Tender for
School Management System
Feb 2018
Tele : 05942-220051 E-mail : ssghorakhal
No: SSGK/CompLab / 2017-18 Date ______
Cost of the form Rs. 500 /- paid vide SSGK MR No. / DD No. ______dated ____
Earnest Money Rs5000 /- paid vide DD No. ______dated ______
Tender forSchool Management System
(Any alteration / addition made in the tender form will make it null and void)
1.Sealed tenders are invited from agencies of good repute having sound financial background and experience, by 1215 hrs on 26 March 2018,for school management system.
2.Tender forms are available at school office on payment of Rs 500/- (non-refundable) throughSBI demand draft in favour of PRINCIPAL, SAINIK SCHOOL GHORAKHAL, payable at Bhowali, (CODE NO. 1352), up to 1215 hrs on 26 March 2018. Earnest money Rs 5000/- in the form of Demand Draft, refundable on finalisation of tender, in favour of Principal Sainik School Ghorakhal, as mentioned above, is to be remitted along with filled-in tender form. In case the tender form is downloaded from the Internet, received by post, or by any other means, it shall beaccompanied by two separate demand drafts for Rs 500/- (non-refundable amount towards the cost of the form) and Rs 5000 /- (towards EMD). In case, cost of tender form, and /or EMD is not deposited, the tender will be summarily rejected and the draft accompanying the tender form shall be forfeited. Tenders will be opened 1230 hrs on 26 March 2018, in presence of the bidders / authorised agents, in the School premises. Principal reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning reasons thereof.
The rates quoted should be for the branded items, inclusive of all charges, all taxes including for free delivery at the school site on stipulated date & time.
(b)The firm must quote IT, Sales Tax, GST registration numbers, TIN, as applicable and attach documentary proof for the same along with the tender papers.
(c)Incomplete, illegible and over written tenders are likely to be rejected by the board of officers. Also, it is not mandatory on the part of Principal, Sainik School Ghorakhal to award contract to the agency / firm quoting the lowest. The decision of the Principal is final in case of acceptance / rejection of any tender depending on merit / quality and the factors in the interest of the school.
(d)The bidder is to note that once contract is finalised, after due negotiations of rates, has to deposit security amount i.e 5% of supply order in the form of DD, before the indent for supply is placed. In case the approved bidder fails to deposit security money by the due date, the EMD will stand forfeited and would have no further claim of the contract and forfeited amount.
(e)Items will be supplied as per the indent with in stipulated time mentioned in the indent form. Collection of indent form from the school is the responsibility of the supplier. Inferior and sub-standard quality of items will not be accepted. Substitute items if supplied, will not be accepted. Items supplied must be of latest make and a certificate covering guarantee period / maintenance, be submitted during the installation.
(f)Request for enhancement of rates of any items under any circumstances, will not be considered once the rates are finalised. Hence, the bidder is to quote rates accordingly, keeping the market forces factor in mind. The market standing of the contractor in terms of permanent shop, infrastructure, financial soundness, previous service to the school, etc., shall be verified before award of the contract.
(g)Payment will be made by crossed cheque/Bank Draft only, once in a month on submission of the corrected bill, within a month from the date of the receipt of the corrected bill for the items actually received in good condition. The TDS deduction from payment will be made as per the Income Tax. No advance payment is permissible. The copy of PAN number must be enclosed with Tender form
(h)In the event of short supply or failure of supply on the stipulated date and time or rejection of the supply, the school is at liberty to purchase the indented items from the local market without prejudice. The excess cost paid over and above the contract rate of such items locally purchased, inclusive of charges and departmental charges will be recoverable from amount due to be paid to the contactor by way of redemption of monthly bill or from the security deposit. In addition a penalty to the extent of Rs.100/- will be imposed for any day during the month if the Principal, Sainik School Ghorakhal is convinced that the failure in meeting the demand either in part or full is due to the carelessness or negligence of the supplier.
(j)All supplies will be subject to approval by the Principal, Sainik School, Ghorakhal or by arepresentative appointed by him before they are finally accepted / or any payment made. Supply will be delivered at school premises at the cost of the contractor and when needed and where applicable, will be compared with the brand / sample already obtained, and inspected. Damaged or inferior items will have to be replaced by the contractor at his cost.
(k)Inability on the part of the contractor, to continue with the contract any time during the approved tenure will be liable to forfeiture of the entire security amount deposited with the school, without any notice and the contract shall be awarded to the next agency, without any prejudice.
(l)The Principal, Sainik School Ghorakhal reserves the right to or not to demand any item / service, given in the tender.
(m)In case of any dispute, the decision of the Principal, Sainik School Ghorakhal shall be final which will be disposed of within the Nainital court jurisdiction only.
(n)Rates should be written in figure as well words also.
(o) The sealed envelope of the tender paper of items will be stipulated with the category for which the tender is submitted i.e. ‘Tender forSchool Management System
4.The above mentioned details, terms and conditions from Sl. No 1 to 3 (o) have been read and understood by me/us and I/we express my /our acceptance towards them same.
