Name of Work: Improvement & Strengthening of roads of Okhla Industrial Area Phase- II in Central Zone

Sub-Head : Imp. /Stg. of roads, drainage system, outfall drain, footpath, central verge Okhla Phase-II

Tender Document No / D/EE(Pr.)-I/CNZ/2009-10/ dated
Name of the Agency
Date of issue
Last Date for submission of queries / Up to 02.00 PM on 20.1.2010
Date for Pre-bid Meeting / At 04.00 PM on 20.1.2010
Venue of pre-bid meeting / Office of Chief Engineer (VII)
Ambedkar stadium, Delhi Gate
Tel: 23311523
Last Date & Time and place for Receipt of bid / 25.1.2010, upto 15:00 hrs. in the Office of the Superintending Engineer (Pr)-VII, Under Bhisham Pitamah Marg Flyover, Sewa Nagar, Delhi – 110003.
Tel. : 24330323
Address for Communication / Executive Engineer (Pr.)-II, Central Zone,
Under Sewa Nagar Flyover,
Sewa Nagar, New Delhi
Tele: 011-24334476

NOTE: This tender Document is not transferable.

The tender document shall contain the following:

S. No / Particulars / Page no
1 / Notice Inviting tender / 3-5
2 / Instruction to the bidder / 6-16
3 / Bill of Quantities / 17-26
4 / General Condition of Contract / 27-138
5 / Special condition of contract / 139-164
6 / Formats of Technical Bid / 165-193
7 / Format of financial Bid / 194-196

Name of Work: Improvement & Strengthening of roads of Okhla Industrial Area Phase- II in Central Zone

Sub-Head : Imp. /Stg. of roads, drainage system, outfall drain, footpath, central verge Okhla Phase-II

Chapter – i


No. D/EE (Pr)-II CENTRAL ZONE /2009-10/15 Dated: 21.12.09


Last date of Download/sale of Tender Document 20.1.10 upto 5.00 P.M.

Last date of submission of pre-bid queries 20.1.10 upto 2.00 P.M.

Date of pre-bid meeting 20.1.10 at 4.00 PM

Date of submission of tender 25.01.2010 upto 3.00 PM

Opening of technical Bid 25.1.10 at 3.15 P.M.

The Executive Engineer (Project-II) Central Zone on behalf of Municipal Corporation of Delhi invites the bids on percentage rate/item rates from the firms/Contractors (including who is not registered in MCD) who fulfill the requirements of eligibility in two envelope system in sealed cover up to 3.00 PM on 25/01/2010 for the under mentioned works

Name of work / Improvement & Strengthening of roads of Okhla Industrial Area Phase- I in Central Zone Sub-Head : Imp. /Stg. of roads, drainage system, outfall drain, footpath, central verge Okhla Phase-I. / Improvement & Strengthening of roads of Okhla Industrial Area Phase- II in Central Zone Sub-Head : Imp. /Stg. of roads, drainage system, outfall drain, footpath, central verge Okhla Phase-II.
1 / Estimated Cost / Rs. 5264.61 Lacs / Rs. 5003.46 Lacs
2 / Cost of tender (Cash/DD) / Rs. 10,000/- / Rs. 10,000/-
3 / Earnest Money / Rs.105.30 lacs (Rupees One Hundred & Five lacs Thirty Thousand only) / Rs. 100.07 lacs (Rupees One Hundred lacs Seven Thousand only)
4 / Time of completion / 24 months / 24 months
5 / Rate hold good for / 6 months / 6 months
6 / Experience of similar works / As below / As below
7 / Cost of similar one project / Rs. 4212.00 lacs / Rs. 4003.00 lacs
8 / Cost of similar two project / Rs. 3159 lacs (cost of each work) / Rs. 3003.00 lacs (cost of each work)
9 / Cost of similar three project / Rs. 2106.00 lacs (cost of each work) / Rs. 2002.00 lacs (cost of each work)
10 / Cost of one work of any nature (either part or separate one) / Rs. 2106.00 lacs / Rs. 2002.00 lacs
11 / Average annual turnover during the immediate last three consecutive years ending 31st March 2008. (attach certificate duly audited by C.A) / Rs. 1580.00 lacs / Rs. 1502.00 lacs
12 / Solvency certificate issued by banker should be attached / Rs. 2106.00 lacs / Rs. 2002.00 lacs
13 / Head of A/C / L.A Roads / L.A Roads

Tenders can be had from (between 11.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m on working days 5.1.10 to 20.1.10) from the office of Executive Engineer (Project)-II, Central Zone, Under Sewa Nagar Flyover, Delhi-110003 Ph. No. 011-24334476. Place of pre-bid meeting will be Office of Chief Engineer (VII), Ambedkar stadium, Delhi Gate, Delhi-110002 Tel: 23311523 and tenders will be submitted in the office of the Superintending Engineer (Pr)-VII, Under Bhisham Pitamah Marg Flyover, Sewa Nagar, Delhi – 110003, Tel. : 24330323. Joint Venture is not accepted. Successful lowest bidder will not be considered for second tender and his financial bid will not be opened.

a.) Should have satisfactorily completed three works or two works or one work costing equal to the amount mentioned above (at S. No. 7 to 9) against the each work during the last seven years ending 30st November,2009 (attested copies of certificate for satisfactory completion of works issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer, to be attached.) And. One work of any nature (either part of or separate one) costing equal to the amount mentioned above (at S.No. 10) with some Central/State Government/ Central Autonomous Body/ Central Public Sector Undertaking. Similar works means work of Rigid Pavement/ RUB/ ROB/Bridges

b)Should not have incurred any loss in more than two years during the last five years ending 31st March 2009.

