)
22 / AT-14 / Requirement of kitchen cum stores in the Primary and Upper Primary schools for the year 2010-11
23 / AT-14 A / Requirement of kitchen cum stores as per Plinth Area Norm in the Primary and Upper Primary schools for the year 2010-11
24 / AT-15 / Requirement of Kitchen Devices during 2010-11 in Primary & Upper Primary Schools
25 / AT-16 / Table: AT-16 : Weighing machine & height Recorder in Primary & Upper Primary Schools for 2009-10
26 / AT-17 / Requirement of cook cum helper for 2010-11
27 / AT-18 / Formation of Standing Committee at School Level for Monitoring the Scheme
28 / AT-19 / Responsibility of Implementation
29 / AT-20 / Information on Cooking Agencies
30 / AT-21 / Budget Provision for the Year 2010-11
31 / AT-22 / Releasing of Funds from State to Directorate / Authority / District / Block / School level for 2009-10
