FIRE PREVENTION / Inspection Management ProgramReview Date: / 1/1/2012
Effective Date: / 3/8/2012
Supersedes: / 10/14/2008 / SOP / 770.10 / Page 1 of 14
A. Purpose: To provide Fire Prevention staff an efficient and structured means of managing inspection activities in their respective inspection area. To provide Fire Prevention Inspection Supervisors with an efficient overview of fire prevention inspector(s) field activities.
B. Scope: This information is provided to and applies to all Fire Prevention and clerical support personnel.
C. Author: The Fire Marshal, through the SOP Coordinator, shall be responsible for the content revision and annual review of this information.
A. It is the responsibility of all Fire Prevention and clerical support personnel to be familiar with and comply with these requirements, where indicated.
a) Establish annual inspection goals and objectives for the Fire Prevention Division.
b) Monitor and evaluate Fire Prevention Division’s inspection goals and objectives.
c) Assist Inspection Supervisors with field related inspection/code related problems.
a) Establish on a routine basis, inspection goals and objectives for each Inspector assigned within their section.
b) Set, monitor, and evaluate Inspector(s) goals and objectives on a monthly basis.
c) Generate, distribute, and log New Construction and other similar inspection requests.
d) Provide assistance to inspection staff on any field related code/process issues.
e) Provide inspection related customer service and follow-up.
f) Monitor inspection areas and inspector workload for possible realignment.
g) Identify, request and provide inspection staff training needs.
h) Monthly generation of Inspector Management Program worksheets.
i) Monthly generation of Annual / Renewable Use permits due for inspection.
j) Generate master address lists per inspection area.
a) Organize and prioritize daily, monthly workload and conduct inspections within his/her assigned area in accordance with the Inspection Hierarchy priority list.
b) Generate daily activity log using Outlook or other similar process prior to departing for the day’s activities.
c) Conduct inspections / re-inspections within specified time frames.
d) Complete all required paperwork / documentation as required in a timely manner.
e) Complete required data input as required based on the type of inspection.
f) Maintain and update system database (Hansen) in accordance with the related procedure.
g) Take appropriate action on fire prevention related items as assigned.
a) Prepare, distribute, and log business license application requests.
b) Evaluate, input, and distribute Customer Service (complaint) requests.
c) Prepare inspection correspondence letters for Fire Prevention staff.
A. It is the policy of the Fire Prevention division to respond to and act upon the inspection requests of the customers of the City of Las Vegas in a timely and efficient manner.
IV. PROCEDURE (See appendix)
A. Fire Prevention Inspection staff shall schedule their workday in a manner and method to maximize efficiency and productivity, never losing sight of the importance of a thorough, concise and accurate inspection. Specific inspection types and customer service requests are time mandated and will be acted on accordingly. The following states the timeframes associated with each action:
1. Action Timeframes
a) New Construction inspection requests: Inspector shall conduct inspection and document findings and status on the day as requested by the customer. (Unless otherwise arranged by requesting party and approved by a Supervisor).
b) Business License Application Inspections Requests: Inspection shall be conducted within ten (10) working days.
c) CS Inspections (Customer Complaints): Inspection shall be conducted within three (3) working days from issuance depending on the type of complaint. Complaints of a serious fire or life safety nature require immediate response.
d) Temporary Use Permit: Inspection request shall be completed within the time frame requested by the applicant.
e) Inspection Service Work Order: Inspection staff shall schedule with applicant on day request was received.
f) Annual Renewable Permit Inspection: Shall be completed within the month of assignment.
g) Annual Fire Inspections: Inspections shall be completed and conducted as per Inspection Hierarchy groups reflected starting in Section V APPENDICES.
h) Re-inspections: Shall be completed on or about the scheduled date which was listed on the original inspection report by the Inspector. The Inspector has the discretion on the amount of time needed to schedule the re-inspection, but at no time should it exceed thirty (30) days. Unless approved by the Supervisor. Once approved, one (1) submittal will be retained for inspection, and document scanning.
