Paradise for Tots Christian School Office Use: Status:

Preschool Registration
August 7th-May 23rd

Child’s Name: ______ / Date of Birth: ______ Age:___(as of start date) / M / F
Mom/Guardian’s Name: / Dad/Guardian’s Name: / Sex
______ / ______
Mom Cell: ______Work: ______ / Dad Cell: ______Work: ______
Mom/Guardian’s Address: / Dad/Guardian’s Address:
______ / ______
City, State ZIP: ______ / City, State ZIP: ______
E-Mail: ______ / E-Mail: ______


REGISTRATION FEE: $150.00/School Year - (August to May – School Year)

A registration fee must accompany all registrations to reserve your child’s place in class. This fee is non-refundable per school year. A two-week written notice is required to withdraw your child. There are no make up or vacation days. All classes are subject to availability.
FULL TIME FEES: (Includes class time/Extended day) PART TIME FEES: (Class time: 9:00am -12:00pm)
FT-5 days/week….$725.00/month / PT-5 days/week….$350.00/month
FT-4 days/week….$615.00/month / PT-4 days/week….$325.00/month
FT -3 days/week….$525.00/month / PT-3 days/week….$290.00/month
FT -2 days/week….$390.00/month / PT-2 days/week…..$230.00/month
Days to attend: ___ M ___ T ___ W ___ TH ___ F / Days to attend: ___ M ___ T ___ W ___ TH ___ F
5 DAYS A WEEK / ------I DO NOT authorize my child to be photographed and used in marketing materials & Facebook for PFT only.
Full Day Kindergarten Hours:
8:45am -2:30pm $480.00/month
½ Day Kindergarten Hours:
8:45am – 12:00pm $395.00/month / ALL DAY PRE K FEES:
(CLASS TIME: 9:00am-2:30pm)
$480.00/month-5 days a week
New Enrollment _____ YEAR: _____ / (5 Days a week attendance required)
Returning Student: ___Yes ___No
1st Day of Enrollment: ______/ Like Us on Facebook for
updates and reminders!
How did you hear about us? ______ / Do you currently have a church home? ______Where? ______


Student Name: ______Student Name: ______
Bank Name: ______Name on Credit Card: ______
Checking Number: ______
Routing Number: ______/ Credit Card Number: ______
Phone Number: ______/ Expiration: ______CVV: ______
Street Address: ______Zip: ______
Name on account: ______
Signature: ______/ Signature: ______
Date for withdraw: _____ 1st ____ 5th _____ 10th / Date for Withdraw: _____1st _____5th _____10th

Paradise for Tots Christian Preschool Financial Commitment Form

  1. We agree to pay the tuition according to the following arrangements above [reoccurring payments by check or credit card] and to conclude all required payments before the last day of the current school year.
  1. We agree to pay tuition in full on a monthly automatic payment schedule. On the 15th day of the month a $25.00 late fee will be charged if payment has not been made or arrangements have not been set up through the office.
  1. We understand that there will be a $25.00 charge for any returned checks.
  1. Tuition and fees cover between 75% and 80% of Paradise for Tots operating expenses. It light of this, we will prayerfully ask that our families participate in fundraisers to help off-set the operating costs, maintenance costs and extras that benefit our students, in addition to our tuition payments.
  1. We understand that if our tuition payment is 30 days past due, Paradise for Tots reserves the right to charge your balance to your credit card.
  1. This document is understood to be legally binding and we have read and agree to comply with the above commitment.

Student Name:______

Parent/Guardian Name:______

Signature: ______Date:______


By signing above, I have read, understand and agree with Paradise for Tots Christian Preschool and Kindergarten Handbook.

Paradise for Tots Christian School 13449 N. Tatum Blvd. Phoenix, AZ 85032 602-996-9772