Part of the Earnest Money as given at Sl No. 03, Rs 20 lacs (Rs Twenty Lacs) has to be deposited in the form of receipt/ treasury challan/ deposited at call receipt/ demand draft / fixed deposit receipt of from a scheduled bank and balance amount of earnest money in shape of bank guarantee of a scheduled bank in favour of Commissioner, MCD valid up to 06 months from date of submission of bids. The RFP form may also be downloaded from the official website of MCD, i.e. www.mcdonline.gov.in, and www.mcdetenders.com. The proposal shall contain the technical and financial bids in separate envelopes. Envelope I shall contain technical bid documents (One original + Two Copies) with E.M and tender cost in case downloaded from website in one sealed envelope. The envelope shall be marked “Technical Bid only”. Envelope II shall contain financial bid only in another sealed cover. Conditional tenders are liable to be rejected.

Executive Engineer (Project)-II/Central Zone

Copy to:-

1. Director P&I with request to get it published on or before 5.1.10

2. All Concerned

3. Notice Board

Name of Work: Improvement & Strengthening of roads of Okhla Industrial Area Phase- II in Central Zone

Sub-Head : Imp. /Stg. of roads, drainage system, outfall drain, footpath, central verge Okhla Phase-II



The aforesaid work includes Improvement & Strengthening of roads of Okhla Industrial Area Phase- II in Central Zone

Sub-Head : Imp. /Stg. of roads, drainage system, outfall drain, footpath, central verge Okhla Phase-II

1.  The tenderers shall read all instructions, terms & conditions, contract clauses, nomenclature of items, specifications, tender drawings, etc. contained in the tender document, very carefully before quoting the rates.

2.  Throughout these bidding documents, the term “bid” and “tender” and their derivatives (bidder/tenderer, bid/tender, bidding/tendering, etc.) are synonymous.

3.  Tender should be signed and witnessed on all page including drawings of tender documents indicating full address of witness and the names of signatories.

4.  Any person who submits a tender shall fill up format for “Financial Bid” of tender document stating at what item rates, he is willing to execute the work.

5.  Tenderers, which propose any alteration in the work specified in the said form of invitation to tender, or in the time allowed for carrying out the work, or which contain any other condition of any sort including any condition or a conditional rebate, will be summarily rejected.

6.  Rates must be filled both in words and figures. In case of ambiguity between the two rates, those filled up in words shall be accepted.

7.  The rate(s) must be quoted in decimal coinage. Amount must be quoted in full rupees by ignoring up to fifty paisa and considering more than fifty paisa as rupee one.

8.  The contractor shall quote his rates keeping in mind the specifications, instructions to bidders, terms and conditions, additional and special conditions, site conditions and nothing shall be payable extra, whatsoever, unless otherwise specified in the tender document.

9.  In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each partner thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to do so such power of attorney should be produced with the tender and it must be disclosed that the firm is duly registered under the Indian Partnership Act 1952.

10.  The bidder should designate one person (“Contact Person” and “Authorized representative and Signatory”) authorized to represent the bidder in its dealings with Municipal Corporation of Delhi. The “contact person” and Authorized representative and signatory shall sign the Acknowledgement of Receipt of request of proposal document. This designated person should hold the Power of Attorney and be authorized to perform all tasks including but not limited to providing information, responding to enquiries, entering into contractual commitments on behalf of the bidder, tenderer etc. The covering letter submitted by the bidder shall be signed by the Authorized Signatory and shall bear the stamp of the entity thereof. It will be better that the contact person should have Delhi address to avoid delay in communication/response.

11.  Value Added Tax, Education cess, Labour Cess or any other tax etc. as applicable on date of submission of tender shall be paid by the contractor himself. The contractor shall quote his rates considering all such Taxes.

12.  The bidder shall ensure that he has valid registration for works Tax/VAT.

13.  A sum of Rs. 100.07 Lacs has to be deposited as Earnest Money. As part of this, Rs. 20.00 lacs shall be accepted only in the form of Treasury challan/deposited at Call Receipt of a Scheduled Bank guaranteed by the Reserve Bank of India/Banker’s Draft of a scheduled Bank/Demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank/Fixed deposit receipt (FDR) of a Scheduled Bank and balance may be accepted in form of unconditional bank guarantee in favour of MCD issued by a scheduled bank valid up to 06 months from date of submission of bids. Commissioner, MCD or his successors in office shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in the law, be at liberty to forfeit E.M in case of failure by the contractor to commence work.

14.  The tender, which is submitted without earnest money or is not duly signed by authorized signatory or is conditional shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be summarily rejected.

15.  Tenderers seeking any clarification or pointing out any ambiguity in tender document shall make a reference in writing to Executive Engineer (Project)-II Central Zone MCD by 2.00 PM on 20.1.2010 positively.

16.  A pre-bid meeting will be taken by the Chief Engineer on 20.1.2010 at 04.00 p.m. in the office of Chief Engineer-VII, MCD at Ambedkar Stadium, Delhi Gate to apprise the bidders. The tenderers are free to make any suggestion during the pre-bid meeting for the consideration of MCD. In case MCD feels appropriate to incorporate suitable modifications including any additions and/or deletions, the same shall be affected by issue of addendum. The addendum shall form part of the agreement. Attending of pre bid meeting by the tenderer along with their consultant is compulsory all the tenderer.

17.  The site full or in parts for the work shall be made available at the time of issue of work order.

18.  Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their tenders as to ascertain the site condition, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their tender. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity, access facilities for all workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions / local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.

19.  The competent authority on behalf of Municipal Corporation of Delhi (herein after referred as MCD) does not bind him to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves to him the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without the assignment of any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions is not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the tenderer shall be summarily rejected.