Spencer Family History


It seems sure that our Spencer family comes from Otsego, NY in 1810 to Ohio. This is where we are left in the research. It is suggested that the Spencers come from Connecticut into Otsego Co. NY.

The Rice-Moore Collection, 1837-1876 is a small manuscript collection located the at the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library that contains original documents prepared by Reuben Rice, who would have been the brother of Susannah (Rice) Spencer Dean Hammond, Lucy (Rice) Spencer and Abigail (Rice) Spencer. I have not seen the collection, but a summary of the contents of the collection indicates that the three Rice sisters married the three Spencer brothers. See Source 15 for more details.

Need to see the book on Otsego County, NY by Whitman and Bullock, 1939, which mentions “In 1790, Israel and Eliphas Spencer, from Spencertown, town Austerlitz, Columbia County, N.Y. settled on Franklin’s Patent and their brother, Phineas, settled on State lands. On Feb. 4, 1795, a grant of 4800 acres of land was made to Israel Spencer and his son Israel, Jr…” See “Need to See” at the end of this chapter.

Spencer Y-DNA Project reports that Matthew J. Spencer who marries Abigail Rice is descended from one of 4 brothers, namely, William (1601-1640), Thomas (1607-1687), Michael (1611-1653) OR Gerard Spencer (1614-1685).

Rumored line (internet):

1. Gerard Spencer born 25 Apr. 1614.

2. Nathaniel Spencer born 1658.

3. John Spencer born 30 Mar. 1689.

4. Joel Spencer born 1713.

5. Israel Spencer born 1743.

6. Eliphas Spencer dies 1813. 1. Patience Whitmore 2. Susannah Rice.

Spencer Family First Generation

Unknown Spencer and Unknown

Note: Need to investigate the Spencers in Otsego, NY. Went to Otsego County and had no luck. I’ve got my eye on an Israel Phineas or Eliphaz Spencer as the father.

“Maryland Twp., Otsego Co., New York [formed from Worcester in 1808]: …The settlement of the town dates back to 1790 at which time Elisha Chamberlain and the three brothers, Israel, Elephas and Phineas Spencer, located near the present Mary-land station on the railroad. The first settlers where Chaseville is now located were Jotham Houghton and his two sons Jeremiah and Daniel. Daniel was captain in the War of 1812. Wilder, Ezekiel, and John Rice settled near Schenevus. ….Caleb Boynlou… Joseph Howe… Josiah Chase… John Bigelow… John Thompson and his sons John and James, ...Earl Wright, Philemon Perry, Eleazer Gove, John Kelly, and Chase Brothers Asa, Dean, Seth and John.” 5

“One of the first necessities of the early time was a grist mill near at hand. For a long time all grain had been sent to Cherry Valley. There was, therefore, great rejoicing when in 1794, those enterprising pioneers, Israel and Elisha Spencer erected a mill near the present Maryland Railroad Station. At about the same time Jonathan Houghton built a saw mill near Chaseville, but afterwards removed it to a place near Spencer’s Mills. These mills were built by Phineas Spencer the pioneer carpenter. He was a mechanical genius. He made furniture, plows and coffins. For years he made all the burial cases free of charge. The were doubtless made as was the custom in those days of pine boards, colored black by a solution of water with the ashes of straw.” 5

“The first death in the town was that of the wife of Josiah Chase. The remains were buried a distance of seven miles to the Maryland Cemetery, the bearers being on foot as was the custom, for this was regarded as more respectful to the dead.” 5

CH: 6. Eliphas Spencer marries Susannah Rice.15

7. Aaron Spencer marries Lucy Rice.15

8. Matthew Spencer marries Abigail Rice.15

9. Others?

Spencer Family Second Generation

Note: Eliphaz Spencer might be the name of both a father & a brother. Jury is still out.

6. Eliphaz Spencer marries Susannah Rice.15 Eliphaz dies in 1814 Susannah marries 2nd to Barzilla Dean; and 3rd to Mr. Hammond.15 Susannah Dean is listed in the will/estate records of her father, Ezekiel Rice. She is the daughter of Ezekiel Rice and Judith Willard.15 See Rice Family Chapter. How much older is Eliphaz from his brothers? Was he engaged in a marriage prior to the one to Susannah Rice? Was her name Patience Whitmore? If there is a guardianship record in 1813 that leaves Eliphaz’ children to his brother Mathew, is that because the children are a product of this 1st marriage? Why didn’t Susannah Spencer Dean take the children? Did three Rice sisters marry three Spencer brothers? Or is something else entirely, going on.

The Rice-Moore Collection, 1837-1876 is a small manuscript collection located at the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library that contains original documents prepared by Reuben Rice, who would have been the brother of Susannah Rice Spencer Dean Hammond15. I have not seen the actual collection, but a summary of its contents indicate that three Rice sisters married the three Spencer brothers. See Source 15 for more details.