Signature of the Bidder.Enclosed Demand Draft for
Name: ______(a)Rs.5 00/- towards cost , and / or
______(b)Rs.5000/- as EMD along with this Tender Form .
Tel : ______(Tick / Strike out as applicable)
E-mail (if any) : ______
State Bank of India Account Number:______
PAN No.-______
1. Description of the required automation system
Sainik School Ghorakhal is an educational institute affiliated to CBSEcurriculum, New Delhi under the aegis of Sainik Schools Society, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi. At present we have approximately 530 students, 30 faculty, and 100 permanent/ contractual staff. Our campus is fully residential with a large number of amenities.
Management of all the institute-wide processes is impossible without an effective and friendlyautomation. Therefore, we plan to implement a user-friendly, secure, fast, and robust institute-wideautomation. The units to be automated include offices of Principal, Vice Principal, Administrative Officer,Senior Master, Office Superintendent (Personnel Management, Mail and Dispatch System, Online Leave System,Pension, Recruitment), Accountant (Finance, Accounting, Audit), Quartermaster(Stores and Purchase,Estate Management, Guest House, Security) Mess, Infirmary (Health Centre), Hostels, and Library.Wealso require seamless integration of existing class-room learning management system of M/S Extramarks Company.
Scope of Work:
Even though we plan to automate all the processes, presently the tender is for major tasksas-
(1)Library automation:- Search and index facilities, barcode/RFID features for borrowingbooks, e-book borrowing, online recommendation and purchases of books by faculty andstaff, stock reconciliation, etc.
(2)Student Result Analysis System:- The software should be analysis of results of all students (class wise, subject wise, Section wise, teacher wise ). Software should have provision of giving analytical input of progressive improvement of student from class VI-XII and IX –XII.
(3)Student Administration:- All data pertaining to students , Accounts, office documents, Medicals.
1) Automation software should provide relevant services onmobile and handheld devices.
2) The vendor should provide complete database schema and access to raw data, so that in theevent SS Ghorakhaldecides to change the automation software in part or whole, the existing data canbe easily and seamlessly ported to the new software.
3) Wherever possible, SS Ghorakhal would encourage the vendor to share the source code ofapplication software.
4) Biometrics and smart-id features should be included for the appropriate modules. Digitalsignatures should also be implemented.
5) We should go paperless as much as possible. The document delivery system should includebarcode/RFID features to enable tracking.
6) We would need to port all our existing digital databases to the new system. This includesstudent and faculty data, accounts, etc. The porting to the new systemshould be smooth and error free. Most of our data is in a digital format.
7) Remote access in a secure and authenticated way when the faculty and students are awayfrom the institute.
8) Information security and data integrity. If any ready-made software is to be used, then itshould have proper certification about the quality. The passwords and valuable data shouldbe encrypted.
9) Feedback/acknowledgments through email/SMS/mobile app.
10)Regular backup and recovery of the complete database and application software. Completeprotection against data losses.
11) The system should be available 24x7.
We are open about the platforms on which the software is to be written. However, we have thefollowing requirements:
1) The integration among various modules must be clean and seamless.
2) The software should be written in a generic platform so that its life and continuity isguaranteed. Even though we do not specify the platforms at present, the committee reservesits rights to reject very specific platforms.
3) For cost effectiveness, the vendors are encouraged to use available open source software(e.g., OS, accounting, class management system, librarymanagement system).
However, the responsibility ofintegration with our aforementioned features lies with the vendor.While the automation system will work through the institute physical infrastructure, theirinstallation and maintenance is out of scope of the automation. The above scope is not intended to be exhaustive but indicative. Any other additional activity,which SS Ghorakhal deems to be beneficial, can be added to the scope of activities at a later time.
2. Model of engagement: SS Ghorakhal would need the vendor to use a managed services model for the above systems for a period of FIVE YEARS from date of go-live. In particular, the vendor must provide automation softwareinstallation, commissioning, hardware and software maintenance, regular backup module, andcomplete support for thefive yearsafter go-live by a dedicated onsite team. Bug fixing, featureenhancement and higher-level support may be provided through offsite backend. SS Ghorakhal expects thecomplete automation to go live in 01 months after the order has been awarded.
Managed services will also include providing software licenses, hardware, bug fixing,enhancements, upgrades, functional and technical training of SS Ghorakhal personnel, and other relatedactivities. The vendor will take the end-to-end ownership as a single point contact to ensure smoothfunctioning of the IT operations by providing requisite resources.
3. Tendering and selection process
To select a vendor for the development, roll-out, and maintenance of the automation system, wehave two-phases of tendering process.Vendors requested to participate in technical and financial bids forthe next phase. Final selectionamong these vendors will be based on their technical solution and financial bid.
SS Ghorakhal reserves the right to make any changes deemed suitable in the above process depending on theneed.
The vendors are requested to send their tender to the following address:
Sainik School Ghorakhal
PIN– 263156
4. Selection criteria:-The selection would be based on
1) Technical competence of the company.
