Minutes of the meeting of Starcross Parish Council held in
Starcross Pavilion, Starcross on Monday 12 September2016at 7.45pm


Cllr Hopper (Chairman),Cadbury (from 8.08pm), Chadwick,Debenham, Gardner, Greenhough, Rastall and


Also present:

District/County Councillor Connett and Suzanna Hughes (Clerk)


  • Cllr Burrows
  • Cllr Lovell
  • PC Rob Harvey

120916.02 OPEN FORUM

Members of the public were invited to voice matters of concern or opinion on subjects pertaining to Starcross.

There were no members of the public present.



Members present received the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11 July2016.

It was agreed unanimously by those members present and voting that these minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.


Members are reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and invited to state whether they have any interest in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a member would have been aware of such before the meeting.

Cllr Rastall declared an interest in item 8.1.1.



A copy of the report detailing outstanding resolutions requiring action was circulated to and noted by members. The Chairman asked that each Committee Chairman deals with items relevant to their Committee within their Chair’s Report.



PC Rob Harvey sent a written report:

Reported crimes from 13/06/16 – 10/09/16 (3 months)

Starcross(25 crimes)

  • Sexual Assault on Female – Suspect known to victim, enquiries ongoing.
  • Public Order Offence – Verbal abuse over dogs. Words of advice issued.
  • Dog not under Proper Control – Advice issued
  • Theft from Boat – Outboard stolen. Believed another boat used. Undetected. No leads.
  • Theft of Conveyance – Rib stolen. Part of a series but no leads for this. Undetected.
  • Theft from Boat – Fishing equipment stolen from boat on pontoon. Undetected. No leads.
  • Attempt Burglary – Screws removed from hinges on shed. No entry gained. Undetected. No leads.
  • Theft from Motor vehicle – Three wheel nuts and hub cap stolen. Undetected. No leads.
  • Burglary – Forced entry to commercial premises with cash and items stolen. Part of a series and still under investigation.
  • Theft from Boat – outboard stolen. Undetected. No leads.
  • Dog not under Proper Control – Advice issued.
  • Theft from Boat – Equipment stolen from boat on pontoon. Undetected. No leads.
  • Common Assault (Domestic) – Insufficient evidence to charge for a minor assault.
  • Possession of Cannabis – Linked to above domestic. Offender issued with cannabis warning.
  • Burglary – Break to residential property. Small change and some jewellery stolen. Enquiries ongoing.
  • Criminal Damage – Graffiti to bus shelter. Enquiries ongoing.
  • Theft from Motor Vehicle – Tools and power tools stolen from van parked on driveway. Undetected. No leads.
  • Breach of Non-Molestation Order – Insufficient evidence to proceed.
  • Theft other – Hasp of garden gate removed. Undetected. No leads.
  • Possession of Knife – Part of a series of offences involving marine thefts. Two offenders on bail. Enquiries ongoing.
  • Possession of Knife – Part of a series of offences involving marine thefts. Two offenders on bail. Enquiries ongoing.
  • Theft of Conveyance – Tender stolen but recovered. As above, two offenders on bail. Enquiries ongoing.
  • Theft of Conveyance – Tender stolen but recovered. As above, two offenders on bail. Enquiries ongoing.
  • Theft of Conveyance – Tender stolen but recovered. As above, two offenders on bail. Enquiries ongoing.
  • Theft from Boat – Outboard stolen. Undetected. No leads.

Cockwood(1 crime)

  • Vehicle Interference – Attempt made to force entry to a car causing damage. Undetected. No leads.

Cofton (1 crime)

  • Drunk & Disorderly – Male offender at holiday park issued with PND fine.

Other matters

Marine crimes still figure heavily. Parishioners who own boats should mark their property, record serial numbers of engines etc and visit to register expensive, identifiable equipment and electronics.Any suspicious persons/activities should be reported and details of vehicle registrations should be recorded. Please contact the police on 999 if the incident is happening there and then, or by 101 (emailing is quicker) if it is historic.