B. Processing and Handling CS Inspections (Complaints)
1. Personnel working in the fire prevention division may receive CS INSP complaints from a customer, but the majority of the citizen complaints are processed through the fire prevention switchboard. If fire prevention staff receives the customer complaint, the information contained in sections B and C shall be collected and forwarded on to the clerical staff for input. The following process shall be utilized:
a) Clerical staff shall initially ask for the exact location (address) of the problem being reported. This information shall be used to determine if the complaint is in the jurisdiction of LVFR. If the address does not fall within the jurisdiction of LVFR, give the customer the phone number of the appropriate jurisdiction.
b) If determined to be in LVFR jurisdiction, clerical staff shall ask the customer the nature of the complaint. If the complaint falls into one of the examples reflected below, do not send to the complaint hotline. Refer the call to the Inspection Supervisor immediately available. If no Inspection Supervisor is available, then refer the call to the Deputy Fire Marshal immediately available.
c) Possible life threatening examples:
(1) Locked exit doors in a place of assembly, school, bar, restaurant.
(2) Open flame situation (Torch, welding, etc. except BBQ complaints).
(3) Lack of or no water or no fire department access on construction site.
(4) Overcrowding (at time of call).
(5) Disabled and / or out of service fire protection systems.
2. Customer complaint information shall be inputted into the Hansen system using the CS INSP application as required using the following coding. Submitted complaint shall then be distributed to appropriate inspection staff.
a) HAZ – Hazardous Material complaints.
b) SYS – Fire alarm, Sprinkler other life safety system issues.
c) HYD – Fire Hydrant problems.
d) ACC – Fire Department Access or fire lane issue.
3. The complaint hotline shall be checked a minimum of three times daily by the clerical staff for recorded complaints. Complaints left on the hotline will be processed in accordance with this Section.
4. Any violations shall be entered into the Hansen system under the CSINSP AP number. DO NOT USE THE IMP FOR VIOLATIONS DOCUMENTATION FOR THE CSINSP.
C. Business Licenses
1. Business license summary reports will be generated by clerical staff, applications distributed to appropriate inspectors, and daily totals shall be transferred to the appropriate Excel spreadsheet "Daily Business Log." The business license application overdue list will be copied and distributed to Inspection Supervisors, Deputy Fire Marshals and emailed to Fire Prevention staff.
a) The Inspector shall determine if the business/occupancy requires an inspection by utilizing the following guide:
(1) Nature of business/occupancy falls in Group I, or II (Review Inspection Hierarchies starting on page 10) inspection to be conducted;
(2) Possible fire and life safety hazards associated with occupancy;
(3) Last full inspection date. If over one (1) year, inspection to be conducted;
(4) The need to inspect and /or evaluate fire protection systems based on occupancy / hazard;
(5) If a low risk occupancy, Groups III, and IV (page 3) and there has been a Fire Prevention Inspection conducted at that location within the previous twelve (12) months, the license application may be signed off without conducting an inspection;
(6) Correct Certificate of Occupancy, building and or systems in place for business being applied for; and
(7) Any business license application indicating a change of owner or occupancy shall be inspected.
2. Fire Prevention Inspectors shall normally not “Deny” a business license. If the Inspector feels that the business license application cannot be approved, the inspector shall notify their Inspection Supervisor or Deputy Fire Marshal and report the reason for denial. The Inspection Supervisor or Deputy Fire Marshal will either approve the denial or take action on the license application.
3. A Temporary Status on a Business License can be utilized under specific conditions only. The inspector shall notify their Inspection Supervisor or Deputy Fire Marshal and report the reason for TEMP action. The Inspection Supervisor or Deputy Fire Marshal will either approve the Temp action or take other appropriate action as needed.
4. After taking action on the business license application, the appropriate approval or denial coding shall be reflected on application and then placed in the business license application basket or the appropriate license shall be emailed to the Inspection Supervisor or Deputy Fire marshal for data input by clerical staff. Such information shall be:
a) Business Name;
b) Address;
c) License number; and
d) Desired status.