2) Experience in writing automation software for boarding school.
3) Experience in integration of various modules and other relevantlegacy and third-party modules.
4) Track record of the company.
5) Financial and operational stability of the company.
6) Innovative solutions proposed by the vendor
Throughout the entire vendor selection process, the following will apply:
1) Even though a vendor/applicant may satisfy the specified requirements, bids/applicationsshall be liable to disqualification if:
a. Misleading or false representations have been made or information deliberatelysuppressed in the forms and enclosures required in the pre-qualification document.
b. The party has a record of poor performance such as abandoning work, notcompleting the contract, etc.
2) SS Ghorakhal reserves the right to accept or reject any application and to annul the entire vendorselection process, as well as reject all applications at any time, without assigning any reasonor incurring any liability to the applicants.
3) Any effort on the part of the vendor/applicant or his agent, to influence or to pressurize school shall result in rejection of the application.
While the above criteria are indicative, school may choose to change criteria if needed, based onadditional information obtained from the vendors or otherwise. SS Ghorakhal also reserves the right torestrict the short-listing of firms to any number deemed suitable by it.
Note the following:
(1) To safeguard against a bidder’s withdrawing or altering its bid during the financial andtechnical bidding, an Earnest money/Bid Security has to be paid to the institute by the bidder.
(2) To ensure due performance of the contract, a performance security is to be obtained from thebidder who has been awarded the contract.
Detailed information and instructions for bidders
a) If the bidder is an individual, the application must be signed above the full typed name andcurrent address of the bidder.
b) If the bidder is a proprietary firm, the application must be signed by the proprietor abovehis/her full typed name and the full name of the firm with its current address.
c) If the bidder is a firm in partnership, the application must be signed by all the partners of thefirm above their full typed names and current addresses, or alternatively by a partner holdingpower of attorney for the firm. In the latter case a certified copy of the power of attorneymust accompany the application. In both the cases, however, a certified copy of thepartnership deed and current addresses of all the partners of the firm must accompany theapplication.
d)If the bidder is a limited company or a corporation, the application must be signed by a dulyauthorized person holding power of attorney for signing the application; in this case, a copyof the power of attorney must be provided.
a) All information called for, in the enclosed forms, must be furnished. If for any reason,information is furnished on a separate sheet, it must be mentioned in the relevant column ofthe forms. For forms A to F, even if no information is to be provided in a column, a ‘nil’ or‘no such case’ entry must be made in that column. If any particulars/queries are notapplicable in case of the bidder, it must be stated as “not applicable”. The bidders arecautioned that by not providing complete information called for in the application forms, ornot giving it in clear terms, or making any change in the prescribed forms, or deliberatelysuppressing the information may result in the bidder being summarily disqualified.Applications made by email, telegram or telex and those received late will not beentertained.
b) The application should be in a typed form. The bidder should sign each page of theapplication.
c) Any information attached in A4 size sheets must be endorsed with the seal and signature ofthe bidder(s) along with the date of submission.
d) Overwriting should be avoided. Corrections, if any, must be made by neatly crossing out, initialing, dating and rewriting. Pages of the pre-qualification document are to be numbered.Additional sheets, if added by the bidder, must also be numbered by the bidder. Thecomplete application must be submitted as a package with a signed letter of transmittal.
e) Noadditional presentation (e.g. .ppt) or spreadsheet (e.g., .xls) must be embedded in thedocuments. Pasted pictures not preferred. However, if pasted pictures are provided, theyshould be of readable font size.
f) References, information and certificates from the respective clients certifying suitability,technical know-how or capability of the bidder must be signed by the authorized person orequivalent.
g) The bidder may furnish any additional information, which the bidder thinks is necessary toestablish its capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged work. The bidder is,however, advised not to furnish superfluous information. No information shall beentertained after submission of tender document unless SS GHORAKHAL calls for it.
Any information furnished by the bidder found to be incorrect, either immediately or at a later date,shall render the bidder liable to be debarred from participation in this work as well as in futureworks.
Bidder must furnish the annual financial statements for the last five years in Form A.
a) Bidder must furnish the following:
i. List of all works of similar class successfully completed during the last five years(Form B).
ii. List of all the projects under execution or awarded (Form C).
b)Particulars of completed works and performance of the bidder duly authenticated/certifiedby an authorized officer or equivalent should be furnished separately for each workcompleted or in progress (Form D).
Bidder is required to submit the following information in respect of its organization (Form E):
a) Name and postal address including email, telephone, fax & telex numbers etc.
b) Copies of original documents defining the legal status, place of registration and principalplaces of business.
c) Names and title of Directors and Officers who shall be concerned with the work, withdesignation of individuals authorized to act for the organization.
d) Information on any litigation in which the bidder was involved during the last five years,including any current litigation.
e) Authorization for employer to seek detailed references.
f) Number of technical and administrative employees in parent company and/or subsidiarycompany and how these employees will be involved in this work (Form F).