Sport Education Framework: Ultimate

Documents Needed

Team Name

Roles and Responsibility Summary Sheet

Fair Play/Behaviour Contract: read and sign

Summary of Additional Points available for League positions [announced by the teacher]

-  cooperation with team leader

-  quick organization

-  attitude to practice and within-team games

-  showing team spirit & unity

-  supporting and encouraging team-mates

-  Drawing a logo on the sheet in their folder by the next session

Additional Points sheet on clip-board


1.  Warm-up: GK directs to assigned courts. Warm-up leader to lead warm-up

2.  Teams: Two teams of SIX and two teams of FIVE

3.  Roles: Team captain, skills coach, equipment manager, rules representative, warm-up leader. Note: team of 6 can have an assistant coach

4.  Home Court: One quarter of a sports hall

5.  Assigned equipment: 2 frisbees per team, marker discs, 3-4 bibs, 2 hoops

6.  Team Organization: by GK announced [mixture of gender]

  1. Teams assemble and determine name, logo and chant and allocate roles
  2. Sign behaviour and fair play contract in folders

Two columns set up

Session Organization

1.  Rules representative goes through rules outline with team and answer any questions [5 minutes] Hold any questions unless safety matter.

2.  Play five-minute friendly games against other teams [5v5]. Team chant before each game

  1. 1v2 & 3v4
  1. 1v3 & 2v4
  1. 1v4 & 2v3
  1. Teams of 6 will rotate a sub on and off each minute overseen by the team leader
  1. The sub will cheer for their team and scout other teams in terms of strengths and weaknesses

Shake hands after each game

After two friendly games teams will meet to discuss their current strengths and weaknesses in terms of skills and tactics [facilitated by the coach]

Discuss teams they have played against then play the final ‘friendly game’

4 referees representatives meet to discuss rules that work or what might need to be modified/introduced. Meet with GK to give feedback. Continued stretching and informal passing

Fundamental Skill work in Teams [led by GK]

Backhand Pass and pancake catch

Key points [in your folder for reference]

1. Stand feet shoulder width apart

2. Hold the Frisbee in your dominant hand with the disc parallel to the ground [thumb on top]

3. Start with the throwing arm across the body [hug the body]

4. Extend the arm forward in the direction of the pass and flick the wrist on release

5. Follow through in the direction of the pass

6. Watch the Frisbee in terms of angle dropping and get in line

7. Try the crocodile catch trapping the Frisbee between the hands with fingers spread

8. Try the one handed catch when ready

Practices [led by GK]

In your team with one Frisbee between 2/3

Short passes back and forth while stationary,

Across a circle. Begin with one Frisbee, then introduce two

Pass and move/follow practices

a)  X ------X

XX ------X [pass and follow in 3’s or all five]: stress accuracy and a ‘catchable’ pass, vary the distance and use a direct pass or pass to side.

b)  As above but in a triangle or rectangle with 2 players on a corner



Pass and follow to the receiver [one disc between 5]

Gradually extend the length of passes and be accurate

NOW Complete the partner-assessment check list for throwing [organized by skills coach]. Each player has 5 throws to a team-mate standing about 10-15 years away.

The checklist is in your folder for you to indicate whether the performance element is present [tick], somewhat [star] not developed yet [x].

After the assessment team meets to discuss individual efforts and engage in 5 minutes of peer teaching and support for individuals with the coach leading

The information will give team-mates better feedback as you move to the next task

Team Formal Competition

Equipment Managers

Divide the sports hall into three columns marked by cones/discs

Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3

Passing Accuracy Test [‘Disc Golf’]:

Team Leaders number your team 1-5 (one person will go twice) or 1-6

Staring from an agreed boundary line at the same end, the task is to try and get the disc to land completely inside the hoop in no more than 3 attempts [Par for the hole]. The disc cannot rest ON the hoop. If this happens then an additional attempt is required.

There will be three holes with the hoop placed

a)  close, [about a third of the way along the column]

b)  mid-way and [just over half way]

c)  full length [the full length]

Numbers 1, 2 & 3 will compete in the respective columns first

Numbers 4, 5, 6 will then compete in the respective columns

If the Frisbee goes completely outside the column one shot is added and the next throw is made from where the disc crossed the boundary line.

A non-competing member from each team will over-see the completion of the score-sheet [in folders] and individuals will only officiate and score when their team-mate is playing. Any disagreements must be managed by the non-competing members [if a dispute cannot be resolved then the League Commissioner must be consulted]

Spectators must stand behind the start line and must observe good sport-like behaviour to both their team and other teams.

Team-based Practice

Led by Skills Coach(es) and equipment manager

c) Run, cut, pass, receive

X X (pass) X

Run forward, and receive ‘pass’ [repeat right and left side]

Progression: Run and cut [inner, outer, run-stop, run-stop and run again]

-pass ahead of the runner at a ‘catchable’ height

c)  In a rectangle play 2v1 ‘or 3v1 [with coach coaching] keep disc’: passing lanes, use pivot, pass and move stay one arm length from person in possession of the Frisbee. Progression: Consider only allowing passes below head height

Development: Place a hoop at an end and try to get the disc to a person in the hoop. Include a goal-line that the defenders cannot cross

d)  4v2 or 3v2 half court to 2 hoops

  1. If drop Frisbee then begin again from the half way line
  2. Aim it to pass to a person with at least one foot in the hoop who catches cleanly
  3. Change the 2 defenders after 5 attempts

When you have finished use the planning sheet in your folder to review the session to date and make a plan for team improvement by completing the columns.


Equipment Manager returns equipment to either GK or the cupboard

Brief discussion on the features of today and the next session

-  season [we have 4 hours]

-  affiliation

-  formal competition

-  records

-  festivity

-  culminating event to come [