It was agreed that clarification should be sought from PC Harvey as to whether the incidents above were just crimes or a mix of logs and crimes and whether those that appear to be the same crime (e.g. theft of a conveyance) were separate offences or the same offence.



Cllr Connett reported that travel arrangements for 16-18 year olds are likely to be changing. From September 2017, it is unlikely that 16-18 year olds will receive any financial helptowards the cost of transport to take them to college or sixth form.

Cllr Connett advised that he had received a complaint about the overgrown hedges along Generals Lane and has contacted DCC for action.

With regard to the pothole fund, no roads in Starcross have been included. With a limited budget for the whole ward, other areas have a greater need.

The recent Lockdown Festival at Powderham Castle has been enjoyed by many with little negative impact on the parish. Any complaints he has received have been forwarded to the Castle.



8.1Committee Chair Report (Cllr Hopper)

Having declared an interest in item 8.1.1, Cllr Rastall left the meeting.

8.1.1Members received a quote from Richards Grave for six maintenance items on the Pavilion at a total cost of £137.93. It was agreed that this quotation is accepted.

Cllr Rastall returned to the meeting.

8.1.2Members gave consideration to an application to the Elector Fund. The Chairman advised that a suggestion has been made by a parishioner that theplay equipment for toddlers/pre-school children could be improved. He further advised that he will be meeting with her, along with Cllrs Debenham, Rastall and Connett to discuss this further. Cllr Stanley suggested that the Council make enquiries about gym equipment for adults. After a discussion, it was agreed that both options would be explored. The deadline for the second round of funding in 2016/17 is 3 February 2017.

8.1.3Members received the following policy documents: Confidentiality Policy, Anti-bullying Policy, Health & Safety Policy and Volunteer Policy and it was proposed that they be adopted.

Cllr Chadwick raised concerns about the Anti-bullying Policy which, in his view, should be tailored more to the Youth Club rather than being a generic Parish Council document. After further discussion, Cllr Chadwick proposed an amendment: that the Confidentiality, Health & Safety and Volunteer policies are accepted but that the Anti-Bullying Policy, as presented this evening, is not accepted and that a new policy be brought forward at a later date. The amendment was carried. It was further agreed that Cllr Chadwick would draft a new Anti-bullying policy and present it to members before the next meeting in order for it to be approved and adopted in October’s meeting.

8.2Financial Report –members received the financial report for August and September and approved the list of payments to be made. The report was signed by three signatories.

8.3There were no other matters.



9.1Committee Chair Report (Cllr Cadbury)

New Planning Applications

Cllr Cadbury presented the following new planning applications to the Council:

9.1.116/02000/VAR – Starcross Fishing and Cruising Club, Brunel Tower

Removal of condition 4 on planning permission 12/01617/FUL relating to security gates

Members had no objections to this application.

9.1.216/02425/COU – Stile Farm, Starcross

Change of use of agricultural barn to farm shop including alterations to front elevation

Members had no objections to this application.


Cllr Cadbury reported the following decisions to the Council:

9.1.316/01299/FUL & 16/01300/LBC – Brickhouse Farm, Mamhead

Replacement side and rear extensions and conversion of barn to two holiday accommodation units

Members noted that TDC has granted conditional planning and Listed Building Consent

16/01763/FUL – Strand Gardens, The Strand, Starcross

Removal off flat roofs and replacement with pitched roof to the two dwellings

Members noted that TDC has granted conditional planning permission.

9.2Future Planning Consultations –members received and noted a letter from TDC informing this Council that it will cease sending out paper consultations on planning applications to Parish Councils from 1 April 2017 and that the consultation process will be fully electronic from that date.

9.3There were no other matters.


120916.10 COMMUNITY

10.1Committee Chair Report (Cllr Debenham)

10.1.1 Cllr Debenham presented details of a scheme to install racking in the boat park at

Generals Lane andto introduce alicensing system (full details of the scheme had

been circulated to members prior to the meeting).She advised that the cost will

be approximately£2,500 and the Parish Council would charge £40 per year. She

informed members that she had written to the Environment Agency as there might

be somefunding available in connection with the flood prevention work taking

place in the next couple of years and this was currently being considered.