5. The Inspection Supervisor or Deputy Fire Marshal must approve any deviation from this inspection procedure.
D. New construction requests
1. New Construction requests will be generated, distributed to appropriate inspectors, and daily totals shall be transferred to the appropriate word document and sent to all Fire Prevention staff via email.
a) The inspector assigned the new construction inspection request shall schedule the inspection no later than 08:00 after starting his / her daily duties by calling the phone number listed on the slip. The inspector shall determine the best time using several factors such as: allowing for travel, grouping of inspection types, inspections in the same relative area, required re-inspections due, and the number amount of trips required to complete the inspection (hydro tests).
b) When conducting the new construction inspection, inspection staff shall utilize the reviewed and approved drawings and applicable codes and references to determine if the system or project is code compliant.
(1) NOTE: If the drawings do not reflect a specific code requirement, the inspector shall notify the contractor in writing of the code requirement and that correction is required before final approval is granted.
c) If the inspection is not code complaint, (i.e. hydro, db, battery, pressure loss, etc.) it shall be failed in the Hansen system. Inspection staff shall advise the contractor that no additional inspections will be able to be scheduled until the appropriate re-inspection fees have been paid.
d) If the project is being completed in phases, floors etc, or (multiple hydro tests, fire alarm battery tests, etc) or until such time the permit is completed, the inspection status shall be reflected as “partial passed” in the Hansen system. NOTE: This does not preclude a failed status for non-compliance. Inspection staff shall not hold over a request for multiple day inspections.
e) Inspection staff shall pre-schedule any follow-up required inspections such as second-half hydro tests, second-half 24-hour air or fire alarm battery tests, etc. using the inspection scheduling feature in the mobile software or directly into the Hansen system.
(1) Second-half hydrostatic tests – Same Day;
(2) Second-half 24-hour air test – Next Day;
(3) Second-half 24-hour battery – Next Day.
f) The New Construction form shall be completed, retained, and placed into the appropriate scan bin for processing.
g) The Mobile / Hansen system shall be updated with all comments, inspection stop/start date, times to allow information to be passed on to other inspectors.
E. Temporary Use Permits
1. Temporary Use Permit inspection requests will be generated, and requests distributed to the appropriate inspector for inspection.
a) The inspector assigned to conduct the Temporary permit inspection shall contact the requesting party to schedule the inspection as soon as possible at start of workday.
b) Inspection staff shall utilize the submitted documents, drawings, applicable codes, and references to determine if the installation or project is code compliant. The inspector shall notify the contractor in writing of any code requirements that are not met and that correction is required before final approval is granted.
c) If the permit inspection fails, then this inspection shall be failed in the Hansen system. The fire prevention office clerical staff shall be contacted and permit shall be updated as soon as the inspection status is determined. If re-Inspection fees are applied, Inspection staff shall notify the contractor after the inspection is failed that they will be billed for an additional inspection as a result of the failed inspection.
d) Once the Temporary permit has been approved, one of the copies shall be signed by the contractor/customer and by the inspector for posting at the activity. The remaining copy and any documentation shall be retained with a scan sheet attached and placed into the appropriate scan basket.
e) The Hansen system shall be updated as required with regards to comments, inspection stop/start date, times as required.
F. Inspection Service Work Orders
1. Inspection Service Work Order (ISWO) requests will be generated and requests distributed to appropriate inspector for completion.
a) The inspector assigned to process the ISWO shall contact the requesting party to schedule the activity inspection as soon as possible upon starting his / her daily duties.
b) Once the activity has been completed, the Hansen system shall be updated with comments, inspection stop/start date, times.
G. annual renewable permit inspections
1. Annual renewable permit inspections will be generated and distributed to the appropriate inspector for completion as required by inspection hierarchy.
a) Inspections shall be scheduled and conducted prior to the month of permit expiration. This will allow for any changes, modifications, or corrections to be completed prior to the permit being billed or expired.
b) The specific IMP associated with the Annual Renewable permit shall be utilized to document inspection activity.
c) Any violations, changes to the business phone number, emergency contacts present at the location shall be indicated and reflected on the associated IMP for the address.