Mercury Quality Center Best Practices Overview

This section lists the quality areas that are optimized using Mercury Quality Center. The Mercury Quality

Center best practices follow the same outline. Topics listed in bold are detailed in the following section.

Mercury Quality Center best practices are divided into the following groups:

• People: Describes best practices for organizing your testing team, interacting with other teams, and

training staff to manage your Mercury Quality Center effectively.

• Process: Describes guidelines for processes enabled and automated by Mercury Quality Center and

processes required to manage and operate a Mercury Quality Center of Excellence.

• Product: Mercury Quality Center Deployment – Describes best practices for implementing Mercury

Quality Center, including initial implementation and ongoing support and maintenance.

A brief overview of the subprocesses for each process follows.


• The Mercury Quality Center Organization

1.  Quality group personnel profiles and skill levels

2.  Building the team

3.  Roles and responsibilities

4.  Mercury Quality Center team education program


• Test Strategy Creation

·  Manual and automated testing approach

• Requirements Management

·  Requirements gathering and definition process

·  Requirements implementation in Mercury Quality Center

• Test Plan Development

·  Risk assessment based on quality goals

·  Estimation of work effort

·  Organizing the test plan

• Test Design and Execution Strategy, by test type

·  Business function/component test

·  Business process test

·  Business integration test

·  System integration test

·  Regression test

·  User acceptance test (UAT)

• Functional Testing Automation

·  Test automation approach

·  Automated script design and development

·  Script maintenance and overall test asset management

• System, Environment, and Data Management

·  Test environment management (including test system)

·  Test data management

·  Test data planning

·  Creating data

·  Maintaining data

·  Supplying and scrubbing data

• Defect Management

·  Defect lifecycle

·  Defect attributes and definitions

·  Defect analysis

·  Alignment with Problem Management process

• Quality Management and Reporting

·  Determining key performance indicators

·  KPI tracking and analysis

·  Reporting

• Mercury Quality Center of Excellence Processes

·  Determining quality goals

·  Assessing the impact of Mercury Quality Center on existing testing and development processes

·  Planning for change in communication

·  Making the transition

·  First implementation iteration

·  Expanding operation to an entire department

·  Expansion to several lines of businesses (LOBs)

·  Elements of a shared services structure

·  Work request process and SLAs

·  Project management

·  Charge-back models


• Mercury Quality Center Infrastructure and Setup

·  Identifying requirements for infrastructure deployment

·  Planning the architecture

·  Identifying the hardware – sizing considerations

·  Identifying the security environment

·  Optimal setup

·  Set-up sequence and time estimates

·  Scalability considerations for large deployments

• Mercury Quality Center Integrations

• Mercury Quality Center Administration

·  Managing user groups and user group permissions

·  Customize module access


·  Project customization

1.  Suggested field customizations

2.  Field customization models

·  Template project definition, implementation, and maintenance

·  Project initiation

·  Project archiving

• Mercury Quality Center System Maintenance

·  Administrator communication process and feedback

·  Server management

·  Web and Application server

·  Database server

·  File server

·  Version control

·  Backup administration/maintenance

·  Data archiving

·  Upgrades and patches

·  Maintaining high availability

·  Disaster recovery

·  Localization

Mercury Quality Center Best Practices Examples:

This section contains a limited number of excerpts of the best practices that are utilized in Mercury

Quality Process Service and Mercury Functional Testing Automation Service. This white paper is not

intended to constitute a summary of the complete best practices; therefore, only a few of the best

practices are shown. There is one best practice example for each of product, people, and process

areas. The examples in this section include:

• Quality group personnel profiles and skill levels.

• Test data planning and creation.

• Project customization.

Quality Group Personnel Profiles and Skill Levels:

The organizational design detailed below is a flexible model that can be adapted to organizations of

various sizes and resources, and will contribute to the successful deployment and operation of Mercury

Quality Center.

Building the Team

To maximize resource utilization and make efficient use of available skill sets, it is imperative to build a

team of people to support the Mercury Quality Center deployment. Involving the right people from the

start will help expedite the planning and investigation stage, and uncover potential implementation

setbacks early in the process.

The matrix below contains an example of the details that are appropriate for a subset of the team. This

includes the individual’s function, required technical skill sets, prerequisite knowledge, and more

concrete responsibilities of the team members within the context of the overall process. A complete list

must contain specifications for all roles on the team. Full details on each of the positions are available

during a deployment of Mercury Quality Center.

Personnel with the appropriate skill sets are selected based on the size and scope of the operation,

and in alignment with the new quality management processes. Successful implementation of Mercury

Quality Center requires educated users. Although formal user training takes only one day, it is

recommended to provide the team with additional on-the-job mentoring for the period of approximately

one week. Subsequently establish a communication plan allowing the team access to the Mercury

Quality Center Champion for possible questions.

Information on other Organizational Design sub-topics, such as when best to expand the team, the

interface between the team and other IT and business groups, and how to transfer knowledge to the

individual development teams, is included as part of a full Mercury Quality Center engagement.

Test Data Planning and Creation:

Test data management is an important part of the system, environment, and test management process.

It is recommended to form a team to develop a set of data deliverables to be completed at critical

points in the project lifecycle. These deliverables help ensure that test data is planned and delivered

appropriately. In addition, data review sessions should be held with all key stakeholders to review

deliverables and to provide feedback.

The following section details some of the deliverables and processes that should be implemented to

provide high quality support.