The only unknown cost at present is how much it will be to dispose of abandoned

boats. It is proposed that installation takes place in March. After discussion, it

was agreed that the proposed scheme is adopted.

10.1.2The Chairman informed members that the Jacobs report appears to be defunct. However, he was concerned about the possible funding being allocated to a proposed Mamhead Road scheme which will be of little benefit to this parish. He considered that this parish should think about how it wishes to see improvements to traffic management which will be of direct benefit such as traffic lights, road widening etc. He advised that he intended to arrange a meeting with Andrew Ardley, DCC, with whom he had been corresponding together with Cllr Connett.

10.1.3Members received and approved the maintenance contracts, as amended, for The Strand and Millennium and Memorial Gardens, prior to them being advertised.

10.1.4Other matters:

Cllr Debenham reported that the new noticeboard has been put up. She wished to record her thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to Malcolm Howells for putting it up at no cost.

With regard to the signing for footpaths and cycle tracks and double yellow lines,

she was not aware that any further action was required. The Chairman advised

that DCC had not yet painted a white line on the corner of Well Street, as


Cllr Debenham asked the clerk to chase up the weedkilling with Neill Rowe, which had not yet been done.

She informed members that in response to her newsletter article asking what parishioners would like to see happen with the grass verges and other grassy areas in village, two people had advised that they would like to see them managed by the Parish Council and cut on a more regular basis. It was agreed to find out how much it would cost to cut these annually.

The bollard at the end of Bonhay Road has been hit and damaged which means the padlock will not go on. There is a concern that vehicles will use the lane, in particular, for parking. TDC had informedthe Chairman that they would not be replacing it. It was agreed that the clerk would follow this up with TDC.


120916.11 RECREATION

11.1Committee Chair Report – Cllr Rastall

11.1.1Memberswere informed that a grant of £1,000 has been received from Cllr Connett which will be used to create some steps from the Pavilion patio to the field and to purchase a bike rack. A quotation from M&D has been received for £2,090 including VAT. It was agreed that the quotation is accepted and the balance will be taken from reserves.

11.1.2Members received a proposal to purchase from TDC a rubbish bin for the sports field at a cost of £164 + VAT. There would also be an ongoing cost of £7.20 per week to empty the bin (£374 per year). TDC would charge £84 to install but this could perhaps be done locally at a lower cost. Members were reminded that TDC litter pick the sports field every week which is charged to the Parish Council. After discussion, it was agreed to put a hold on the proposal and monitor what TDC is doing.

11.1.3 Members discussed a proposal to purchase a lockable cupboard to be installed in

the Pavilion to store cleaning materials etc. A suitable cupboard is available from

A J Products online (H1900 W530 D400) at £195 + VAT and free delivery. It was

agreed that the Council should make this purchase.

11.1.4 Members received and accepted a quotation of £75 + VAT from Gaslec Ltd to

carry out a PAT test of the Pavilion’sappliances and install an additional socket.

11.1.5 Members received and accepted a quotation of £175 + VAT from Gaslec Ltd to install the hand dryers.

11.1.6 Members discussed a proposal to connect the telephone in the Pavilionfor outgoing calls byincorporating a pin number at a cost of £4.25 (inc) per month. After discussion, it was agreed not to go ahead with this.

11.1.7 Members received a proposal to plant small shrub type plants along the path from the car park to thePavilion. Cllr Chadwick advised that he had already volunteered to do this.

11.1.8Members received and approved the maintenance contracts for the Sports Field hedge and Playing Field. As the Council had agreed a two year contract with M&D, the contract for the Sports Field did not need to be advertised this year.

11.2Other matters:

Cllr Rastall reported that the outstanding matter with Alldoors had not yet been resolved.

With regard to the outside lighting, replacement bulbs had been purchased to help reduce the glare impacting a neighbouring property and would be installed shortly.