Supposedly there is an actual will for Eliphaz Spencer, which I was not able to locate at the Champaign County Courthouse . Would have been nice to see if a widow was named. Also a document I couldn’t find (at the courthouse), but (index of it) lists Matthew J. Spencer to be guardian to some of the children namely, Zipporah (19) and Polly (15). Are they nieces or siblings? There’s also internet talk that this is Eliphaz Sr. and that Eliphas Jr. dies in 1825 in Clark Co.: if that is true than Eliphaz is probably the patriarch and dies in 1813. I am leaning towards it being an elder brother, despite the potential age difference; Matthew would have been about 24 years old in 1813.

Estate of Eliphaz Spencer1

An application letter of administration on the estate of Eliphaz Spencer dec’d was granted to Mathew J. Spencer who together with Aaron Spencer and Judah Chamberley gave bond in the sum of one thousand dollars for their faithful administrating and Andrew Hodge, William Baird and John Thompson are appointed appraisers.1

Account Sales of the Estate of Eliphaz Spencer dec’d:

Abraham Sprague one collar 1.35 John Timmons one chain 4.10

Jacob Elsworth one hoe 0.80 Andrew Hodge one hammer 1.12

Geo. W. Simkins one shovel 2.80 Wm. Lane one shovel 1.68

Thoda Norton yokeirons 1.30 Thos. Rathbun one pitchfork 0.77

Edmund Timmon one trommel 3.00 Thos. Rathbun one hatchet 2.00

Thoda Norton one hatchet 4.06 Wm. Frost one ax 1.75

Wm. Hendrix 1 bake kettle 1.72 John Elsworth one kettle 1.80

Barzillar Dean one teakettle 2.60 Sam’l Mcmillin one pot 3.00

John Elsworth one flatiron 1.26 Abraham Sprague one clevis 0.80

Barzillar Dean one Sickle 0.68 Barzillar Dean one Reed 1.06

John Timmons one Reed 1.00 Simeon Bardwell one Waistcoit 0.85

Samuel McMillan one lanthern 2.00 Matthew J. Spencer one Waistcoat 1.00

Geo. W. Simkins one waistcoat 0.55 W. Frost one waistcoat 1.00

Benj. Norton one bottle 0.65 Simeon Bardwell one coat 3.00

Simeon Bardwell 1 pr. Pantaloon 1.5 Thos. Rathbun one Watch 11.00

Simeon Bardwell one watch 10.00 Thos. Rathbun one watch 14.60

Simeon Barwell one watch 20.50 Matthew J. Spencer one inkstand 0.75

Geo. Dalwimple one candlestick 0.3 Barzillar Dean one pair shears 0.63

Jeremiah Curl one pair shears 0.55 Barzillar Dean one tinkettle 0.39

Barzillar Dean two tinpans 0.52 Barzillar Dean one coffeepot 0.26

Barzillar Dean 6 pewter plates 3.32 Barzillar Dean 1 sugar bowl 0.26

Math’w J. Spencer one Pipen box 0.50 Barzillar Dean 11 plattes 1.25

Barzillar Dean one tea pot 0.88 Barzillar Dean 2 bowls 0.52

Barzillar Dean 1 cream pot 0.13 Barzillar Dean teacups +s. 1.38

Barzillar Dean Knives +forks 1.06 Matt’w J. Spencer Knives+forks 1.06

Matt’w J. Spencer spoons 1.50 Geo. Dalwimple three spoons 0.75

Matthew J. Spencer tea spoons 0.57 Sam’l Mcmillin one bed 14.50

Benj. Norton one bed 8.00 Benj. Norton one bed 7.00

Barzillar Dean 1 pr. Stilyards 2.00 Barzillar Dean one gun 6.30

Barzillar Dean two scimmers 0.19 Barzillar Dean two pans 0.13

Barzillar Dean 1 piece leather 1.00 Wm. Bendune one coverlid 7.05

Barzillar Dean one quilt 5.12 Benj. Norton one quilt 4.00

Sam’l McMillin one quilt 4.00 Barzillar Dean 3 blanket 512

Barzillar Dean one mare 13.0 Barziller dean 1 wheal 3.25

Barzillar Dean one chest 3.24 Wm. Lane one chest 3.25

Benj. Norton 1 tablecloth 1.62 Edmund Timmons 2 towels 1.50

Barzillar Dean 2 towels 1.42 Benj. Norton 2 towels 1.45

Jeremiah Curl 1 sheet 2.00 Barzillar Dean one sheet 1.72

Barzillar Dean one sheet 1.40 Elisha Smith one sheet 1.75

Barzillar Dean 4 pillow cases 2.50 Samuel McMillen 2 pillow cases 1.50

Abra’m Sprague one bell 0.50 Jacob Elsworth 1 pr. Pincers 0.50

Barzillar Dean one bucket 0.32 Barzillar Dean one fat tub 1.06

Barzillar Dean one chain 0.30 George Dulrimple one umbrella 2.25

Barzillar Dean one coverlid 9.06 Barzillar Dean one coverlid 10.06

Geo. Dalrimple one bedquilt --- Sam. McMillan one coverlid 9.25

I do hereby certify that the above is the true list of the sale of the personal estate of Eliphaz Spencer dec’d given my hand this 15th of April 1813. 1

Matthew J. Spencer Admin’r1

CH: 10. Older Children? (which could include Matthew & Aaron, really).