Test Data Planning:

The first point in the software development lifecycle that involves test data planning activities is during

completion of the design.

As the projects’ requirements or change requests are finalized for each release of the projects, the Test

Data Management team completes a release level Test Data Plan. This document is to be created after

Release Management has packaged the overall release. The Test Data Plan and its milestones need to

align with Release Management’s timelines and milestones for each release.

The Test Data Plan should include input from all stakeholders. This allows the Test Data Management

team to coordinate and facilitate necessary data-related activities to aid in a successful release. Further,

the Test Data Plan should focus on the planning and level of effort required of the Test Data

Management team. Testing and development teams should work with the Test Data Management team

to complete the Test Data Plan. The Test Data Plan includes, but is not limited to, information such as:

• Phases of testing to be supported.

• Scope of release.

• Test Data Management level of effort.

• Logistics and milestones by project, test phase, and environment.

• Identification of resources and procedures for test data creation.

• Requirements for data refresh(es) and/or data restoration(s).

Once the Test Data Plan document is created, it should be reviewed by the test execution organization

for approval.

Creating Data

The Test Data Management team is responsible for providing test data to the testing organization based

on the requirements approved in the test plan. The Test Data Management team provides the test data

prior to the test execution phase.

The most efficient and effective way to provide and manage the test data is by use of formalized data

processes and tools. To ensure success, the Test Data Management team implements numerous test

data preparation processes such as data re-use, data consolidation, data restoration, and data sharing.

The Test Data Management team, with the supporting DBAs and System Administrators, can facilitate

data creation in a number of different ways, depending on the unique requirements of the data


One technique is to copy data from production or other environments into the target test environment.

This method should be used when data that meets the requirements is found to exist within other


A second method employed is to manually enter data even though the actual entry may be done

by any of a number of organizations based on data input documents provided by the Test Data

Management team. This method should be used when data does not already exist in other

environments and manual entry is a feasible option given the volume of data requested.

Other possibilities include using data generation tools such as the Usage Generator, restoring

data stored in the data repository, and modifying existing data in the environment to meet the new

data needs. Although the test scripts should be created by the testing organization, the Test Data

Management team would provide the test data that would serve as input to the scripts.

If any modification of existing scenarios is needed prior to the start of testing, the Test Data

Management team would be responsible for facilitating those changes from a data perspective. Any

data modifications required as part of a test become the responsibility of the execution team.

Additional information on the system, environment, and data management processes is included as

part of

a full Mercury Quality Center engagement.

Project Customization

Mercury Quality Center provides extensive flexibility in customizing the product for specific projects. It

is important to plan customization carefully. With a greater number of available user fields, and the

ability to add memo fields and create input masks, users can customize their Mercury Quality Center

projects to capture any data required by their testing process.

The Mercury Quality Center Administrator should customize projects to meet the specific needs of the

testing team. This includes adding and customizing fields, and creating categories and lists that reflect

the needs of a specific testing project and suit the project’s unique quality objectives, standards, and

testing approach. The Administrator can modify the behavior of Mercury Quality Center fields by:

• Restricting users to selecting only values from associated lists.

• Making entry in certain fields mandatory.

• Preserving a history of values entered in a specific field.

• Including data unique to your project by creating user fields.

• Associating these fields with Mercury Quality Center and user-defined lists.

The Administrator can customize and add additional fields that may be critical to collecting relevant

quality metrics. The data quality increases as the drop-down lists and automatic fill-ins are used.

Identify the information required for evaluating application readiness and progress of the testing,

development, and other relevant IT processes. Proper customization of Mercury Quality Center helps to

manage multi-application testing efforts.

Suggested Field Customizations

The suggested field customization options below relate to the major IT processes supported or

impacted by Mercury Quality Center:

Requirements Management

Various types of requirements can be differentiated by creating custom fields. These fields can

indicate whether a specific requirement relates to sizing, system, performance, business process

priority, business criticality, and so forth. Considerations such as the cost of a requirement change

can also be expressed with a custom field.

Change Management

Change requests on requirements can be tracked and managed with custom fields indicating the

current status of the request (new / pending / cancelled). Another custom field can track the number

of design changes requested after the release process.

Configuration Management

Use custom fields to monitor the number of configuration errors detected for each module in the test

plan tree.

Application Development

For more complete information regarding costs and resources, it is possible to create custom fields

that estimate the development time for tests and the deviation from expected and actual

development times.

Quality Assurance

To track weighted defect metrics specific to the testing project, create custom fields for easy


• Manage Releases

Custom fields can be created to track the versions before each release or in some cases the version

number in which certain defects or enhancements will be implemented.

Production Management

Tracking response time with custom fields can help to detect performance and availability problems.

Problem Reporting and Management

Monitor problems that arise after tuning or upgrading by creating custom fields that indicate

the number of problems, their causes, and the cost of fixing. The cost field could be visible to

a select set of project planners and managers or QA analysts.

Field Customization Models:

Use the defect entity field examples below as a guideline for how to name and define the function of

each option in a customized field.

• Defect Type

Provides a drop-down list of values that can be used for defect analysis:

Configuration – Select this type when the defect is due to a problem in the configuration of the

application, application server, or database server.

Data – Select this type when the defect is data-related, such as incorrect values for particular region.

Process – Select this type when there is a problem with the process not matching the system.

System – Select this type when the problem can be identified with an application area.

• Impact

Provides a drop-down list of the following values to track impact: