Sample PLT Log Level J – Narrative Poetry

Student(s) Name(s)/ ARCOTS Code: Level J
Developmental Domain / Progression of Reading Development
Developmental Level & Nutshell Statement / Level J Identify fine nuances in text with unfamiliar context or styles
Evidence for this level? (What makes you say this? / ARCOTS testing student ZPD was Level J. Analysis of work samples against the progression confirmed this.
What is the student ready to learn? / What are the expected outcomes and evidence? / What interventions has the teacher planned? / What worked? What next?
Learning Intention/s
(Specific skill or concept or part thereof to be learned) / Evidence (What the students will be able to do, say, make or write): / Teaching Strategy (What the teacher says, does, makes or writes) / Learning Activity
(Describes what the students are actually going to do) / Resources (People, place or things used in the activity to realise the learning strategy) / Review & Reflection
Combine, summarise and evaluate multiple pieces of information from a range of locations to determine main ideas, message construction and understand character development.
Close reading to enable analysis. / Students will draw conclusions from pieces of implied information.
Students will identify fine nuances embedded within text and discuss orally or in writing the subtle language choices made and how these shape meaning. / Expositive WHOLE CLASS INTRODUCTION
Teacher will introduce ‘narrative poetry’ and record student responses regarding their existing knowledge of common elements.
Teacher will introduce poet Banjo Paterson and briefly outline the era during which poem was written.
Teacher will provide students with the words to the original version of Waltzing Matilda and the Billy Tea version.
Teacher will facilitate a discussion prompting students to compare subtle language differences between the two and consider how these differences affect the meaning/ and their personal response.
Teacher provides samples of different interpretations from the National Sound and Film Archives. Students to listen to two samples and make notes about their personal responses – how does the pace, rhythm, musicality affect/enhance or detract from meaning.
Teacher assigns students to listen to The Band Played Waltzing Matilda and the inclusion of parts fromWaltzing Matilda.
Teacher poses discussion questions related to the purposes of the two different texts(The Band Played Waltzing Matilda and Waltzing Matilda), the possible purpose of using borrowed text. Other questions might include: “How does The Band Played Waltzing Matildause the same language differently?” What other devices are used in The Band Played Waltzing Matildaand to what effect?” “What are the tonal dimensions of the two different poems?” / Students will gain some background information regarding the poet, the time and cultural context.
Students will look at original version of Waltzing Matilda and the Billy Tea version, and make notes regarding similarities and differences.
Students will discuss original version of Waltzing Matilda and the version known as the Billy Tea versionconsidering similarities and differences.
Students will listen to two different recordings and discuss their responses
Students will listen to The Band Played Waltzing Matilda.
Students will discuss the poet’s purpose in writing Waltzing Matilda, the writer’s purpose in writing And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda and his purpose for referencing Waltzing Matilda.
Students will record observations during discussion. / Waltzing Matilda original version

Waltzing Matilda – Billy Tea version
The Band Played Waltzing Matilda- lyrics and audio available at
Computer with sound and earphones. / Review Date: