Movie Clip Talk

Bottom Line: We all need a place to talk about what’s going on in our lives.

Hey Everyone,

We’re in the middle of this series called Just Like the Movies. I know we have a lot of first-time visitors here, so I wanted you to know what we’re all about. Each week, we look at a story from the Bible and how it applies to our lives. We’ve called these past few weeks Just Like the Movies for many reasons, but one is that movies seem to pick up on and share some of the important lessons we can learn about life and faith.

One of the reasons I love speaking to students is that you guys are starting to notice some big truths in life. You are no longer children; you no longer believe everything is perfect and everyone gets a trophy. You have begun to notice that sometimes our dreams don’t come true:

Clip 1 – Zootopia

Start at 1:00 when Judy says, “Don’t call me carrots.” End at 1:51

It might not be that bad, but students have been around long enough to know life can be tough, that we make mistakes, we have regrets, and there is heartache in the world. We wind up with a world where people seem to be on guard, afraid they are going to get hurt. I think this clip sums it up best.

Clip 2 – The Space Between Us

Start at 0:34 when Gardner says, “I don’t want to come down.” End at 1:03

But that’s how the world seems to work. We’re all scared to death of sharing what we’re really going through. We’re afraid to say what we’re thinking and let the real us shine through . . . I don’t’ have it all together. I’m a little lost. But that’s why we’re here today. That’s what we talk about every week. We get together to talk about an amazing truth.

Clip 3 = Disney’s The Jungle Book

Start at 0:28

No matter where we go or what the world may call us, we are God’s sons and daughters. It’s going to take the rest of our lives to figure out all this statement implies and affects. What we need now more than ever is a place to discuss what’s going on in our lives. That’s why each week we meet in small groups. A small group is a collection of students just like you who are committed to being a safe place to talk about the junk in their lives. But to make small group work, we have to remember this:

Clip 4 – Star Wars: Rogue One

Trust is a two-way street. We promise that small group is an environment with high trust, where students can feel comfortable sharing. At the end of the day, we know that’s what we all need—a place to honestly share and process all that life throws at us. We usually send groups to discuss a principle we have learned from the Bible and how that truth impacts our daily lives. But today, we just want to go and meet the adults who will be small group leaders. I promise . . . they are all great people. They all know how to listen, unlike this character:

Clip 5 – Secret Lives of Pets

Start at 0:00 end at 0:30 when the cat says, “I don’t care about you or your problems.”

Thanks for coming today. Let’s head to group.