11. Zipporah Spencer was born about 1794.1

12. Polly Spencer was born about 1798.1

7. Aaron Spencer marries Lucy Rice.15 Lucy Spencer is mentioned in her father’s will/estate records. See Rice Family. Does Aaron die in 1825? The following guardianship is read in 1828?

“Know all men by there presents that we Lucy Spencer, Jacob Ault, and William Bishop, are held and firmly bound unto the state of Ohio in the penal sum of two hundred dollars current money of the United States for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made and done we bind ourselves our heirs executors and admin. Firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated this 13th day of August 1828. 1

“The condition of the above obligation is such that, whereas the above bounder Lucy Spencer hath this day been duly appointed Guardian of Ephraim Spencer aged 19 Years 3rd Feby last, Sophrona Spencer aged 14 years 29th March last, Augustus Spencer aged 10 years 27th Jan. last, Laura Spencer aged 8 years 21st Feb. last, and Albert Spencer aged 4 years 4th Feb. last. Children and heirs of Aaron Spencer dec’d. Now if the said Lucy shall discharge with fidelity the trust refond in her as such guardian, and shall make an accurate statement of her transactions and a true account of the profits arising from the estate of her said wards, and shall deliver up the sum at such time as the court shall require then this obligation to be void else to remain in full force and virtue. 1

Lucy Spencer (SEAL)

William Bishop (SEAL) Jacob AlT (SEAL) 1

In 1820 Aaron Spencer (and Matthew J. Spencer) is listed as a Head of Household in Harmony, Clark, Ohio: Aaron Spencer M: 1 0-10, 2 10-16, 1 45+ F: 2 0-10, 1 26-44.0 In 1830 Lucy Spencer (and Abigail Spencer) is listed as a Head of Household in Harmony, Clark, OH: Lucy Spencer M: 1 5-10, 1 10-15, F: 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50.0 In 1840 there is a Lucy Spencer as a Head of Household in Jefferson, Muskingum, OH: Lucy Spencer M: 1 20-30, 1 30-40 F:1 15-20, 1 60-70.0 Ours? In 1840 there is also a J. F. Spencer (Springfield) 30-40, James Spencer (Carlisle) 40-50, Josiah Spencer (Springfield) 50-60, and Walcot M. Spencer (Springfield, next to Josiah) 30-40, in Clark County, Ohio; there is a Thomas Spencer 40-50 in Wayne, Champaign, Ohio;0 perhaps these are sons of Abigail or Lucy Spencer. In 1850 I can’t find her.

CH: 13. Older Children?

14. Ephraim Spencer was born about Feb. 1809.1

15. Sophrona Spencer was born about 29 Mar. 1814.1

16. Augustus Spencer was born about 27 Jan. 1818.1

17. Laura Spencer was born about 21 Feb. 1820.1

18. Albert Spencer was born about 4 Feb. 1824.1

8. Matthew J. Spencer was born about 17893 probably in New York. He married 1810 in Otsego, NY or Ohio to Abigail Rice (Unknown Source). She was the daughter of Ezekial Rice Sr. and Judith Willard.15 Abigail Spencer is married in her father’s estate/will records. See Rice Family. She was born about 1792 in Otsego, NY (Unknown Source). Matthew and his two brothers, Eliphas and Aaron, all married Rice sisters, Susannah and Lucy, respectively.15 Then, the brothers came to Ohio.

I find Spencers and Ezekiel Rice in Maryland Twp., Otsego, New York History. Some talk on genforum (internet) suggests that Matthew took the place of Ezekiel Rice in the War of 1812; also that Ezekiel (Jr/Sr?) Rice served alongside Matthew in the war; also, that the administrator of his estate mentions land in Indiana. (???)

In 1813 Matthew Spencer is listed as guardian to Polly 15, and Zipporah 19, Spencers of Eliphaz Spencer.1 Matthew would have been about 25 at this time; which begs to wonder how much older Eliphaz is, if he is a brother.

I have seen it suggested (on the internet online) that Matthew Spencer and Abigail Rice marry 3/10/1810 in Otsego Co., New York, although I don’t see a citation for this, but I have seen detailed information referring to a minister, John Chase (Unknown source). John M. Chase was a pastor of the Congregational Church of Worcester, MD which was organized on May 10, 1792.14

In 1820 Matthew Spencer (and Aaron Spencer) is listed as a Head of Household in Harmony, Clark, Ohio: Matthew J. Spencer M: 2 0-10, 1 26-45 F: 3 0-10, 1 10-16, 1 16-25, 1 26-44; one person engaged in agriculture.0 Matthew J. Spencer dies 17 July 1824, aged 34y 8m 12d; buried in Row 12 Plattsburg Cemetery in Harmony, Clark, OH.3 Abigail is buried with him. His death is listed in one of the books on the History of Clark Co., OH. “April 27 1833, Real Estate Sale: N. W. Q. Sec. 17 R. 9 between the Miami Rivers. Abigail Spencer Gdn. Of heirs of Matthew J. Spencer dec’d Apr. 13, 1833.”4