Dutchtown High School
Field Trip Permission Form
Student Name:______JROTC Period/ Flight: ____/____
Trip Day/Date: Thursday, 30 Apr – Monday, 4 May 2015 Destination: Daytona & Orlando, Florida
Depart DHS: Thursday, 30 April 8AM (Report to JROTC by 7:30AM) Return DHS: Monday, 4 May 3:15 PM approximately
Please Write Approve/Disapprove and Provide Signature
MSgt Ronald DeSears / 6 March – April Behavior & OVERALL JROTC GPA (current), 10 March – April Inspections & 6 March- April PTApproval:
MSgt Arthur Briggs / 6 March – April Behavior & OVERALL JROTC GPA (current), 10 March – April Inspections & 6 March- April PT
Major Sarah A. Beavers / 6 March – April Behavior & OVERALL JROTC GPA (current), 10 March – April Inspections & 6 March- April PT
Parent Signature:______Date:______
Parent Emergency Phone Numbers: ______/______
1. Although this is a curriculum-in-action field trip, the trip is not required for the class.
2. We can only take 32 cadets. The first 32 eligible cadets to return this signed & initialed form package (JROTC permission form - front approved by all three JROTC instructors; the Henry County permission form on back; the JROTC field trip rules form front page 2; and the JROTC emergency medical form - back) and $350 cash/money order (NO checks), will have a spot on the trip (as long as they continue to meet eligibility requirements as explained in the 2 March Florida field trip info letter). Those not in this first 32 will be placed on the alternate list and, must still submit the forms and money by the deadline in paragraph 5 below. Note: please ensure each form on both sides is completed and signed/ initialed in all required spots or we cannot accept the forms or money.
3. Students must meet all eligibility requirements stated on the 2 March Florida field trip information letter.
4. Students are responsible for making up any missed assignments and tests/quizzes in all classes, to include JROTC.
5. Students must return all of the completed forms and $350 cash/money order (NO checks) to Major Beavers no later than Friday, 17 April, 4 pm. All items must be turned in at the same time. Students who won the grants must turn in the balance amount stated on the grant. Students are responsible for their own meal money -- recommend they bring $50 to $75 cash to augment the $12 per day we will give the students Thursday – Sunday (not Monday). All meals will be eaten at fast food restaurants. Students should eat breakfast at home before we depart on Thursday, 30 April.
6. Students should bring their black JROTC polo shirt, Air Force T-shirt, and two pair of jeans for the tour and Island of Adventures, plus clothing for the other days and swimming attire if swimming. It is imperative that students comply with dress requirements.
7. It is crucial that students arrive JROTC promptly by 7:30am for roll call and inspection. The bus will depart at 8AM. Students who miss the bus will not receive a refund.
8. My child understands that he/she must abide by the guidance and instructions provided by the instructors, adult chaperones, and designated student leaders.
9. My signature above acknowledges that once my child pays for this trip, I accept that there will not be a refund if my child has to drop from the trip for any reason, is no longer eligible for the trip, or fails to meet the requirements in #s 6 & 7 above. JROTC can provide a refund ONLY if someone on the JROTC established alternate list can be moved to the primary list.
10. Those on the alternate list will be moved to the primary list in the order in which the forms & money are received. Those on the alternate list who are not selected for the trip will receive their money back on Friday, 23 January.
FIELD TRIP COORDINATOR: Major Sarah A. Beavers (), 770-515-7510, ext. 131.