Context for Change:Competence, Outcomes and the COPA Model

Carrie B. Lenburg, EdD, RN, FAANOctober 6 & 7, 2005

Carrie B. Lenburg, who developed the Competency Outcomes and Performance Examination Model (COPA), will conduct a 2-day intensive and interactive workshop for nurse managers, preceptors, and educators in academic and service settings. The COPA model provides a context and framework for specifying the competency outcomes, the eight core practice competencies, and the methods for developing objective clinical performance examinations for students or staff. Several nursing education programs and service agencies throughout the country have adopted the model and the Vermont Nurse Internship Project is using the model with new graduates. As a result of this statewide initiative, many Vermont agencies have now adopted the same, standardized competency expectations for all new hires. In addition to the framework and concepts that are universally applicable, a final half-day session will be devoted to specialty groups interested in applying the model for particular practice settings and populations, including institutional and home care agencies. Bring examples of your courses, orientation and other programs, or projects and be prepared to apply components of the COPA model during the workshop. Come prepared to exchange ideas, problems, and solutions and actively engage in the learning process with colleagues from education and service settings.

Workshop Outcomes:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Incorporate the philosophy and methods of the COPA model as the basis for redesigning clinical learning experiences and evaluation methods to promote competence among students, new graduates, preceptors and staff.
  2. Integrate the COPA eight core competencies and competency outcome statements into planned changes to promote competent practice.
  3. Integrate the use of diverse interactive, learner-focused strategies to achieve expected competency outcomes.
  4. Write draft critical elements for specific skills under the eight core competency categories as part of developing competency performance examinations in clinical practice
  5. Apply the COPA framework and principles to specialty areas of practice.

Location: Doubletree Hotel, 1117 Williston Road, S. Burlington, VT Phone: 802-658-0250

Lodging: Special room rates of $113/night are available until September 5th. Please identify that you are with the Vermont Nurse Internship Program group. (be sure to reserve early – this is fall foliage season!)

Contact Resort reservations at: 800-222-8733

Date/Time: October 6 & 7, 2005, 8:00 to 4:30 pm

Contact Hours: 15.6 approved contact hours

This Continuing Education activity was approved by the Vermont State Nurses’ Association, Inc which is accredited as an approver of continuing education in nursing by the American Nurses’ Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Workshop Registration fee: $120 for VNIP member agencies. Scholarships are available for Vermont-based educators and managers, contact Susan via

$240 for non-members – all registrations include meals and coffee

Please make checks payable to: VT Nurse Internship Project

Mail to: Nurse Internship Project, 289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089

Registration: Registration information may be e-mailed (with payment to follow via snail mail).

Name e-mail address

Position Agency

Phone Number


For further info contact: 802-674-7069 Fax: 802-674-7155