Summer Camp Scholarship Program
Hidalgo County 4-H Foundation
1616 E. Griffin Parkway, PMB #231
Mission, TX 78572
Phone: 956-929-4767
Don’t miss out on your opportunity for the Hidalgo County 4-H Foundation Summer Scholarship. Fill out the attached application form and return it,on or before September 1, 2014, to the Hidalgo County 4-H Foundation. If you qualify, you will receive a ONE-TIME $150 scholarship.
In order to be eligible for the scholarship you must:
a) be a 4-H member enrolled on 4-H Connect by November 31, 2013.
(Clover Kids are not eligible for this scholarship)
(**Attach 4-H Connect proof of enrollment for the 2013-2014 membership year to your application**)
b) attend a 4-H Camp and/or a 4-H Leadership Camp in regards to your 4-H project,
c) attend a 4-H camp held outside of Hidalgo County that requires an overnight stay.
Examples of 4-H Camps that are eligible for this scholarship; are, but not limited to:
4-H County Camp Texas 4-H Round Up Leadership Lab
Goat Camps Texas 4-H Congress Texas 4-H
Shooting Sports Prime Time Steer Camps
All applications along with 4-H Connect proof of enrollment must be
postmarked by September 1, 2014. Do not send by email or fax.
If you have any questions, feel free to call or email.
Mary Kelley
Executive Secretary
Hidalgo County 4-H Foundation * Summer Camp Scholarship Application
Please complete this application after attending the 4-H Camp of your choice.
**Attach 4-H Connect proof of enrollment for the 2013-2014 membership year to your application**
Personal InformationName:
Address, City & Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Date of Birth: / Age as of Today:
4-H Information
4-H Club Name:
2013-2014 Date of4H Connect Enrollment (Attach proof of enrollment): / Number of Years Enrolled in 4-H:
4-H Projects Completed from 9/1/2013 to 8/31/2014 (list up to four)
1. / 3.
2. / 4.
Camp Information
Name of Camp:
Dates of Camp:
To you, what was the most important thing you did at this camp?
I(4-H member, parent, and club manager)certify that the information contained herein is correct and truthfully reflects my personal and 4-H records. I agree that, if any information contained herein is found to be falsified in anyway, this 4-H memberwill not be eligible for any scholarship now or in the future awarded by the Hidalgo County 4-H Foundation.
4-H member Signature Date / Parent Signature DateAs Club Manager you arecertifying the above 4-H member: (1) was enrolled on 4-H Connect by November 31, 2013(2) was a member of your club for the 2013-2014 membership year and (3) were a participant at the camp/event for which they are requesting a summer scholarship.
Club Manager Signature Date / Club Manager Printed Name Date