120916.12 YOUTH CLUB

12.1Committee Chair Report

12.1.1Cllr Chadwick reported that August was quiet with numbers lower than during term time. The Leaders had organised various activities over the summer including a beach visit. Disappointingly, only three children attended. It will be interesting to see if those who have gone up to senior school will continue attending the youth club.

12.2There were no other matters



13.1Cllr Rastall asked if larger signs could be put up reminding people about picking up after their dog. Cllr Debenham advised that suitable notices can be obtained from the Dog Warden. He will also visit the parish and will follow up reports of dog fouling if appropriate details are provided. An article in the newsletter may also remind people of picking up after their dogs and she also suggested a dog monitoring day.


14.1Members were advised of the Boundary Commission’s draft recommendation re District Council boundaries. The consultation closes on 31 October 2016.

14.2Members received and noted a letter from the Leader of TDC regarding the Radio 1 Big Weekend, thanking the Parish Council for their support and enclosing a report which was taken to the Executive meeting of TDC recommending approval for the allocation of £34,256 from general reserves to meet the cost variance associated with transport planning for the Weekend.

14.3Members were advised of DALC’s AGM and Conference on Tuesday 11 October.

14.4LCR Subscription Renewal – it was agreed not to renew the subscription to this publication at £17.00 per annum.



The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Monday 10October2016 commencing at 7.45pm in The Starcross Pavilion, Generals Lane, Starcross



Chairman of the Parish Council DATE: 10 October 2016

Note: In cases where a document or paper is referred to on the Agenda or the Minutes, this document will be available EITHER on the Parish Council website or on request from:- The Clerk to the Council, 16 Westwood Cleave, Ogwell, Newton Abbot TQ12 6YE. 01626 330311

Starcross Parish Council Finance Report – 12 September 2016

Summary of Bank Balances at 9 September 2016

Current Account

/ £9,600.16
Pavilion Trading Account / £1,887.45
Allocated Reserves / £36,173.76
Total / £47,661.37

Income: 11 July – 9 September 2016

Allocated Reserves – interest



VAT rebate (pavilion)



VAT rebate (general)



Pavilion/Sportsfield hire



Youth Club takings



SSCA (grant for table tennis table)



Authority for cheques/online payments – Current account



VFM Products Ltd

-Pitch marker

/ £362.16
(paid 8/8/16)



Starcross Church

-Grass cutting

/ £75
(paid 8/8/16)



Fitpatrick Wolmer

-New wall mounted noticeboard

/ £391.20



Starcross Church

-Grass cutting

/ £75



Birbeck Landscapes

-Grass cutting

/ £1,010



Powderham Estate

-Half yearly allotment rental

/ £105



M & D Hire

-Sportsfield grass cutting Jul, Aug & Sep

/ £1,240.48

Payroll (July and August)

/ £1,858.64



HMRC (July)

/ £66.40
(paid 8/8/16)



HMRC (August)

/ £96.20
Authority for cheques/online payments – Pavilion trading account



Hygiene Supplies Direct Ltd

-6 x Hand dryers

/ £246.59



T Greenslade

-Pavilion security & cleaningfor Jul & Aug

/ £320



J Greenhough

-Pavilion and youth clubexpenses for Jul &


/ £54.96



J Hopper

-Pavilion expenses

/ £74.48



S Rastall

-Ink cartridge for printingon behalf of the Youth Club

/ £13
Direct Debits

Opus Electricity (21/716)

/ £58.85

Opus Electricity (22/8/16)

/ £58.62

Opus Gas (26/7/16)

/ £19.10

Opus Gas (26/8/16)

/ £17.32

BT (1/8/16)

/ £41.72

BT (2/9/16)

/ £38.99

South West Water (1/9/16)

/ £72.39

Bankline (15/7/16)

/ £27.70

Bankline (15/8/16)

/ £26.90

VATon Pavilion (10/8/16)

/ £161.26

PWLB (31/8/16)

/ £1,909.54